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"You should stay by my side ( Y/N ). Don't just run away because you are bored, okey?"

Zhongli exclaimed, looking down at the child in his arms as he walked down the street again after he had left the small house of the female to prepare things for the funeral of her brother. Zhongli looked at the kid like he would expect and answer just to be faced with a grinning ( Y/N ) who just stared back at him.

The male sighed before concentrating on the way again, looking around before walking further towards a few shops that sold things like cor lapis, kites or flowers. He looked through all the things while walking — analyzing everything to look for the perfect things needed. But to his dismay, he didn't found anything that fitted his expectations, so he went on while ( Y/N ) climbed on Zhongli's shoulders, looking at everything themself.

At some point, the two walked past almost every shop in that street, till they reached Bubu pharmacy, a store at the end of the harbor that was a bit further away from every other shop. The male walked up the stairs towards the entrance, entering the store as ( Y/N ) looked around, not seeing any other person in there.

"Hello, Qiqi"

Zhongli said, confusion the kid who turned around to look for any other person than them, but not spotting anyone till they heard a voice coming from behind the counter.

"Welcome to Bubu pharmacy, mister Zhongli"

( Y/N ) leaned over the males head, supporting themself with their hand that pushed Zhongli's head down as he picked the child up from his shoulders again, placing them on the ground as they immediately tried to climb up the counter.

Zhongli looked at the kid as he sighed once more before stepping near the counter.

"Qiqi, may I ask if Baizhu is here right know?"

The male asked as he looked down at the little girl standing right behind the counter, being too small to look above herself.

"Yes I am"

A new voice rang through their ears, causing Zhongli and the child to turn around to see a green haired male with a snake around his neck, entering the pharmacy as he smiled at the other male while crossing his arms.

"Long time to see, mister Zhongli. What do you need?"

As Zhongli told about a few things he wanted for the funeral, ( Y/N ) succeeded in climbing up the counter as they curiously looked at the person standing behind as Qiqi, the light-purple haired girl was now seen as the child gasped, now understanding where the voice before came from.

The kid jumped down besides the other child, as her magenta colored eyes followed ( Y/N ) as they came down to the ground again. They stared at the girl, both silent as the ( H/C ) haired kid smiled brightly, meanwhile Qiqi's face was blank as always.

"Welcome to Bubu pharmacy, my name is Qiqi"

The girl looked at the other kid for a moment, getting no answer like their own name as Qiqi was a bit confused, being used to other kids talking a bit too much.

"What is your name?"

And there again — not a single word escaped their mouth as the kid looked a bit around, not knowing what to do themself, just confusing Qiqi a bit more.
The girl turned around, running the few steps towards a small shelf behind the counter and grabbed a glass before turning around towards
( Y/N ), holding the Glass with both hands as she reached it out towards the other kid.

"Cocogoat milk?"


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Hello hello, here an update again :3

I couldn't make it that long, so sorry about that :,D y'all are too kind when I say that I can't update, thank u for that and that you understand that I can't publish chapters sometimes (〃ω〃)

But just for you to know, it's not like I don't have fun writing or that it's  too stressful to update every day, because I enjoy writing all these stories so much and especially when I see that so many people read this crappy story's, it's encouraging me even more to continue what I'm doing, even if I'm sometimes not really sure if the things that I write are maybe a bit boring or not that understandable at some points.

So thank you all for reading this far and for all the support <333

I hope you enjoyed and have / had a great day!

~ Author-Chan

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