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The day already neared its end as Zhongli sat by a table that was decorated with all kinds of food and drinks as a cup of sake was placed in his hand. The male averted his eyes to the side as a certain
( H/C )-haired child came into his view, sitting on another chair as their ( E/C ) orbs were observing every dish placed on the wooden table that was way too high for the kid so that only half of their head was seen above.

"You can take whatever you like, ( Y/N )"

The Amber-eyed male said, placing his cup down on the table again as he watched the child that looked at him with big eyes before averting them towards the food again as the sweet nian gao fell in the eye of the kid immediately — a dessert made of a brown sugar cake that's wrapped in pastry and deep fried.

Sparkles could almost be seen in these ( E/C ) orbs of the young kid as they looked at the plate with the sweets, wanting to grab one but unfortunately — their arms where too short.

Zhongli viewed how ( Y/N ) tried to reach the nian gao and decided to just push the plate a little closer so that it was now directly on front of the kid who smiled brightly at the male who also gave a small smile in return as he chuckled, seeing how happy they were with the sweets that they were now eating one after the other.

Something that wondered Zhongli the whole time already, was that the kid had never spoken even a single word. All the years that they spent together already, ( Y/N ) had never said something. The male tried to teach them some words — sometimes just simple names, but the kid would just look at him with a wide grin as Zhongli wasn't sure if they had understood him but just don't wanted — or even could not speak, or if they were just confused and didn't had a clue on what the male tried to do.

However, he just decided to let it be and wait till they would start talking themself — of course he didn't expected them to speak in proper sentences but maybe just the names.

Even though it wasn't that likely to happen any time soon since, well, they didn't talked for like a thousand years or whatever. Some would also might ask themself how it was possible for the kid to not grow even the slightest bit in that time — well, Zhongli wasn't really sure himself. One day at the Archon war, one of the Yaksha had found the child sitting alone in the middle of an abandoned village and decided to bring them to Morax — who at first thought that they would be just a regular kid.

But as years passed, he had to notice that they didn't grew one bit and so it continued with the time,
( Y/N ) not growing physically and neither mentally, just staying kid the whole time. Zhongli believed that  they are most likely some kind of Adeptus that was born in a village of mortals and was then just left behind due to them being different from all the others.

That's why the brown-haired male was even more glad to see the child being happy as he felt the slight responsibility that he had — practically taking in the father figure for the kid and so he made sure that they wouldn't be harmed in any way. Also the Yaksha that once found the kid had taken in a big role in their life — the last Yaksha that was now protecting the harbor and its people, one that was feared of many due to his strength, also he, had a soft spot for that child.

But the two weren't the only one that were pretty close to the kid.

"( Y/N )!!"

The excited call of a certain ginger-haired harbinger rang through the room as Childe came inside, a grin plastered on his face as he immediately took a seat across from ( Y/N )'s one, patting the head from the kid that sat on the other side of the wooden table who still had half of their dessert in their mouth.

"And? How are things going?"

The harbinger asked as he now supported his head with his one hand, which elbow was placed on the table.

The harbinger asked as he now supported his head with his one hand, which elbow was placed on the table

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And here we have 🧚‍♀️🎠✨the first chapter✨🎠🧚‍♀️

I hope you enjoyed even tho nothing much happened because we need a little explanations at the start ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

Oh and btw, updates on this Book will come every third day since I still have two other books and I'm someone who publish something every day. And yes, yes I'm writing when I basically should sleep but people have ✨priorities✨ and that's mine.

Yeahhh, hope you had / have a great day and see you hopefully soon <33

~ Author-Chan

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