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"Wait, wait, I'm sorry, I'm sorry please don't kill me!" Kaminari pleaded as he was being dragged.

"Relax, we won't kill you. We just need your help." Izumi said.

"Why me? There has to be someone stronger or faster or smarter that can help you instead." Kaminari said.

"Nope. C'mon Kami, just one favor." Izumi said letting him go.

"What's in it for me?" The boy asked standing himself up.

"I can help you confess to Pony." Kendo said.

"Deal!" Kaminari said. Some of the girls chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"Ok so look. Izuku is going so through some things right now, and I want to help her. So I was think you could, maybe try hitting on her." Izumi said. Kaminari turned pale.

"Do you want me to die?! She's has a girlfriend dude, also what will Pony think?" Kaminari said.

"Relax. No one can hear you unless your yelling so it's fine. And if you die Izuku will bring you back." Izumi said. "In...A very disturbing way."

"I DONT WANNA EXPLODE!" Kaminari shouted.

"Kami we're kidding. But please, can you do this for us?" Izumi asked.

"Fine. I just hope this is worth it all." Kaminari said walking away.

"Thanks Kami. You're the best!" Kendo shouted.

The girls were walking back to their seats when Iida ran up to them.

"Izumi what are you doing? Your match is up next!" Iida said chopping the air. Instantly Izumi sped off to where she was supposed to be.

"What happened in Tsu's match?" Ochako asked.

"Hatsume used Tsu as a advertisement for her gear as she did me last year." Iida said shaking his head. The girls chuckled as they made their way to watch the rest of the first round.

Nurses office

"Ok, just put this on and lay down on the bed. I'm gonna do some X-ray of your body, scan of your nerves and run some tests." R.G said handing Izuku a hospital gown.

"I still don't understand why I'm here. Also, why my nerves?" Izuku asked. Reluctantly she put the gown on and laid on the nearest bed.

R.G nodded and turned towards a camera in the corner of the room. A small light flashed, indicating that it was being used.

"Your were retrieved from the house of a villain. We just wanna make sure nothing isn't the way it's supposed to be. Also I want to make sure you aren't killing yourself with your method of healing." R.G said. She then wheeled her chair over to Izuku and pulled the X-ray machine above her.

In the camera room

Nezu, All Might, Inko and some other staff sat as they watched the exam play out. Inko looked devastated and All Might was comforting her while also trying to hide his sadness.

The video of Ark exposing Izuku still playing in their minds. It was frightening, the things that man did to her. Even, worse Izuku wasn't bothered at all. It's like she asked for it to happen.

After a around 10 minutes R.G switched to a fancy looking helmet and put it on Izuku. After about 20 minutes R.G pulled off the helmet.

"So from what I'm seeing, some of your nerves have been turned off. Your pain receptors aren't working and from this area it seems you show lack of emotion." R.G said.

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