𝐋𝐢𝐲𝐮𝐞'𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝

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25 ʏᴇᴀʀs ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ

The sun was about to vanish behind the horizon as there sat a young adult at the very same cliff that they would spent some times with their 'father' just years ago.

With the only difference that their appearance changed a lot — they were now much taller than a few years back in the past and their once ( H/L ),
( H/C ) hair was now just slightly longer than before.

( Y/N ) grew up to be an adored citizen in Liyue and was even known throughout the regions of Teyvat as people used to call them the 'never growing child'.

But that name was slowly forgotten just a few years after a certain traveler defeated the Tsaritsa — the mother of the former child, what caused the 'curse' to never age to be broken and at the exact same moment that the cryo Archon was taking her last breath, ( Y/N )'s body started to slowly age from that day on till now, a whole 25 years after that.

After Zhongli took note of the kid growing more and more after some month, he was more than relieved but to be all honest, deep inside he knew that he would miss the times he would drag Childe along to a restaurant for the kid to eat half of their whole food served there, and even the times where they would wander off by their own because they always looked so happy afterwards.

The male knew that as soon as ( Y/N ) would start being a bit more mature, things would change and he could only remember back to the moment that laid now in the past.

But the thing that never seemed to change was that the former kid refused to talk. The time they called out to Zhongli let his hope rise that they would talk more often, but it was to no avail.

Strangers often found it a bit strange how they communicated through actions rather than words, but most of them just shrugged it off and thought they were mute, while others thought they were a bit crazy.

However, ( Y/N ) was never bothered by it one bit.

"Seems like some things will never change, huh?"
The now young adult heard an all to familiar voice as they turned their head with an now ever brighter smile plastered on their face, looking back at their favorite Yaksha.

The black haired male sat down besides them on the slightly high grass while looking up at the sky that had an orangish hue on it.

It was silent between the two but it wasn't like it was something unusual after all. But somehow the silence barely got awkward when ( Y/N ) was around and it would mostly be a comfortable one — one that you usually just share with some very close friends.

But somehow the young adult managed to radiate this comfortable and secure aura even to strangers.

They always had a way to surprise people after all.

To be honest, Xiao had a hard time dealing with the fact that ( Y/N ) started growing two and a half decades ago.

Not because he convulsive wanted them to stay a child or something, but because of the fact that their life now had a deadline and for the yaksha, even 100 years were not longer than a blink of an eye.

That was what he feared the most and he wasn't the only one. Zhongli felt so too, as well as every other one who knew about what exactly was going on.

𝐋𝐢𝐲𝐮𝐞'𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 || Genshin Impact ( ✓ )Where stories live. Discover now