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  Later that night, the brothers, Renya and Yui all sat down for dinner.

  At the table there was nothing but silence. The brothers all calmly ate while Yui didn't even touch her food and well, Renya was stuffing his face. You see, it has already been mentioned how poorly Renya was treated and in addition, mostly forgotten. So Renya never really had such a delicious meal.

  As he kept eating and eating, eventually Reiji, who was sitting at his side got worried that Renya would choke from eating that fast so he placed a hand on his shoulder, ''Tea cup, eat slower. The food isn't going anywhere.'' He chuckled making Renya blush in embarrassment, ''O-Oh, gomen!''

  Renya was so immersed in the food that he hadn't even noticed how unpolite he was being by eating like that with no manners.

  Silently, Renya lowered his head and muttered something under his breath. Reiji's eyebrow raised for a second, ''What was that? You have to speak up tea cup.'' He smirked.

  Renya blushed even more, ''I-I said...'' He paused for a second before his blush became brighter and he raised his head, eyes shut and yelled, ''Your food is so delicious! I can't help it!'' and then he shut his mouth again.

  Reiji paused, his mouth opening and closing several times, as if debating what to say.

  Renya cautiously opened one of his eyes, peering over at how Reiji reacted to his comment, when he saw that Reiji was frozen and unresponsive, he closed his eyes shut again, eyebrow's flurrying in frustration, in his mind he yelled at himself, 'See what you did! That was so stupid, you yelled at one of the only people who helped you! You're so stupid! stupid! stu-' His mind was cut off when he heard the sound of laughing, he opened his eyes and saw Reiji, the usually calm and composed vampire full on laughing. 'wow', thought Renya, 'He has a beautiful smile'.

  Renya couldn't contain his own smile at the scene. Reiji forwarded his hand towards Renya's head and gently rubbed it, smiling like an idiot, while inside his mind he was thinking, 'w-woah, so SOFT!'

  While this display of affection was going on, the other brothers had been staring with jealously and awe. Jealousy because they wished they were also patting Renya's head and feeling his soft hair, and awe because of the two males' smile. Granted, even though all the brothers lived with Reiji for a long time, they had never seen him truly smile. It was a beautiful sight to see.

  This moment of happiness was interrupted by Yui, who had not spoken all dinner, until now.

  The girl batted her eyelashes and puckered her lips as she tried to talk to Renya with a seemingly innocent intention, ''Renya, you shouldn't have done that, that was quite rude of you. Not only did you eat like a pig, but then you had the nerve to yell at Reiji the most gracious host and not only that but our gracious host!'' Yui hmphed.

  She had the nerve to act like a worried big sister. Ayato clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Shu opened his eyes and glared at Yui without blinking, Laito gripped his chair hard to the point it almost broke, Kanato held his Teddy tighter and sent a ferocious  look towards Yui, and Subaru punched a wall.

  Renya looked stunned for a moment before nodding, clasping his hands together and bowing in front of Reiji, ''I am sorry for my impolite actions, they were uncalled for and I sincerely apologize.''

  Reiji was flabbergasted for a moment before frowning, shaking his head and lifting up Renya, he hugged him and said, ''You do not need to apologize. If anything, miss Yui here should be apologizing for interrupting a private moment.'' He took a second to glare at Yui before turning back to Renya and stroking his head.

  "It doesn't look like you've eaten much, little bitch.'' Laito appeared behind Yui and got close to her, ''You need to eat a well balanced diet or you'll become anorexic, or, do you not like Reiji's cooking? It seems that the only impolite being here is you. Not eating the food that your 'host' so graciously prepared for you, I'm disappointed little bitch.''

  Laito then looked at Renya, approached him and asked, ''And you? Why aren't you eating the rest?'' Renya pouted, ''Well, Yui said it's impolite to eat like that, so I really rather not eat at all, I don't really have table manners, my father never taught me.'' Laito grinned wider, ''Well, I'll be more than happy to feed you.'' Renya blushed and suddenly Shu stood up from his chair and said, ''I can't be bothered with this.'' He sent one final glare at Yui and left.

  When he shut the door behind him Reiji commented, ''I have had enough of that deadbeat. As a child he had everything handed to him on a silver platter, this is what happens when children grow up spoiled.''

  As Reiji was lamenting, Kanato was talking to teddy, ''Teddy, what would you like to eat next? Let's have a banana snowball, shall we?'' He grinned and picked up his fork, he aimed it to the desert and the desert broke in half, Kanato stared, and then he stabbed the sweet on more time, and after that he started crazily stabbing it while laughing crazily.

  Reiji, ingoring this, continued to rant about his older brother, ''He can't even make an effort to attend our monthly dinner party.'' He made a 'tch' sound. ''That will be all for today.'' He said and one by one the brothers left.

  As Renya was at the door he looked back at Reiji, ''Aren't you coming?'' He asked, ''In a moment.'' Reiji replied. Leaving Yui and Reiji alone.

  As Yui stood up to leave, Reiji spoke, ''Your manners are deplorable, are you not aware of that? One of these days, I'll have to take you aside and discipline you thouroghly, have I made myself clear?''

  Yui gulped , ''Yes.'' She stood up and walked to the door, ''Oh, and one more thing,'' He said and turned around to face her with the deadliest glare Yui had ever seen, ''Hurt Renya and I will dig out your eyeballs, tongue and fingers and make tea with them.''

  Then his expression turned back to a blank one, ''Have a good rest miss Yui.''

   Yui's eyes widened and her throat went dry, she had the urge to cry, but she suck it up and left while a small, inaudible ''Thank you.''

  Yui left that room pondering what just happened, it seemed as though it would be much harder to get what she wanted.

  Yui clenched her fists and glared at nothing in particular, ''I will get what I want, sooner or later...''

Open Desires (Diabolik Lovers x male oc) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now