Chapter 6: I Want Him

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He is gorgeous. I barely know him but, one thing I do know is that I want to. With the other boys I keep my distance, with Harry though, I just want to be close to him. I was interrupted from my staring when Louis said

"Harry, I have one rule with Samantha and that is NO flirting or dating her" he said in a very serious tone. I thought he would laugh but instead I saw a look of disappointment. The look was soon wiped off and a blank expression replaced it.

As this was happening the doctor walked back in.

"Samantha, other than some bruises and cuts you're fine. So, you can go home with your brother here it you'd like" the doctor said. I nodded my head up and down quickly. This hospital terrified me. There are tons of people here and I'm scared of all of them. 

The doctor told Louis to follow him to sign some discharge papers. I left in a room of boys I barely knew.

"Well, you should probably change into normal clothes" Liam stated.

"I don't have any other clothes" I told him.

"I expected that so I asked my girlfriend if she could lend you some" he said while handing the clothes to me. I went to stand up and I almost fell until someone caught me. As soon as they touched me I flinched out of instinct.

"No, Sammy, it's alright. I'm not going to hit you" I looked up to see Niall. I quickly got out of his grip.

"Please don't touch me" I asked quietly, my voice quivering.

Zayn stood up and said "None of us are going to hurt you, Samantha.".

"Do you want one us to help you?" Liam asked and I nodded a yes.

"Alright, me, Liam, or Zayn?" Niall asked.

"I want him to" I said while pointing to Harry


She wants me to help her? I thought she was terrified of me because she stared at me for a really long time when I introduced myself. I felt honored but, I knew the boys would try to talk her out of it. It's all because I'm known as the 'womanizer' and I hate it. I respect women but management had to have the bad boy of the group.

"Samantha, I don't think that's a good id-" Liam started but she interrupted him.

"I don't care I want him and only him to help me" she almost yelled.

I was surprised. She looked surprised too. 

Maybe she liked me. I wouldn't mind. She's beautiful. 

Did I like her?

No, I can't Louis would be furious but I can't help but look at her face. Her beautiful, gorgeous face.

I helped her off her bed and started walking her to the bathroom.


Hey, you guys, I'm sorry for taking so long to update but I'm going to try to do it when ever I can. 

Also, I need people to play the girlfriends of Zayn, Liam, and Louis. So if you would like to comment your name, description, and who's girlfriend you want to be I might pick you!

Please vote and comment!

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