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"Here ( Y/N ), take this and go to the upper balcony, would you? And don't go too close to the railing"

Verr Goldet said to the child, giving them a plate of almond tofu in the hands as she saw a few guests walking up to the counter, stroking through ( Y/N )'s
( H/L ) hair one last time before she turned towards the person again who seemed to have a question or something, watching how the kid went up the stairs towards the terrace from the corner of her eyes as they happily did what the female said them to do.

Reaching the balcony, the child looked around as they had the plate of food still in the or tiny hands before a familiar Yaksha appeared in front of them, causing the kid to grin at the male who couldn't help but smile the slightest as well as he crouched down, patting the head of ( Y/N ) who somehow proudly showed the almond tofu to the male.

"Are you hungry, ( Y/N )? We can eat that together if you want"

Xiao said, pointing at the dish as said kid excitedly nodded — being hungry almost all the time anyways. The male picked the child up who was still holding the plate before placing them down on one of the nearby chairs as the kid then put the dish on the table in front of them.

Xiao took one of the forks that laid on the plate while ( Y/N ) just looked at the black haired male expectant who wasn't sure why the kid didn't did anything, not even taking the second fork till the yaksha had an idea. Putting some of the almond tofu on the fork, Xiao reached it out to the kid who's grin just widened before they happily ate the food, causing the Adepti to chuckle slightly.

"Well then"

He said before just continuing to feed them, not even caring about if he himself got some food himself. After some time, ( Y/N ) finished all the food, only letting one last bite for the male there.

"Now? What do you wanna do now?"

Xiao asked after eating this one tiny bit of the almond tofu that was left just to receive no answer as always and instead just a grinning kid as you wouldn't even know if they understood what you said.

"Wanna... explore the area a bit?"

And even though the child already saw most of Liyue, they were still extremely excited about that, especially as there were places like the highest mountains where ( Y/N ) didn't ran off to till then.

While happily nodding — again, Xiao stood up and crouched down in front of the child who now also stood up from their seat as the males back faced
( Y/N ) for them to climb up on his back, their arms slung around the males neck before he stood straight again, holding the tiny arms of the kid before jumping on the nearby railing.


Xiao asked, just receiving a nod before he jumped off, using his Elemental skill to jump as high as possible as for the child on his back — it felt like they were flying in the air alongside the birds, it felt free.



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Ayee, sorry if this chapter is a bit short again :,D

I wanted to update way sooner but didn't had the time so I'm sorryyyyy

But anyways, I hope you and I will just put one of my drawings here once again bc why nooooot haha

I got the reference for that from Pinterest so ( i think it was from your name but am not sure lol ) and I just needed to do that (°▽°)👍

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I got the reference for that from Pinterest so ( i think it was from your name but am not sure lol ) and I just needed to do that (°▽°)👍

But whateverrrr, hope you had / have a great day and see you hopefully soon <333

~ Author

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