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The sun began to set as the two females and the child strolled through the streets after buying a Hanfu for each of them. Hu Tao picked one that had brown fabric along with some vermilion colored strings and carmine flower patterns at the bottom. Yanfei got a begonia colored one that had some black and white patterns on it, while ( Y/N ) now had a ( F/C ) Hanfu with (matching color ) patterns. Usually Hu Tao wasn't the person to buy such clothes but after the small kid was so amazed by it, she thought that it wasn't that bad after all and it wouldn't kill her buying these just once a year.

"Well, I guess it's almost time to meet up with the others" the brunette grinned at the linen bag in her hand in which they stored the Hanfu that they bought for Zhongli. It was a brown one as well that had citrine orange colored patterns in form of a dragon at the bottom of the cloth — or to be exact, it showed Rex Lapis dragon form. Hu Tao knew that the tall male preferred to stay in his usual clothes as well but knowing that he couldn't say no to something ( Y/N ) 'suggested', she was sure that Zhongli would wear the Hanfu.

"Oh Zhongliii~" the female called out as she entered his office, followed by ( Y/N ) and Yanfei, who looked around the place a bit since she was never inside before. "Oh, you have returned. Perfect timing, I just finished the last Commission a few minutes ago" Zhongli said as he stood up from his seat just for his leg to be embraced by the small kid that came running his way and hugged his leg tightly with a grin what caused the tall male to chuckle at this.

"Seems like they enjoyed their day" he said before he took notice of the other female curiously looking around his office. "And hello Yanfei" he smiled as he received and happy 'hello' from said female in return. "Huh? Zhongli you know her?!" But Hu Tao got ignored by the other adults in the room as she just pouted and threw the bag with the Hanfu at Zhongli.

"Here, ( Y/N ) wanted you to wear this as well. She said, now smiling again as she took her own clothes out of another bag and walked towards the door.
"See you in a bit!" She said before leaving the office to get changed. Zhongli also showed Yanfei a room where she could change her clothes as the tall mal did as well before helping the small child to wear their own Hanfu. "I'm surprised they got one in your size" the male said as the kid just grinned and admired themself in the mirror.

It didn't took long for everyone to meet up by the entrance of the building again as Hu Tao had changed her hairstyle a bit as well as Yanfei. The brunette now wore a single low ponytail that was tied together with her own hair whole the flower that usually decorated her hat, was now simply attached to her hair as well. Yanfei on the other hand just used a big hair clip to tie her hair up.

They left the building shortly after just to notice that it got dark already and the streets were lit up with multiple lanterns while many people walked through the busy streets along with friends and family.

"Hey Zhongli!" A certain ginger head called out as he walked towards the four of them along with Lumine and his little brother walking behind him. "Woa
( Y/N ) you look so adorable!" The Harbinger exclaimed with glowing eyes and a grin as he hugged the kid that laughed at the childish actions of the male.

Lumine wore a white Hanfu as well that had some bice blue colored patterns and strings on it while she had a similar hairstyle like Yanfei did. "Hello guys" she smiled and stood beside Childe as the others simply greeted her as well while Teucer ran over towards the other kid to tell them about what he and Childe did before. For example did they play tower defense as well and if Lumine wouldn't have helped them, they would definitely loose the game since Childe said he didn't needed any towers to defeat the monsters. Jokes on him, he did need them.

"Well then, I would suggest that we go now" Zhongli said after a short while as the others all nodded before going under the crowd of people while the ta brunette held ( Y/N ) on his arm and Teucer sat on his brothers shoulders since the two kid wouldn't be able to see anything if they would walk by themselves and would probably be run over by other people.

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