Chapter 5: The Body's

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"Like you care. You didn't even tell me you worked at W.C.K.D with me. Now you suddenly act like you care?!"


*next morning*

*Your POV*

I wake up early in the morning. I make my way to the bathrooms to shower. I can't stop think about what Thomas said. Like you care. I do care about him. He just doesn't think I do. I get in the shower and start thinking about my life before the maze. As I think about it I start to get a head ache. I quickly turn off the water and change in a f/c hoodie, navy blue t-shirt, and navy blue sweats. When I enter the room and I see everyone is awake.

"Hey" I say as I walk back to my bed.

"Where were you?" Newt asks

"I was at the shower Lizard" I say as I face him.

"Ok, you better have and have went to see him" He says and wiggles his eyebrows. I quickly blush and push him.

"Wait who? Does shortie have a crush" I hear Minho ask. I roll my eyes and punch his arm.

"Let's just get going." I say as I walk out the door. I walk into the cafeteria grab my food and sit down with Aris.

"Hey Aris" I say as I sit down smiling at him.

"Oh hey y/n!" He says smiling back. We both quickly look down at our food at eat. I look up at him to say something when Janson starts calling out names.

"Allison, berry, Walt, Edgar, Samatha, Aaron, Dennis, Sally.." he says. I look over to the boys and see that they are looking at Aris. I notice Newt staring at me and he wiggles his eyebrows. I roll my eyes and looked back down at my food.

"Henry, Tim, and last but not least David. Thank you for your attention. Enjoy the rest of your morning" Janson finishes. I don't trust Janson, he seems to nice. 

"Hey y/n you ok?" Aris asks. I notice that my cheeks are wet. I quickly wipe my tears and smile at him.

"Yeah I'm okay don't worry." I say. He put his hand on mine. I look down and blush.

"You know you can tell me anything ok?" He says as he squeezes my hand. I look at him and nod.

"Thanks Aris. I will tell you soon ok? How about tonight. Meet up outside my room before diner?" I ask him hoping he says yes. He smiles at me and nods.

*time skip to before dinner* 

"Bye guys I'll see you at the cafeteria!" I say as I open the door. The door then suddenly closes and I see Newt and Minho looking at me.

"Who are you meeting." They both ask at the same time.

"No one. I'm just going out for a walk." I say as I open the door again and quickly walk out before they can ask me anymore questions. I turn around and see Aris standing at the end of the hallway. I walk over to him and smile.

"Hey Aris. Sorry if you saw the door open and close the open again Minho and Newt are nosy." I laughed

"It's ok. So shall we?" He asks. I laugh.

"Well shall" I respond. We walk in silence for a little bit until he speaks up.

"So y/n, what did you want to tell me?" He asks. Shit I wish he wouldn't bring that up. I sigh.

"Well you see, Thomas has his memory but I don't. He says that I worked for W.C.K.D and I put him and everyone else in the maze. I don't remember anything and I want to remember everything, but when I try I get a massive headache and dizzy." I say. I look at him and he is already gone.

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