Chapter 19: I Want Love

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Harry and I are eating our dinner in a comfortable silence until he breaks it.

"So are you liking your first date ever?" he asked nervously. I smiled and nodded.

"I couldn't have asked for anything better, Harry. I love it" I said happily.

This is the most calm I have been in a long time. Usually I would contantly be looking over my shoulder because of it being so dark but I trusted that Harry would protect me.

"Whatcha thinking about Sam?" he asked curiously.

I blushed because I hadn't realized I had been staring at him while thinking.

"Nothing" I said looking down at my plate.

"Aw, com'on. Please tell me?" he begged.

"What do I get out of it?" I asked smiling.

"A suprise" he said after thinking for awhile.

"Okay. I was... um... thinking about how safe I feel with you..." I said trailing off at the end because of my nervousness.

"I'm glad I make you feel safe" he stared into my eyes, "now for your suprise" he said huskily.

He started to lean in. Oh no... This is bringing back terrible memories.


I was sitting in my 'room', waiting. Just like they told me to.

I hear footsteps making their way to my door. When the door opens I see one of the men I know and a man I don't know behind him.

"This is her" The one knew said.

"A hot one, isn't she?" said the other.

"Yeah but disobedient. So, if you need to hit her, ya can" he said leaving.

The man slowly approached me like a predator approaching its prey.

"Do you like it rough, babe?" he asked me. I quickly shook my head.

"What a shame because I do and I always get what I want" I said then smashed his lips to mine.

~Flashback Over~

I can feel Harry's lips on mine.I feel a tingle in my lips. It lasts for five seconds until he pulls away with a frown.

"Why didn't you kiss back?" he asked.

"I.. uh..." I didn't want to tell him that I have never kissed anyone back before. He got even more angry at my inability to answer.

"You know what. Forget it forget this.You don't even try when I'm working my ass off trying to make this work but not anymore. I'm done" he said before he walked away. I heard his car start in the distance.

I just sat in shock of what had just happened. As soon as I realized what had happened I started to cry.

I just screwed up whatever relationship we just had and I have no way to get home or even know the way. He had blindfolded me for the whole walk here.

I'm such a fuck up. Nobody can love mebeing the way I am... I thought to myself. Fuck it.

I started to walk the opposite way Harry had gone. I know I'm going deeper into the woods and the farther I go I know there's less of a chance of them finding me. That's what I want, for no one to find me.

Soon I become tired so I decide to just lay down I don't care what's down here. I'm just tired.

~2 Hours Later~

It's probably around midnigh. I just woke up from my short nap. I now realize how stupid I was being earlier so now I'm trying to find my way to the road.

Every once in a while I can hear a car come and go. So, I know I'm getting closer. I can see the lights of a car coming. I run and flag down the car. I know this isn't my brightest idea but It's all I've got.

The car slows and comes to a stop. They roll down the window. I she a man, a woman, and a little girl in the back seat.

"Do you need a ride dear?" the lady asked sounding concerned. I nodded.

"Go ahead and climb in. Where do you need to go?" the man asked. I told him Louis' address, he nodded and started driving.

"Why are you alone?" the little girl asked. she looked around 8 years old.

"Well, my date let me alone, with no way to get home" I told a simple version of the story.

"He sounds like a meany head" she said.

"He's not, he is really nice" I smiled at her.

There was no more talking for the rest of the ride. When we pulled up the house I saw Louis sitting on the steps while the boys but Harry stood around him. As soon as he saw me in the car he ran over.

Once I got out of the car Louis pulled me into a hug.

"Harry said he would have you home by 11. Where is he?" Louis said angrily.

"I don't know. He left before we finished dinner" Louis' jaw dropped.

"You're joking" I shook my head no being able to answer verbally because I was trying not to cry. Louis noticed and tried to hug me again but I backed away. Not wanting to be touched in my fragile state.

The tears started to pour from my eyes. I ran inside to my room and locked the door.

I hated that everyone felt the need to pity me. I didn't want pity I wanted love like I had once. Real, pure love. Not the kind my family gives me but the kind that Damien used to give me. I miss that.

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