Chapter 4: The Vent adventures

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"We weren't the only maze"


*your POV*

"No Lizard, I don't think that I am short. I am actually very short thanks for pointing that out. I feel so much better." I said smacking his arm.

"Ok, ok shortie. Look here comes Minho and Thomas" he said laughing. Fuck. I'm probably the last person he wants to see. I get up and start to walk to another table when a hand stops me. I turn around and see Newt.

"Where are you going? I told you stay with me shortie." He said looking up at me.

"I'm going to a different table. Thomas probably doesn't want to see me. I yank my arm back from his grip. I look around and notice a boy sitting alone. I walk over and sit in front of him.

"Hi I'm y/n. I was wondering if I could sit here?" I ask the boy.

"S-sure. I'm Aris" he responded smiling. I look at him and admire his features. Oh my god he is  cute. NO STOP IT Y/N YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LIKE ANYONE. I look over to the table where Newt is sitting and I see him looking at me. He raises his eyebrows and looks over to Aris. I roll my eyes and give him the middle finger.

*Newt's POV*

I look over to the table where y/n is and I see them look at their feet and blush. OOOOO they like him. I see her look at me and I raise my eyebrows and look over to the man sitting in front of her. They roll their eyes and stick their middle finger at me. I laugh and turn my attention back to my table as Minho and Thomas sit down.

"And there was this big, loud explosion, and these guys came out of nowhere. Started shooting up the place." One man said

"It was intense" said another

"They pulled us out the maze and brought us here." The first guy said

"What about the rest? The other people left behind in the maze, what happened to them?" I ask the first guy

"I don't know. I guess W.C.K.D still has them" he responded. I look over to Tommy and we both have a look of concern on our face.

"How long have you guys been here?" I ask them.

"Not long. Just a day or two. That kid over there has been here the longest almost a week" he says and turns his head to the guy that y/n is sitting with. I don't think I trust him

"His maze was nothing but girls." His mate responds. I quickly look over to them. Teresa was supposed to go that maze. He was supposed to come to ours. 

(Quick note. I made this book so anyone could read it and use their pronouns so that is why I am using they/them. Feel free to use yours. If you are a girl you were supposed to go to that maze with Teresa if you are a guy then you are good and stay with them, but you are welcome to chose :D)

"Really" Minho asks. The first guy shrugged.

"Some guys have all the luck." He responded. We were interrupted by Janson. He looks more like a rat than a human.

"Good evening, gentlemen. Ladies. You all know how this works. If you hear your name called please rise in an orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me where we will escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin" he says as he raises a clipboard. Claps are scattered all around the room. He lifts up the clipboard to his face and starts reading names of it.

"Conner" I look back and see a guy rise behind me.

"Evelyn" he continues

"Justin" I look around with concern

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