Signs of the Future

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"Oh my, I can see why you required goggles. Actually I can't see." Nezu said. Izuku and Nezu were both covered in red, as if a bomb had exploded in front of them. An All Might blood bomb.

"Yes, for someone so skinny, he sure had a lot of blood inside of him. Maybe there was a clog near his digestive system." Izuku said removing her goggles. Nezu did the same and took off his coat.

"Now, the reconstruction process." Izuku said taking her jacket off. "Are you ready?"

"Very. Can you control when it happens at will?" Nezu asked. Izuku nodded and stuck her hand out, eager to see the building of the human body. Nezu also stood eager, and time almost stopped as the process began.

It was truly a sight to behold. Bone appearing from nothing, growing into a giant skeleton.

"Oh my, he truly is a giant." Izuku said.

Then organs and tissue filling and covering the skeleton, forming the giant mass that is All Might.

"His injury made him lose muscle, however even then he was still huge. I forgot how big he was in his prime." Nezu said.

"Yes, I went a little further back. I believe to his late to mid twenties." Izuku said.

Then finally the skin began to cover the newly made body, along with hair growing in all the places. When the process was complete Nezu gasped and Izuku held her chin, as if she were thinking.

All Might was back, and he was fully erect.

"Is this what people call Morning Wood?" Izuku asked, tilting her head. Nezu quickly covered the child's eyes and threw a blanket on All Might.

"Hey, it's nothing I haven't seen before. Well, it's never been that big but-"

"Please stop talking about your stepdad's penis." Nezu said. Then he covered his mouth with his free hand and looked up, however Izuku wasn't listening.

"Can you remove your hands, I must see if he is fully functional." Izuku said. Nezu sighed and lowered his hands, but only after he raised the blanket to hide what was below the waist.

"Now let's see." Izuku said grabbing his arm with her gloved hand. She moved it around a bit, bent his elbow and then moved on to his fingers. She did the same for both arms and then looked at where his injury used to be.

She poked it a few times, getting no response from the sleeping All Might.

"So, what now?" Nezu asked.

"Now I wake him up to see if he's conscious. He's breathing but I need to make sure he can wake up." Izuku said. Then she raised her hand and, slapped his face repeatedly.

"Why, why am I getting a serious feeling of Deja Vu?" Nezu asked.

"Hey, wake up, hey-oh!"

All Might slowly began to open his eyes, much to Nezu's relief.

"Thought we lost you there." Izuku said. All Might took a second to register his surroundings, then noticed that he was naked and Izuku was standing right in front of him.

"I'M SO SORRY!" All Might yelled, quickly backing off the bed.

"You seem to be moving fine. That's good, the reconstruction was a success." Izuku said. Then the door flew open and Inko came flying in, followed by a running Recovery Girl.

"TOSHI!" Inko yelled jumping into her husband's arms. All Might smiled and hugged his wife as she cried into his shoulder.

"Kid, you just performed a miracle." Recovery Girl said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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