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For some reason, Chongyun ended up telling little
( Y/N ) a whole lot about exorcism — the males favorite subject. Usually he wouldn't say much, especially when it came to strangers but after a looong awkward silence between the two, he started talking a bit and was carried away with the flow of telling the child about what he did almost all day. To be honest, ( Y/N ) found es slightly interesting and amusing to listen to what Chongyun was telling them, even though not understanding everything of it.

"And that's why I always carry some popsicles around with me" the blue haired male just finished talking about the reason he needed to eat that much of the light blue popsicles as ( Y/N ) nodded at what he said till Xiangling approached their seats. "Hehe Chongyun you sure like talking about that exorcism stuff" she said while placing yet another plate of
Chow mein — stir fried noodles with vegetables and tofu, on the table and just watched how ( Y/N ) almost inhaled the food at how quick they finished it.

"At this rate were going to get out of food sooner rather than later..." the indigo haired female mumbled as she looked at the kid that still seemed to be hungry even after eating half of the menu.
"Well, can't be helped" Xiangling laughed while going back into the kitchen to prepare some Kung Pao chicken.

Shortly after that, Zhongli took his seat besides
( Y/N ) again as the kid looked at the ground and saw how Hu Tao was clinging onto the male's leg, still sobbing and definitely still not being over-dramatic or something ridiculous like that.
A sigh escaped Zhongli's mouth as he looked at the table full of empty plates and then at the kid who ate everything that was served on them. "I think not even Hu Tao will be able to pay that much..." he muttered while thinking about just telling Xiangling that Childe will come and pay for it.

As the tall male was in thoughts for a moment, the brunette on the ground finally released her grip around Zhongli's leg and stood up, not even bothering to dust off her clothes as she spoke up again. "Hmpf, guess I will just continue to distribute some coupons" she said after nobody even questioned what the hell she was doing on the ground, sobbing. "Well then, farewell ( Y/N ), the only person who cares about me!" She dramatically exclaimed while ( Y/N ) just smiles at her after losing track about what was even going on.

Before Zhongli could say anything, the female was already long gone and just at that moment, Xiangling walked out again with another dish ready for the child. "Um, miss Xiangling, I would like to buy this on credit if that's possible..."

"Oh yeah sure, that's no problem!" The female beamed after immediately going back into the kitchen. "( Y/N ), when your finished then it's time to go back home. We still need to tell Childe on the way that he needs to pay this" The Amber-eyed man said as the kid just nodded, eating up the rest of the dish before looking over at Chongyun again and happily waved at him, even though he was immediately sitting in front of them. "See you soon"
The male smiled before Zhongli picked the kid up and walked down the streets towards the northland bank.

As they arrived there, he let ( Y/N ) down again and walked hand in hand with them inside, seeing how the ginger head was already standing in the middle of the room while conversing with Lumine. She looked a bit annoyed by the male — same as Paimon who was floating right besides her. And to the left of the traveler, there stood a boy with some similar futures to Childe. He had the same ginger hair and also ocean blue eyes. The difference was that he wore brown and white bomber hat and some traditional Snezhnayan clothes.

"Y'know we have some work to do as well! We have a loooot of commissions we need to take care of today and don't really have time to babysit your brother!" Paimon exclaimed as she crossed her arms to which Childe slightly sweat-dropped, looking over at Lumine just to see her shrugging.

"Childe" zhongli then said, interrupting the conversation of the two a bit as said male looked over at him and ( Y/N ), smiling again as Teucer, Childe's brother, came running over immediately to greet the other child after already hearing about them from his big brother. "Childe, I need you to go to wanmin restaurant and pay for ( Y/N )'s morning snack"

 "Childe, I need you to go to wanmin restaurant and pay for ( Y/N )'s morning snack"

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Here I am again ✨

I hope you liked this chapter and I'm still sorry for not updating that much BDJEKDISKDKS

*sighs*  *gives you Childe art as apology*

*sighs*  *gives you Childe art as apology*

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Pretty proud of this 🧚‍♀️

Oh and if you want to, check out my new Insta acc
( @omnomte ) if you want to see more of my art, even tho I'm putting most of them in my wattpad story's anyway lol but since the acc is pretty new, It would make me quite happy to see a bit improvement on it (●'ω`●)

Howeverrrrrr, hope you had / have a great day and see you hopefully sooooon <3333

~ Author

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