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Renya opened the door connecting the bathroom and his room silently, he had a bundle of clothes in his arms.

  His pink hair was wet and combed while he had now changed into black pants and a big white sweater that came up to the middle of his thigh, there were some wet spots on his clothing because of the fact that he was wet before but he didn't really bother with them. 

  As Renya entered his room he closed the door and stared at it for a while, the corner of his mouth eventually turning up, forming a half smile.

  ''Hey cupcake,'' Renya jumped. He looked up to see where the voice was coming from and saw Ayato, ''Oh, you scared me.'' Renya smiled and Ayato laughed lowly, ''You're late, I've worked up quite a thirst.''

  Renya blushed and as Ayato continued, Renya's blush only got deeper, ''Come over here and let me suck your blood.'' Ayato winked at him.

  Renya was flustered and struggled to reply to the straight-forward vampire, ''No, Ayato, not right now.''

  He finally let out, sure he wanted to let Ayato suck his blood, especially because he can't live without it but he was exhausted. His body was still recovering from Shu's bite earlier.

  Ayato looked at him worriedly, Renya had said that after his bath he would let Ayato bite him, so why was he refusing now?

  'Did something happen, does he not want me anymore?' Ayato thought, he was now feeling hurt.

  His eyes moistened as he approached Renya, ''Why not? You told me that I could earlier..'' Ayato's sentence got quieter and quieter until he stopped talking.

  Renya sighed as he lamented making Ayato feel bad, ''I'm sorry Ayato, I'm just tired. I didn't think I would be this tired earlier. I'm really sorry, but can't we do this another time?''

  Ayato approached Renya wordlessly and hugged him. He stuck his head in the crook of Renya's head and sniffed, inhaling the sweet smell Renya was emitting.

  ''It's okay.'' He said but as he went to take another whiff of Renya's sent he suddenly saw two bite marks, they were both still pretty red which meant that they were made recently.

  "What the hell is this?!'' Ayato asked perplexed, he grinded his teeth together in anger as he stared at the bite for a long time, he touched the mark and Renya flinched.

  ''Sorry.'' Ayato said as he retracted his hands  apologetically, when received a nod back from Renya, Ayato continued inspecting the mark. ''Reiji? No.. It must have been Shu."

  Ayato narrowed his eyes in disdain, ''That little..'' Ayato snarled.


  Laying on a couch in the middle of a game room was a teenage-looking vampire named Shu, and it is to that scene that Ayato and Renya were presented with the moment they walked through the door.

  Ayato walked in front of Shu's 'sleeping' body, ''Are you trying to pick a fight with me or something?'' Only silence rang around the room, ''Hey, are you listening to me?!''

  This time, Shu answered, ''Keep your voice down, please.'' He said in a monotone voice. ''Shit.'' Ayato grumbled, Renya was still awkwardly standing by him, ''I challenge you to a game of darts!'' Exclaimed Ayato. Shu groaned, ''That's to much trouble.'' Ayato started angrily, ''Why you..'' but he didn't get to finish, because footsteps were heard behind him.

  Ayato and Shu turned around and met face-to-face with none other than Laito and Yui, ''Sounds like fun to me, and the prize for the winner of the game would be little bitch, of course.''

  Laito completely ignored Yui, who was behind him and just lustfully stared at Renya while Renya just looked at him, flustered and awkward. ''I can't wait.'' He chuckled lowly.

  One of the brother would win and they would have to be stuck with Yui, while Laito could swoop in and have some time with Renya.

  ''P-Prize?'' Yui gulped down, as if she was nervous, when in all actuality she was excited to see what the brothers would do to her when one of them won. ''I've had enough of this noise,'' said a voice.

  Everyone turned to see who it was and, low and behold, it was Reiji. ''Why must you always cause such a commotion?'' Reiji questioned irritated.

  ''I couldn't care less about this girl, so don't look at me. Why don't you all just be quiet and let me go back to sleep.'' Shu groaned.

  ''What a lame response, why am I not surprised?'' Reiji sarcastically asked. ''Either to shoot or shrink back when he's faced with an honest challenge,'' Renya felt slightly uncomfortable watching this 'family drama' happen right before his eyes, obviously there was some unresolved tension between the brothers, ''If you look up the word spineless in the dictionary, you'll see his picture right next to the definition. He can't do anything without help, good for nothing deadbeat.''

  Hearing this, Shu opened his eyes and sat upright, he stared at the couch, eyes seemingly unfocused as he answered, ''Ayato, I will play your game after all.''

  ''If Shu nails this next shot, you know what's going to happen. Since we've already agreed on the prize it means that you will belong to him little bitch."

  Laito said with a smirk directed towards Shu, because he will be stuck with her.

  "This is wrong, I refuse to stand here and-'' Yui tried to make herself look pitiful by running away, but it was less like running and more like walking away with the notion that you will obviously be caught, and she was.

  Laito stopped her dead in her tracks by grabbing both of her shoulders and holding them in place. ''Now, you come back, prizes are supposed to keep still, don't you know that.'' Laito smirked with malice in his eyes, ''Ow, that hurt-'' Yui looked up to see Laito staring at her with a piercing gaze, which was interrupted by him laughing. 

  Shu held the dart in his hand, the cold metal matching with his equally cold skin, he took a deep breath and threw the dart, landing exactly in the middle, where his other two darts had  previously landed, ''Not to shabby, one eighty.'' Laito smiled with a light tone in his voice and Renya clapped, impressed, well, before Ayato held his hands with jealously.

  Shu wordlessly walked away, winked a bit at Renya, and didn't spare a glance at Yui as he passed her. When he got to where Renya was sitting, he silently grabbed Renya's hand and dragged him to the door, Renya blushed in surprise and embarrassment. The other brother started to disgree as Shu continued dragging Renya arround, the other brothers started approaching Shu and yelling at him.

   Yui let out a sound of surprise and Laito looked at her, maliciously smiled and said, ''Okay, here's your prize. One little bitch.'' Laito's eyes formed a moon-crescent shape as he pushed Yui towards Shu, laughing softly.

  Yui gasped as she stumbled onto Shu's back, making Renya, who was in Shu's hold, let go of his hand. Shu turned around slowly with a dark look in his eyes, Yui had a look of terror and excitement both at once hidden deep in her eyes,

  "Mortals mean nothing to me. They're simply pray, for me to feed on.'' Shu said, but what he didn't know was that Renya stared at him in surprise. Renya looked at him in sadness as he hugged himself, feeling betrayed for basically being called food.

  But what was he expecting, he knew this all along. Renya was nothing but nourishment to the brothers. Shu, who still hadn't noticed the hurt in Renya's eyes, grabbed Yui's jaw and twisted it to the side, revealing her white and slender neck, Shu approached her neck, and darkly said, ''As you've already discovered, you best not even dream of messing with me. If you hope to stay alive.''

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