The Death of a Hero

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"Help me kill the League of Villains." Izuku said.

"No." Touya said instantly.

"Perhaps you have gone soft. Very well then." Izuku said walking off.

"No, I don't think you understood me. We as, in me and you, aren't killing the League." Touya said.

"And why is that?" Izuku said. Touya sighed and pulled her into a nearby alley.v

"I did some undercover work for them and they aren't as bad you think. Just misunderstood or in need of professional help." Touya said.

"I don't care." Izuku said.

"You can't kill people that can be saved, Izuku. That's not what we were trained to do." Touya said.

"These are people who have killed without purpose and are beyond redemption. Why are you trying to save them?" Izuku asked.

"Because they have reasons for being the way they are. Just trust me on this!" Touya pleaded.

"They've willingly killed and ruined people's lives. Why should I allow them to continue to terrorize and give people fear?" Izuku asked.

"Then we'll arrest and disband the League. Killing them isn't nessacary." Dabi said.

"Then we risk them escaping and spreading even more fear." Izuku argued.

"You have 5 days. Prove to me that they are redeemable." Izuku said.


"However, I will be killing Tomura Shigaraki. He'll pay for what he did to my home and my father." Izuku said gripping Touya's shirt.

"Deal." Touya said. Izuku let him go and brushed his shirt clean, reminding him of when they first met.

"Now, let us discuss our plan." Izuku said. The two left the alley, getting some strange looks as they did, and entered the agency.

"You asshole!" Rumi said kicking Izuku as she walked in. Izuku almost dodged the kick but Rumi grazed her face.

"Babe you can't kick people as a greeting." Keigo said.

"You can't go missing for a year and then randomly show up. Also, why are you so tall and pretty!" Rumi said shaking Izuku.

"Ok Rumi, calm down. Remember she's still a growing teen." Keigo said.

"Bullshit! I stopped growing when I was 14, she's 17!" Rumi said turning to him.

"You must have been a terrifying high-schooler." Touya said.

"You want another dropkick?" Rumi asked.

"No ma'am, sorry ma'am." Touya said clutching his stomach.

"That's better. Now, Izuku, explain why you gathered us here." Rumi said leading them to her office. It was more like a second bedroom as there was a bed and a closet. The four sat around a table and all eyes went to Izuku.

"When I was 9 my father made a deal with the man in charge of the League of villains. That man would turn out to be the man All Might fought at Kamino. Once he was defeated, Tomura Shigaraki became the leader." Izuku began.

"My father asked if a few of his members could join him in a project, and he agreed. However, he wanted something in exchange." Izuku said.

"And that was?" Touya asked

"In exchange for an alliance, he wanted to turn me into the ultimate weapon for his use later. My father agreed and here we are to day." Izuku said.

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