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The voice of Hu Tao yelling through the funeral parlor was heard to at least the two buildings beside this one as the female startled many employees that were busy doing their daily work.

Yes it was the day of lantern rite but at the funeral parlor, they didn't seemed to have a few days off to celebrate. Expected for Hu Tao and half the day Zhongli as well as the two could pretty much organize their working hours in the weeks on their own. But as said — Zhongli only managed to have half the day off after he used the remaining free hours the days before to do something with ( Y/N ), and so he still had his work to do till the evening would arrive. In the time that he was busy, Hu Tao
basically begged the male for his agreement on her taking care of the child till then and after some time, he finally agreed.

The female took out the small duplication of her own hat and gave it ( Y/N ) again after he took it away from the kid before, saying that it would probably not have a good influence on the child. But to the brunettes luck, she had at least five of them stored in her closet, knowing that one would not be enough at all.

"This is going to be so much fun!" She exclaimed as
( Y/N ) happily clapped their hands, ready for the day. It was still pretty early but due to the festival taking place, the streets were already filled up with people more that usual. "We're going eat something at the stalls, make Xiao lanterns, go around and give a few coupons to people who seem to stupid to handle the fireworks... hehe" Hu Tao said as she grinned to herself.

"Zhongli also told me that you made a few new friends in the last time, so we could visit them as well. But just because I know that you love me more than them anyways" she happily said as the child nodded, not sure of this was really true but they indeed liked the female a lot.

"Well then, lets go!" And with that, they started to walk towards the first stall with food and ordered not as much as ( Y/N ) would like to, but Hu Tao wasn't rich so she was looking at the prince a bit more than Zhongli would often do. They are a bit of almost everything that was offered there and rated it from one to ten while the kid just help up the cartoon amount of their fingers, but as expected, it was a 10 out of 10 almost all the time.

After that they continued to walk down the streets with ( Y/N ) sitting on the females shoulders before they arrived at the stall where a male was showing them how to do Xiao lanterns. To be honest, small ( Y/N ) was a bit confused about the name of them every time they got mentioned, thinking that the conversation suddenly was about Xiao as sometimes they would get excited to seeing the Adeptus just to find out that he wasn't there. However, Hu Tao messed up in doing the lanterns a bit and I'm the end, it kinda had similarities with a blobfish.

The child on the other hand didn't ended up with an usual lantern as well but somehow created one in the form of a unicorn. "How did you even do that?!"
But that only received an grinning ( Y/N ), as it would always do.

Well, Hu Tao wasn't in the mood to create another blobfish after that, so they went and walk a bit further along the harbor as the child was now walking beside the brunette, what was probably not the best decision as they saw something interesting playing up at the sides again and walked over. But luckily Hu Tao noticed it and ran behind, just for the two to arrive at a store that sold core lapis and other resources while a female with pink hair stood in front of the salesperson who seemed greatly annoyed.

"I never want to see you at my shop again!" The salesperson of the small shop yelled at the teal-eyes female who simply smiled at him. "Don't worry, I don't have the intention to buy sich low quality resources such as yours" she said before walking away, not coming far before suddenly having a small kid attached to the leg. "Huh?" The female looked down at ( Y/N ) who was holding onto her and looking up with a grin before Hu Tao quick ran over.
"Ah sorryyy" she said before picking up the kid who was still looking at the pink haired female who chuckled at this.

"Absolutely no problem. If I should guess, then I would say this is ( Y/N ), right?" She asked as her words seemed to confuse the brunette a bit.
"Huh? I mean yes that's true, may I als how you know their name?"

"I just heard a lot about them already. Oh and by the way, my name is Yanfei"

 Oh and by the way, my name is Yanfei"

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Wow ok, I write a total of three chapters today... that's something new HAHA

However, I have the feeling that Yanfei is left out in so many stories here on wattpad, so I was like, why not putting her in here. Welll yeah sry if there was not that much happening in this chapter, the evening of the lantern rite will either be in the next chapter or in the one after that if I'm too lazy lol

However, I'm sorry if this is crappy, I seriously can't tell Bc it's 3:30 am and I'm a biiiiiit tired ehe

Well then, have a great day and see you hopefully soon <333

~ Author

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