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( A/N: chapter idea from xiaosxalmondtofu )

New year has long come and with each passing day, the cold breeze outside began to warm up again. It was now a quiet sunny day for the usual still cold month and little ( Y/N ) was just chilling their life in Zhongli's office, who needed still needed to do some of his work.

It was getting busy lately and since Hu Tao was out along with Zhongli's assistant, there was no one who could take the kid out for that day. Even Childe was busy with his harbinger stuff and Lumine had set off to Sumeru.

Now here was ( Y/N ), face pressed against the window while watching how slowly but surely, dark clouds covered the sky. They sat there for almost two hours now and it started to get really really boring, especially since there was nothing in that room that
little ( Y/N ) could play with.

Believe me, they tried to, but Zhongli didn't find it that funny when they suddenly got a hold of the decoration epee and he had then a few difficulties to get it out of their tiny hands again.

The tall male was concentrating on scanning through the letters on his desks carefully as he didn't even noticed the ( H/C ) haired child climbing onto his desk till they then suddenly snitched the paper away and stood at the edge of the wooden desk before saluting and jumping off. "( Y/N ) dear, please return these. Their very important" the brunette said, standing up to walk behind the kid that now ran out of the room with the papers still in their hands before yeeting down the stairs railing to
✨gracefully✨ land on the floor again.

"If you want to play than we can do that later, but not now. And especially not with that letters" Zhongli tried to reason but it just went on deaf ears.

(Y/N ) now had enough of the male telling them that they would play soon, just for them to wait another three hours and nothing happened. They ran further through the buildings and came to the room where different coffins were on display for their costumers to buy, just for them to hide in one of the many of them.

Zhongli came right after and a sigh left his lips before he then started to look through all of them, before he then opened the one at the end of the room and was met with ( Y/N ) laying in there with the arms making an x-sign in front of their chest.
"Where did you put the letters?" But the child just slowly opened one of their eyes before suddenly attempting to jump out of the coffin again, just to be caught by the tall male.

"Now now, what do we have here" he said, taking the few papers that they hid under the back of their shirt. Being sat down at the ground again, the kid just watched how Zhongli went through the documents to see if everything was there and then he nodded, about to turn around when suddenly they looked down at ( Y/N ) to see them being at the brim of crying while small tears were forming in their
( E/C ) eyes.

"Now now, don't cry ( Y/N ), we can play later" and there it was again, the 'we can play later' but little
( Y/N ) didn't wanted to play lAtEr. They wanted to play now.

Their eyes narrowed and then they suddenly ran out of the room again, just to be followed by Zhongli who already doesn't had a good feeling after
( Y/N ) ran out of the room while looking wider than the bouncer.

Then literally ( Y/N ) stood in front of the entrance while the sound of rain hitting the door was clearly audible and the Child turned in their heels once again, one hand at the doorknob and the other just hanging by their side while their eyes were narrowed at Zhongli who stopped at least two meters away.

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