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In your dream you woke up to see & hear monitors beeping & other things.

You looked around more until you finally knew where you were in your dream.
You were in the hospital again. You prayed it wasn't gonna turn into a nightmare & it never did it was just a dream.

You looked down at your body to see you were fully exposed & your belly large & attached by ropes of machinery holding onto the bump.
You didn't think much of it so you ignored & laid their, your eyes wide open looking at the white tiled ceiling.

By the time you opened your eyes again you woke up to see a ceiling fan.

You looked down to see your medium but small bump & then turned your head to your side to see Adam next to you sleeping.
You were awake & in your real life again with Adam instead of a dream that made no sense to you.

When Adam woke up after an hour passed he kissed you on your forehead& then got up out of his bed with you & walked downstairs to have dinner & wrap up for the night.

As you had your food & ate Adam talked & said,

"Hey, I'm wondering about Josh. How has he been?" Adam asks as you take a bite of your macaroni. "I'm not sure. I haven't seen him since my sisters funeral... Should I go see him?" You say. "Only if you want to. You are still together with him right?" Adam asks as you nod. "Yes we are but we're not husband & wife. You & I are that. Him & me are just girlfriend & boyfriend but us still being together isn't gonna effect our girlfriend/boyfriend situation so don't let me & Josh's relationship be a problem with ours. So, when should I go see him?" You ask. "I wouldn't want you to go until tomorrow morning or afternoon but how about you go now. You'll still be awake for a little longer because you rested." Adam says as you nod & continue eating.

Once you finished eating you slipped on your shoes & walked out the front door closing it behind you & walking over to Josh's house.

*knock... Knock*

You knock on the door to his house getting no answer at first so you knock again & Josh opens the door.

When you saw Josh you didn't think it was him at first but then you heard him speak. & that's when you knew it was him.

"What are you doing here? Come by to say hi?" Josh asks. "Kinda... Actually Josh I wanna talk with you." You say. "Is everything alright?" Josh asks. "Yes everything is fine with me but is everything alright with you?" You ask.

Josh says nothing & let's you in his house to sit down on the couch alone until Josh walked over & sat down after closing the door.
You looked around the room to see trash everywhere & beer cans laying on the floor. At first you didn't think much of it until you saw the pills.

"Josh, are you... An addict?" You ask. "It's not what it looks like. Just let me explain." Josh says. "Go on... I'm listening." You say as you cross your arms. "Look my health hasn't been so great lately... I've been refusing to see a doctor & I have been refusing to talk to you about this until now." Josh says. "Josh... How long has this been going on?!" You shout. "Shout all you want at me it's not gonna change anything about how I am because I'm already so far into all this that yes, I am an addict. This started a month ago, answering your question. I'm sorry." Josh says. "I can't believe you. We're done Josh. For good. I gotta go, this is bull." You say as you get up & walk out the front door & walk back over to Adam's house & go in & slam to door once inside.

You slammed the door so hard Adam looked up from sleeping on the couch to see you with sadness & madness in your eyes.
Adam got to his feet & came to you & stood right above you & looked down. You looked up.

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