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Now there ( Y/N ) was — sitting in an rather small office on a fancy chair, curiously looking around the room but avoiding the suspicious gaze of a certain indigo haired male who sat behind the office desk, foots on the wooden desk as he crossed his arms, looking at the kid with a questionable look.

The sound of the clock ticking for what felt like hours, finally stopped as the door was almost slammed open, revealing Signora, the one person that the kid had met at first after being kidnapped.

"Ugh, finally"

Scaramouche, who now sat normal in his chair muttered as the platinum-blonde female glared at the male for a second before averting her eyes on the child again who was still sitting straight in the chair trat was way to big for the small kid.

"Now then, we have the child, now let's go"

Signora said, picking up ( Y/N ) as she rather accidentally looked into their big ( E/C ) orbs, not knowing how the hell she was supposed to hold them correctly.

"How do you carry such a thing...?"

She muttered, changing the position of the child all the time what caused little ( Y/N ) to slightly laugh, just making the female glare at the kid as well.

"Oi, stop laughing at me brat"

But it was for no use as they just laughed even more, slinging their arms around Signoras neck while she somehow tried to get them off of her — ending up with ( Y/N ) just hanging around the blondes neck on their own as Signora didn't even bothered anymore to carry them.

To be honest, Scaramouche found it a bit amusing seeing Signora struggle against such a tiny human
( ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ ʰᵉ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ˡᵉᵃʳᶰ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖʳᵒ ʸᵏ ʸᵏ ).

"Now come, we don't have all day"

The female called out to the other harbinger as she didn't wanted to wait, going on on her own — just in company of little ( Y/N ) who was still slightly laughing.

"Ugh, I hate kids"


Far away from the happenings there with the Harbingers, Cloud retainer had long told Zhongli about what happened as Xiao was still searching for the kid on his own, not caring about the rain that was now falling from the clouds as he even went to the harbor as he usually wouldn't go there, not wanting to interact with humans or even being seen. But his priorities were now all focused on one thing, and that was finding little ( Y/N ). He was straightforward going to the northland bank, just slamming the doors open as he didn't cared about the Fatui recruits there telling him to go out as he searched in the whole building for a hint of where the kids was.

But back to Zhongli — saying he was mad was an understatement. He wasn't mad at Xiao or Ganyu or whatever for not being able to safe the kid, he was furious because of what the Fatui did. Cloud retainer had never seen the god of contracts being that mad as they didn't exactly knew how to react as the male just went out of the room they were in, without saying another word.

That would not end well.


It was getting really dark outside due to the rain clouds covering the blue sky while the raindrops fell to the ground as heavy as they properly never did before as thunder strikes were seen in the distance.

"Ugh could you hurry a bit?! We need to get on the boat soon"

Signora exclaimed as Scaramouche casually walked behind — his hat shielding him from the rain as he didn't seemed a reason to rush.

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