Such a good boy

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  As Shu walked down the hallway, his long legs were to fast for Renya to catch up. Soon enough, Renya stopped and crossed his arms, he was pouting. Shu noticed that Renya stopped walking and stopped as well, he turned around and was faced by an adorable pouting Renya.

  "What's wrong?" Shu asked smirking.

  Renya humpfed, "You're to fast to catch up!" He whined. Shu smirked wider as he walked towards Renya. He looked down at Renya, and under the boy's confused eyes, he picked him up like he was lifting a feather and held him up bridal style.

  Renya's eyes sparkled as he looked up at Shu, he gave Shu a bright smile with rosy cheeks, "T-thanks!" He said." Shu threw his head back and laughed, "No problem baby." He kissed both of Renya's cheeks lovingly.

  To be honest, not even Shu knew why he was feeling this way, and to a human boy none the less. But he could not deny that he loved the feeling that Renya gave him. He wanted to protect Renya, kiss Renya, claim Renya... More importantly he wanted Renya to love him back.

  Renya giggled as Shu kissed him, he then lifted his head and also kissed him on the cheeks. This was the first time Renya had ever done anything like that, and of course, Renya hadn't known that kisses were an act to demonstrate love, but even if he knew he would probably do it anyways... after all, Renya loved everything and anything. Which could become a problem to the boys in the future, especially since Renya would attract a lot of suitors.

  Shu carried Renya all the way to the main hall, where the other brothers were already waiting, Yui included.

  Yui was hanging on to Ayato's arm while whining about insignificant things. When Renya came down in Shu's arms all the brothers could not deny the amount of jealously they were feeling. Subaru clenched his hands into fists. Kanato gripped his bear tighter and narrowed his eyes. Reiji pushed his glasses up more as he was severely annoyed. Ayato gripped Yui so much it was starting to bruise. And Laito's eyes turned into slits. Laito almost immediately teleported in front of Shu and snatched Renya from his arms, he carried Renya's small frame in an almost hug-like way. He was supporting Renya's legs while he hugged Renya in a side hug.

  After Laito got a hold of Renya, Shu growled and tried to get him back, but Laito had already teleported away. As Shu was about to look for Renya, Reiji interrupted, "You're late." He said annoyed. "And?" Shu started looking around. Reiji groaned. "We'll be late let's go." Shu looked at him irritated.

  "What about Renya." Reiji rolled his eyes, "He's already in the car, let's go." The all walked outside, this time Shu was complying.

  All of them got into the limo and found Laito in the seat near the window while Renya was on his lap, as he played with Renya's shorts, sometimes slipping his hand inside the shorts and feeling around, which caused Renya to gasp and moan.

  The vampires all around clenched their fists as they got into their seats. Yui being extremely annoyed that all the attention was on Renya. Subaru decided he couldn't take it's anymore and grabbed Renya, putting him on his knee and secluding his arms around him.

  Laito looked at Subaru in a playful way, but you could see the hostility in his eyes, "Can't share, my dear brother?" He sneered as his eyebrow twitched. Subaru ignored him as he let Renya lean on his chest and looked out the window.

  The other brothers all secretly clenched their fists and eyebrows twitched, but of course they couldn't afford making a scene and fighting in front of their dear Renya, so they could only hold their anger in.

  Yui was extremely upset as she huffed in anger, crossing her arms as she sat in between Laito and Ayato. Suddenly she smirked, for she had thought of a plan to be the center of attention and not Renya. Ayato noticed and raised his eyebrow. "A penny for your thoughts pancake, what's on your mind?" He arrogantly asked. "Do you dare defy yours truly or have you learned just a bit pancake?" He glared as though he saw right through her.

  "My name is not pancake it's Yui Komuri and I'd appreciate if you'd use it!" Said Yui pretending to be all innocent. "Shut your mouth, your opinion is irrelevant to me I'll call you whatever I like, so deal with it, pancake." Ayato growled and extended his fangs to bite Yui, when Reiji shut his book in a threatening manner. "Ayato, how many times do I have to tell you, take such activities to your private room." Reiji said this and gestures to Renya subtly, indicating that he shouldn't do such acts in front of Renya.

  Ayato crossed his hands and grumbled, but he knew Reiji was right so he just leaned back in his seat. As he did this, Reiji took something out from his pocket and threw it at Yui, "Here, I brought this for you, it's a hundred percent cranberry juice, the best cure for those with weak blood." Yui looked at Reiji with a weak smile feeling flattered while inside she was thinking, 'Hah! I knew one of the brothers would soon crack, they can't resist my charms.' "Thank you very much." She timidly said. Reiji glared at her, "Oh, you needn't thank me. You must be fully aware that you are to become our pray, so drink you juice daily, please." Yui gasped and be looked at the juice solemnly.

  Reiji ignored her, and as opposed to Yui, he kindly gave Renya juice and stroked his head. "Kitty, you see cranberry juice makes you stronger so make sure to drink some every day, okay?" Renya nodded smiling as he accepted the juice.

  "Good boy." Reiji cooed as he patted his head. "Very obedient." Smiled Subaru looking down at Renya. "A very good Kitty indeed." Agreed Shu looking at Renya with soft eyes. "Very good." Hummed Laito and Ayato.

Renya blushed as he fiddled with the juice in his hand, he then proceeded to bury his face into Subaru's chest which the brothers were not even mad at, as Renya was behaving to adorably for them to even care.

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