Chapter 8: Looking for Ghosts

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What other dangers are out here?


"Put him down. Watch his head. Who's got a light" I hear Thomas say in the dark. I slowly crawl over to Minho when I see a light shine on his face. I feel something grab my foot as I crawl  over to Minho.

"SHIT!" I screamed.

"Y/n? Y/n!" I heard Aris yell. I tried to scream but there was a hand in front of my mouth.

"You do what I say, and your little friends won't die." I heard a voice whisper in my ear. I slowly nod. She walks backwards with me. We keep walking until we reach a room. We walk inside and see an older man standing there.

"Y/n! Good to see you again! My you sure have grown!" The older man says. He walks over to me I try to get out of the other person's grip but they hold on.

"Now, now y/n don't you remember your uncle Jorge?" He questions looking at me. I shook my head. He nods.

"Okay Brenda tie her up, then get the others." The man says. I walk with who is supposedly Brenda to another room and I get tied up

"Now, you make one little sound. I will not hesitate to kill you." Brenda says. I nod.

"Good" she says before walking out of the room.

*Aris POV*

 After y/n suddenly disappeared Minho woke up. I look around for here while they hold on to Minho making sure he is ok. I hear Teresa scream and we see the same creature we were running from. We all step back and notice even more of them.They are coming from all direction.

"I see you've meet our guard dogs." A female voice says from behind us. She approaches us walking through the line of creatures trying to attack her.

"Stay back, stay back!" Thomas says trying to get her to back down. It doesn't work. She looks at us with disgust in her eyes.

"You guys look like shit." She says with a straight face. We don't respond or move.

"Come on. Follow me. Unless you want to stay here with them." She says and walks away. The others follow while I stay behind still looking around for y/n.

"If your looking for your little girlfriend/boyfriend/preferred they are just fine. For now. If you don't come on, I won't hesitate to kill them" she says. I quickly make my way over following her orders. I don't want y/n to die. We walk through the building until we reach a door and we look around to see many more people.

"Oh my." Fry says taking the words right out of my mouth. I look around in amazement.

"Come on, keep up. Or your little friend dies." She says. I pick up the pace along with the others.

"Jorge wants to meet you." She says as we continue walking. We walk up stairs in silence until Thomas broke it.

"Who's Jorge?" Thomas asks the girl. She looks back at us then forward again.

"You'll see." Is all she says while we continue to walk.

"No one's come out of the Scorch in a long time. You've just him curious. And me too." She says. I keep my head down to not draw anymore attention to myself then needed. 

"Anyone else starting to get a bad feeling about this place?" Newt asks. We just continue to walk.

"Let's just hear him out. See what he has to say." Minho responds. We continue to walk in silence until we reach a certain room with an older man.

"Jorge, they're here." The girl says walking over to the older man. He shushes us as we walk in.

"Damn it." He mumbles. He slowly turns to us.

"Do you ever get the feeling the whole world is against you." The man who I am assuming is Jorge asks. we just look at each other and don't respond. He walks toward us.

"Three questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?" He says pouring something into a glass. We all stay silent again.

"Don't all answer at once." he says sarcastically.

"We're heading to the mountains. Looking for the Right Arm." Thomas responds for us. We hear laughs all around.

"You're looking for ghosts, you mean." he responds. Ghosts? He takes a sip of his drink.

"Question number 2. Where did you come from?" He says looking at Thomas straight in the eyes. 

"That's our business." Minho responds.  He sighs. Suddenly men come grabbing us.

"Hey. Get the hell off me!" Thomas exclaims trying to get the man off him. The girl grabs something and puts it up to his neck.

"Shut up, you big baby." She says.

"What the hell is that?" Thomas asks. She doesn't respond. She looks to Jorge.

"You were right." She says. Jorge looks at the things.

"Right about what? What is she talking about?" Thomas asks.

"I'm sorry hermano. Look's like your tagged. You cam from W.C.K.D. Which means your very valuable." He says looking at us. Suddenly we are tied by are feet and hanging from the ceiling.

A/n: sorry it took forever. I had a mental break down. Next chapter coming tonight or tmr

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