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Running off again from the side of the male without him noticing — again, ( Y/N ) wandered around a bit while many people looked at the child with a question mark on their face, not knowing why a kid was on their own again, but as someone tried to talk to the kid, they just grinned at them before running off while laughing.

But as they neared the bridge again that was leading out of the city, there weren't much people who even noticed the small child. And just to the luck of
( Y/N ), there was just one Millelith placed at the city gate and that one guard was recently asleep how it seemed. How professional.

The kid could still remember that path from the day before when they went there with Childe, so they kinda found that a bit boring now — causing them to went another path now that was new for the child.
Even though, it was a pretty blank path so rather ran along the way, trying to catch butterfly's and watching some Hillichurl camps from afar till a familiar building came into their sight.

Standing on the spot for a moment while looking up the wangshu inn, ( Y/N ) just grinned even more before running towards the elevator of the inn — coming up before walking up to the counter inside, but then again, they were too short to look above so they reached out their small arms and pulled themself up so Verr Goldet, the owner of the inn now also noticed the presence of the small kid.

"Oh, ( Y/N ), long time no see. Where... is mister Zhongli?"

The female asked before picking the child up to set them on the wooden counter after noticing them struggling to hold themself up as she looked around to find the tall male who usually came along with kid.

Verr Goldet sighed as she remembered the kid not speaking a word, making it difficult for her to figure out what was going on there exactly. The female was one of the only 'normal' mortal that knew about many things that were going on in Liyue in secret, like the thing with Zhongli, the guardian Yaksha and especially the kid that never grew older.

"You're here to see Xiao, right?"

Happily nodding, ( Y/N ) smiled brightly at the female who couldn't help but smile herself, chuckling as she walked around the counter while picking the kid up once again, looking around for a moment to see if there were any guests of the inn who might wanted to speak with her, but went up the stairs towards the top balcony as she didn't spotted anyone.

The sun was still high at the sky so Verr Goldet wasn't really sure if the Adepti was even there that moment since he would mostly be somewhere else at the day and just visited at the evening or night. But if he hadn't anything to do — he sat at the roof of the inn for a bit.

Walking up the terrace towards the wooden railing, the owner of the inn watched the sight for a brief moment before turning around again after hearing footsteps behind — being surprised to see Xiao that short after they came outside. The female let the child down to the ground as they immediately run towards the Adeptus who slightly chuckled at this.

"I'm glad your here, Xiao. I wouldn't know how to bring ( Y/N ) back to mister Zhongli again if you weren't..."

"He wasn't with them?"

The male said, raising a brow while patting the head of the child who hugged his leg tightly while grinning to themself. The female nodded before walking towards the doorway of the balcony again, looking at the Yaksha while speaking up again.

"Well then, I hope that mister Zhongli isn't too much worried about them... I need to go back now, good luck"

She said, smiling as she thought about how difficult the kid could be before the male nodded and she left, leaving the other two behind as she walked back towards the counter. Xiao looked down at ( Y/N ) with the smallest smile, not seeing them since a long time already as he picked them up and sat them on his shoulders, jumping on the roof of the inn again as he thought that there was still a bit time till he needed to inform Zhongli since the tall male surely didn't even really noticed the absence of the child if he was fully by his work with his mind — and if he did notice, he was most likely already searching for them around the whole harbor. But then he surely would come to the inn sooner or later, finding the kid themself.

So the Adepti did not saw a reason to rush.

So the Adepti did not saw a reason to rush

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Hey heyy,

I wanted to publish two chapters of my books today but only got to write one :,D

So maybe tomorrow but I'm not sure 🙇‍♀️

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you hopefully soon <333

~ Author-Chan

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