Chapter 7: The Dangers of the Scorch

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Goodbye W.C.K.D


We run up a steep hill away from the compound hoping that the wind cover ups our tracks. As we walk up the hill, I start to get really tired. Newt notices and carry's me the rest of the way up.

"All right, come on. Keep going!" Thomas says trying to encourage us to keep going. Newsflash Thomas it's not working. I lay my head on Newt's chest, when all of a sudden I hear motorcycles. 

"Shit" I hear Thomas mutter. I quickly pick my head up and see the entire W.C.K.D force coming to try and find us. This is not going how I planned.

"Come on, go! Go! We'll lose them in the storm! Newt make sure you hold on to y/n tight. We need them awake. We can't lose them" Thomas says picking up the pace. What the hell does he mean by loose me? AM I GOING TO DIE? I start to feel even more dizzy than before.

"Thomas we need to hurry. I'm losing them fast!" Newt says. Newt looks down at me.

"Come on shortie, stay with me! Don't close your eyes. Whatever you do don't close your eyes. Please" Newt says as he carry's me up the hill.

"Newt I'm really tired. Can I close them for a little bit?" I ask feeling my eyelids go heavy.

"Shit. THOMAS WE NEED TO FIND SHELTER NOW! SHORTIE JUST CALLED ME NEWT NOT LIZARD! WE'RE LOSING THEM FASTER THAN ANTICIPATED." Newt screams. I close my eyes. The last thing I heard before they closed was,

"Shortie, fight it. Fight it for me please. I can't lose you shortie. I love you shortie" Newt says, then pitch black. ( LE GASP! Does Newt have feelings for us? What will happen? Do we love Newt back? WHAT WILL HAPPEN?!) I open my eyes and I see Thomas at my leg. I feel hand rubbing through my hair and I see Newt stroking my hair. I look to my side and see Aris holding my hand. I blush a bit.

"Shortie! Thank god! I though I lost you!" Newt says giving me the biggest hug ever.

"What happened?" I ask sitting up.

"Well, I noticed you seemed a bit off after you came out of the vent with Thomas and Aris. I looked at you and saw that you had a bullet wound in your leg. I tried to fix your leg up but Thomas was running around panicking and then everything happened. When we were climbing the hill I looked at you leg and saw that the bullet wound looked worse so I picked you up and carried you the rest of the way. Thomas noticed the bullet wound after Janson took you in his arms and threatened to kill you." Newt said before catching his breath.

"Then when I noticed you calling me Newt instead of lizard, I knew we didn't have much time left and we needed shelter quick. So here we are." Newt says pointing around.

"Lizard, what did you mean when you said that you loved me?" I asked looking up at him. I noticed his eyes went wide. He looked at Thomas. Then I looked at Thomas who seemed annoyed that Newt said that. What's his deal? He all of a sudden cares about me? 

"I said that because I love you like a sibling. You're like the twin sister/brother/preferred I never had." he said smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

"I love you to lizard." I said as I wrapped Newt in a hug. I then heard Thomas clearing his throat.

"Now that the moment is over, y/n I need you to come with me." He said getting up. I looked to Newt and he nodded. I carefully got up and let go of Aris's hand before following Thomas. I followed him down a hallway to where Teresa was.

"teresa has an extra pair of clothes we found while we were looking for fresh clothes." Thomas said.

"oh uh, thanks I think." I said looking at him. He just nodded then left. Weird. 

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