Chapter 11: Save me Aris

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I run farther with Newt following me. I didn't feel the blood rushing down my leg at the time until I stopped and saw Minho and Fry running toward me and Newt.

"Y/n your leg is bleeding again." Fry points out.

"I know I fell on something and the stitches came out. Don't worry about me. Right now find Thomas. I'll look for Aris, Sonya, and Harriet. Now go!" I say as I run off towards the direction I last saw all three of them. I run past Sonya's tent then realized that they could be in there. I walked in and saw Sonya asleep on Aris and Aris's arm wrapped around her. I shake them awake.

"Y/n?" Sonya questions.

"Yeah, it's me. We have to go now. W.C.K.D found us. Stay behind me and when find Harriet stay with her. Oh ya congrats by the way" I say grabbing their hands. I peek my head out and gesture them to follow me. We make our way around the entire camp till we find Harriet.

"Harriet. You, Aris, and Sonya need to hide right now. Stay there until I come and get you. If I don't make it back by sunrise find Vince and get the fuck out of here." I say hiding behind a rock with them.

"Y/n you can't do that!" Harriet says.

"Just promise me." I say looking to them all.

"Promise" they all say in sink.

"Good, now find a safer place. Sonya and Harriet protect Aris with your lives. I can't lose him. He helped me through everything and I still need him. Now go!" I say as I walk out to find the others. Suddenly a bombs explode in front of my face and all around me. I run around the fire and find the group. I hear screams all around me as I run.

"Newt! Newt please!" I scream making my way to where I left him.

"Y/n!" Sonya says from behind me.

"Sonya I told you to stay with Aris and Harriet. Aris can't lose you." I said looking at her.

"He can't lone you either! Please just help me look fro my brother then I will go back to Aris." She says. I sigh.

"Fine. Just stay close." I say running off to find Newt. I run around until I run into Thomas.

"Thomas! Thank god!" I yell at him as I hug him. He hugs back.

"It's Teresa. She called W.C.K.D." Thomas said looking at me.

"That doesn't matter right now. We need to find the other's." I said. Running off with Sonya and Thomas. I see W.C.K.D guards dropping to the ground. One of them tries to shoot me, but I grab Sonya's gun and shot him.

"Nice shot!" She says.

"Thanks. I learned from watching Minho and Thomas. Now come on!" I say and start running again. Come on Newt where are you? I see people getting shot everywhere.I see some survivors.

"Go, go!" I yell to them as I shoot the W.C.K.D guard chasing them. I see the Doctor running with another group getting shot. I run over and protect them with Sonya. Thomas just stands there.

"Thomas go find Newt and the others. When you find them tell them to find Harriet and Aris and stay with them. We don't need anyone else getting hurt. Now go!" I say to Thomas. Sonya and I continue to shoot at people. I notice Thomas run to the group.

"Sonya let's go." I say running towards the group with her.

"Vince, Harriet, Aris!" I say as I run to them and see Minho running with Newt and Fry.

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