Bitter and Sweet

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  A girl could be seen walking down a flight of stairs, her bag clutched tightly in her hand, she looked to be searching something. As the last step approached, the female looked towards her right and her eyes seemingly lit up, ''I found one!'' She joyfully exclaimed, the girl whose name was Yui,  was looking at an old fashioned phone operator in relief. She walked towards it, setting her bag down on the floor as she slowly grabbed the phone.

  ''You shouldn't do that.'' A soft voice said behind her. Yui turned around, now face to face with a fair boy wearing a frown on his face. ''Renya.'' Said Yui in disgust. ''Why not? I can do whatever I want it's none of your business anyway.'' She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back onto the phone operator.

  Yui picked it up and held it to her ear, frowning when she couldn't hear anything she looked left and right in confusion and suddenly gasped as she saw a purple haired tired looking boy, who held a brown teddy bear in his arms. ''Kanato! I didn't know you were still here.''

  They boy tilted his head and opened his mouth, ''of course I am Yui, you act so surprised but you must know why I waited for you.'' When he received no reply he proceed with his words, ''Because I'm thirsty, and Teddy is too.'' Kanato looked at the Teddy in his arms with lifeless eyes. ''Tell me the truth Teddy, what do you think of Yui for being so insensitive to our needs?''

  Yui gulped with nervousness, ''I-I'm very sorry, I'll- I'll go buy you a present. Do you think you can forgive me, Teddy?'' She crouched down a little while asking the bear. Kanato scowled angrily at the insolent girl, ''would you kindly refrain from addressing my Teddy as if you know him?! I am the only advisor that he will ever need!'' Kanato smiled slightly, ''Isn't that right, Teddy?''

  ''I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of that.'' Stuttered Yui as she rubbed her slightly sweaty palms. ''Apparently you're not aware of much.'' Mumbled Renya as he smirked silently. ''Shut up!'' Yui whispered to him and glared briefly. ''Anyway hang on a second I'll be right back.'' She promised Kanato, hurriedly running the other way, leaving Renya and Kannato behind.

  It was silent until Renya said, ''I'm sorry, I know she's kind of stupid but I don't think she meant to offend you and Teddy.'' Kanato looked up from the ground, meeting Renya's gaze, ''Why do you apologize for her? It was she who was wrong, not you.'' Renya stared at him in surprise, he hadn't noticed that it was weird, he did that almost always, ''Sorry, bad habit.'' The boy awkwardly rubbed the nape of his neck.

  Kanato gently walked towards Renya and pushed him against the wall, looked straight into his eyes, ''Teddy and I don't like it.'' Kanato frowned down at the bear, ''In fact, we hate it. So stop.'' Renya gulped, ''A-alright, I'll stop.'' The purple haired boy lowered his head until his mouth came in contact with the skin of Renya's collarbone, ''So pretty, so soft.'' Muttered Kanato as he dragged his sharp fangs around Renya's skin and said boy swore he felt Kanato smile as he shivered from the sensation.

  ''You know, I'm still hungry and that girl hasn't returned yet,'' Kanato said as he licked and sucked at one particular spot on Renya's skin, creating a slight mark. No words were exchanged but the vampire knew that the human had silently agreed. He sank his fangs deep into Renya's neck and didn't let go, in fact, the vampire had even started to hold Renya tightly.

  After a while, Kanato had a deep red blush across his cheeks and Renya had fainted. Kanato stood there frozen, holding the unconscious human in his hold.  The vampire was in a state of bliss, he had imagined that Renya's blood would taste good, but he had not imagined how delectable it truly was, Kanato was sure that after tasting Renya, all the blood in the world wouldn't be enough to quench his thirst.

  Soon, though, Kanato's heavenly state was broken by a voice. ''Here, I brought you some coffee.'' Yui presented a cup which withheld a swirling dark brown liquid. Kanato stared at her in detest as he laid Renya gently on the ground behind him, setting him up so that the wall was supporting him. 

  ''Ow!'' She exclaimed as the cup was brutally slapped out of her hold, ''Don't you know that I prefer things that are sweet?!'' The dark brown liquid spilled harshly all over the floor, far away from where Renya laid though, Kanato made sure of it. ''I hate things that have a bitter aftertaste, so I hate coffee, why is that so hard for you to understand?'' Kanato got riled up as he answered heatedly.

  ''Still that's no reason to spill it on the floor-'' Yui spoke courageously yet nervously.  ''Don't you talk back to me like that! You're only a worthless mortal, so you have no right!'' Yui flinched scared, while her eyes visibly shut in fear,  ''i-I'm really sorry..'' She managed to stutter out. ''I know you, and you're not sorry at all, so why are you apologizing?!'' Kanato screamed in frustration as he held his teddy tighter.

   Yui's eyes let out a fear tears from exasperation. ''Then what do you want from me?'' She asked. ''It should be obvious, but I wanted you to figure that out on your own.'' Yui inwardly rolled her eyes, this guy was starting to annoy her, why couldn't he just tell her what he wanted? No more stupid games! Still, wanting to get good favor from the brothers, she replied, ''then, I guess I'll go get you something else..'' But sadly, today would not be the day where Yui would get in Kanato's good books. ''No thank you.'' He interrupted her with cold eyes, ''I don't want it anymore.''

  Slowly but surely, a body behind the vampire began to move slowly.

  ''Did the hot coffee splash on your fingers when it fell to the ground?'' The vampire gently held up the girl's hand in a total 130 degrees mood change, ''I hope that it didn't burn your flesh, you poor thing.'' He said in a sickly sweet voice laced with fake pity. Quickly, he held her hand to his mouth and his glided his tongue over her pale skin, sucking vigorously, for a reason that only god knows. ''Ah! Eh!'' Yui gasped in surprise, she weakly tried to take her hand back, eventually succeeding due to Kanato's lack of interest in resisting, because as mentioned before, Yui happened to have a VERY unappetizing taste.

  ''Hmm.. What happened, I'm so tired. Why am I on the floor?'' A certain somebody whispered in a slurred voice while examining their surroundings. The two other beings in the room had yet to notice.

  Kanato's dark face turned black while he quietly whispered, ''You know, sometimes I wonder if you hate me and Teddy, tell me, do you?'' He asked, displaying a vulnerable face. ''Why aren't you interested in learning more about us?'' Kanato's head tilted to the side. ''It's not as if I hate you exactly and I would like to get to know you a bit better.'' Yui hesitantly told him. ''Then I would appreciated it if you would make the effort to understand me.'' He said as he walked away.

  ''Baby boy! Your awake?'' Kanato's face suddenly brightened up as he smiled down to his baby who looked at him with adorable fuzzy eyes.  ''Hmm? I guess.. But I don't know how I fell asleep in the first place?'' Renya pouted up at him. ''Don't worry about that, my baby boy was probably just tired from school today.'' Kanato warmly rubbed his head as he helped Renya stand up.

   While this was happening, Yui looked around in jealousy, quickly noticing her bag wasn't in the same position that she had left it in, which made a great excuse to interrupt the two males' conversation, ''that's weird.'' She whispered to herself in confusion. ''Hey Kanato! I can't find my bag, have you seen it anywhere?'' She quickly yelled after him, successfully diverting the vampire's attention onto her. ''Oh that?'' Kanato smirked evilly, ''I put it up on the roof.'' Yui stuttered in disbelief, ''but-but why?'' Kanato smirked even more, ''I did it to punish you.'' he said. ''What?'' Yui asked puzzled.

  ''Baby, I have to leave now but don't worry we'll see each other later, okay?'' Kanato smiled at Renya, who obediently nodded in reply, completely ignoring Yui's question.

  As he slowly walked away, he suddenly stopped right in front of the exit and looked down at his Teddy, ''Teddy, everyone knows that the phone over there has been broken for a while now, it's been almost two weeks, right?''

12 hours earlier:

  ''Hey, Kanato I dare you to bite pancake.'' Said a certain vampire.

''I would never take part of such a stupid bet, Ayato.'' Grumbled Kanato back.

''Well what if I said this bet included cupcake?'' Smirked Ayato.

''Keep talking.'' Kanato eyed him suspiciously.

''If you bite pancake then I won't get close to cupcake for 24 hours, but if you fail, you have to give me your teddy for thirty minutes.''

Kanato growled, ''Your on. I'm sorry Teddy, but you understand, this involves our baby boy.''

What do you think? I did say only god knew the reason as to why Kanato licked Yui. ;)

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