Chapter 14: I Would Love To

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"Harry, is Lucy still still here?” I ask him.

"Yeah she's in the living room” he grabbed my hand and led me out of the room.

When we entered the living room everyone stared at me. I was becoming really uncomfortable so, I went behind Harry and tugged on his shirt. Luckily, he got what I was saying.

"You guys, stop staring at her. She's uncomfortable” He said and everyone went back to their conversations.

I grabbed Harry's hand and drug him over to Lucy and Niall.

"Hey, Lucy, I just wanted to know if you would want to do something tomorrow?” I asked.

"Totally!” she yelled back in excitement and it scared me. I hate yelling. Lucy had a look of wonder on her face.

"She doesn't like yelling. I t scares her” Harry said giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Oh, I so sorr-” she started but I stopped her.

"It's okay you didn't know” I assure her. She nods and turns back to Niall to continue their conversation.

Harry started to tug on my hand. I turned around.

"What?” I asked.

"Do you want to sit on the love seat, over there?” he asked, gesturing towards the small couch far from anyone else in the room.

"Sure” we walked over and Harry sat down first. As I went to sit Harry pulled me so I sat on his lap. There's one thing people have right about him and that is that he is very cheeky.

He smiled when I didn't try to move. I knew he would just pull me back so I didn't try.

"Sammy, can I ask you a question?” Harry asked.

"Yeah, go ahead” I said, nervously. I'm nervous because I don't know what he'll ask me.

"Well, uh, would you like to be my, um, girlfriend?” he asked me.

“I would love to” I said with a smiled which he returned.

"Awesome” he said then a thought came to my mind.

"Did you tell Louis about this?”

"Yeah. While you were asleep. He said he was fine with it but that if I ever broke your heart 'bad things will happen to me'.”

I laughed. I doubt Louis would be able to hurt Harry. Harry has a lot more muscle.

"Is it okay if I take another nap?” I asked him.

"Yeah, I'll be here when you wake up. I promise” Harry said.

That is all the reassurance I needed so, I quickly fell into a dreamless sleep.

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