Chapter 22: Trauma

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When I entered Samanha's room I saw she wasn't in her bed. I walked over to her bathroom thinking she was in there. I knocked and received no answer.

"Sam?" I called through the door. Still no response so, I tried the door nob.

When I opened the door I looked around but still didn't find her. I began to get nervous. I know she didn't leave her room because I would have heard her door open.

"Okay, Sam, this isn't funny come out please" I called into her room and waited for her to answer. I got nothing in response.

I ran downstairs to where the boys were. They were sitting in the living room wrapping Harry's now clean hand.

"Have any of you seen Samantha? She's not in her room and I didn't hear her door open at all." I said panting form my run down the stairs.

"What? No she hasn't been down here. She was asleep not more then 10 minutes ago" Liam said.

Panic was now taking over my body. Where could she be? I started running around the house looking for her. When I ran by the front door I saw a letter laying on the table. Thinking that maybe Samantha had gone on a walk or something and she left a note I ran over to it.

But this was not a letter from Samantha saying she'll be back soon. It was a letter written in a haste. The writing was barely readable. It said:

Dear guardian of Samantha,

You should've called the police,

Love her rightful owner.

This couldn't be happening. I just got her back. I can't lose her again. I ran over to Zayn with tears rolling down my face.

"Zayn, you have to take me to where you found Samantha!" I nearly screamed. Everyone looked shocked at my out burst.

"Why Louis?" he asked.

"He took her! He took her right from under our noses! You have to take me to where you found her before he hurts her again!" I screamed. The note the man had left was now wrinkled beyond believe.

"Louis, even if I didn't take you there the chances that the guy's house are slim. She probably as far away as she could get from him." Zayn tried to rub my back to sooth me but I didn't want soothing I wanted my sister.

The guy who took her will probably hurt her way worse since she escaped. He might rape her again and I definitely don't want that to happen to her ever again.

"Well it's somewhere we can start! PLEASE!!!!" I screamed the last part on the top of my lungs.

"Get your coats on guys. Hurry!" Zayn said rushing around to find his shoes.

Once all the boys had their coats on we left.

"Liam, call the police. We aren't making the same mistake twice" Zayn said getting very serious about all of this.

"Alright, Louis, you might want to call your parents and tell them what's happened" Liam suggested. I nodded my head in agreement. I started to dial my mom's number. She answered on the second ring.

"Hello honey," she said cheerfully, "How are you and Samantha doing?" I felt a huge lump start to form in my throat.

"Mum, something's happened"


I woke up with a sore temple. I am in a room that's almost pure black except for cracks of light around what looks to be a door. I walk up to the steps to the door and wiggle the door nob. It doesn't budge. I hear familiar foot steps or more like stomps coming towards the door.

The door swung open and I looked up to see the angry face of the man who made my life hell.

"Stop trying to escape!" he said pushing me back down the stairs. I land on my back with the wind knocked out of me unable to move. I feel pain rush through my body.

"You're already in massive trouble for escaping in the first place" he angrily shouted at me as he made his way down the stairs to me.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs where I layed, he stepped on me like I was a step on the stairs. He pivated around to face me again, he grabbed me by the hair and flung me across the room to slam into the wall and then the floor. He approached me with a devious smirk. I knew what that meant.

"N-no, no p-p-please" I gasped for breath trying to to move but coming up unsuccessful. He laughed grabbing my wrist and dragging me across the room to the bed I woke up on. My mind became slow, not comprehending anything being said or done by the man. I was in my own dream world where I was safe.

~Two months later~


The police have finally found were the man who took Samantha lived. It took a long time but we're finally here. The house is surrounded by police and a SWAT team was just sent into the house. They've been in there for awhile until one of the SWAT members radioed.

"We have contained the suspect and we found the girl" all of the boys cheered.

"Bring them out we have an ambulance waiting" the sheriff radioed back.

They brought the man out first he held a smile on his face. This small thing infuriated me. I marched over.

"Why are you smiling you've been caught?" I asked angrily.

"Because I finally broke her in" he smiled wider. I went to hit him but I was stopped by another officer.

"Samantha is coming out soon I think you should be there" he said and I nodded walking over to the other boys.

The door to the house opened again revealing an officer escorting Samantha. We all ran up to her showering her in questions. When none of us got responses we become worried and let the EMT's look at her.

"What's wrong with her?" Louis asked, one of the EMT's, on the verge of crying.

"Well, sometimes when people go through a traumatic experience they go in to a sort of coma state to protect themselves in a way. It's part of their fight or flight response. They may be able to walk and talk but they aren't really processing what you're saying. This is a form of getting away and protecting the brain from trauma." She explained.

"When will she come out of it?" I asked.

"As soon as her brain realizes there isn't a threat anymore. It should be relatively soon. We'll keep her under close supervision. One of you can ride in the ambulance with her and talk to her it might help." she said.

"I'll ride with her" Louis said raising his hand.

"Alright lets go" she said gesturing for Louis to follow while the rest of us ran to our cars to follow.

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