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Renya sighed as he opened up his eyes in confusion. He looked around noticing he was in a foreign room, the walls were all painted red and adorned with purple curtains that fluttered because of the wind.

The bed he was laying on was soft and cozy, he noticed that he was covered with a purple blanket, ''What happened?'' he asked himself, his last recollection being of Yui running away from Laito and dragging him along.

Renya stood up from the bed and walked towards a big wooden door, noticing it was left unlocked, Renya pushed the door open and walked out, he wanted to find one of the brothers so he wouldn't be alone, quite honestly, Renya was frightened when he woke up in an unfamiliar environment with no one who cared for him next to him, it actually gave Renya a sense of abandonment, he was really scared that he would be left alone again.

It was still dark, the clouds were a murky grey and the air seemed eerie, for some reason Renya had a feeling he shouldn't be out there, but pushing away any fear he continued walking until he saw Yui, walking around to a church, he looked at her puzzled and, as if feeling his gaze, yui turned around.

When Renya saw her face, he gasped. Her eyes were a dark red and her hair was all disheveled, she had this crazed look in her eye as she ran forward to Renya and grabbed his wrist harshly, nails sinking into his arm. ''Oww..'' Renya mewled as Yui dragged him insisde the church.

Yui looked at him, ''Shut it you freak!'' She screamed and threw Renya on the floor right in front of a statue of god. All of a sudden she laughed, ''here it is! God I present you the sacrifice of this abomination,'' she revealed a knife that was hidden in her pocket. Renya's eyes widened as he scrambled, in vain, to get away.

Yui pinned him down, ''God, in your name I shall slice his skin and crush his bones. I shall cover every inch of this floor with his blood, I will make him scream and wither!'' Renya tried to push her off him, ''Are you crazy?!" he shouted.

Yui laughed as she trailed the knife, almost playfully, down his thigh, causing blood to seep out and ignored him, ''In return, you shall help me conquer the hearts of the seven Sakamaki brothers!'' Outside, the previously still sky had begun rumbling and buckets of rain began to fall down. As thunder rumbled, Yui took that as a good sign and raised her knife high up in the air with a mean glint in her eyes.

Renya shut his eyes out of fear and tried to prepare himself for the pain, swearing that no matter what, he would not die.

A loud noise was heard, the church's double doors were swung open, making a startled Yui pause her actions. A dark figure ran by and grabbed her outstretched arm, ''What the fuck do you think you're doing?'' The male voice growled. Yui trembled.

Renya timidly opened his eyes and ended up face to face with Laito, who, didn't quite look like the Laito he knew. This Laito had a face that Renya had never seen before, pure anger and maliciousness, although Renya wasn't in Yui's position, he could tell by her expressions that the grip Laito had on her arm was certainly not light.

It looked like her arm was about to pop off from the rest of her body. Yui was crying and her earlier expressions had simply melted away, as if they were never there in the first place. Before Renya could get a word in, Laito had already started talking.

''What were you hoping to accomplish by murdering him?! Tht somehow that god of yours would grant you any wish?! What? Has praying proved to get you nowhere?! Is that why you've resorted to this?!''

Laito was furious. He had only stepped out of the room for a minute to get Renya some soup for when he woke up but as he came back Renya was gone, he searched for him everywhere, as he finally realized that that bitch Yui had dragged him to this church he opened the door to reveal his bunny almost being stabbed. He would never forgive this bitch, he would make her suffer the most horrible, painful dea-

Around his waist something had just attached itself to him. Pausing his thoughts, a puzzled Laito looked down to realize Renya was hugging him tightly.

Right, how could he forget, his bunny was right there and had to experience this traumatic moment right after waking up from having a serious fever. That bitch would have to wait, ''Get out.'' Laito said in a cold voice, letting go of Yui's wrist. ''W-What?'' Yui whispered mortified. He turned to look at her, ''Get out right now before I change my mind and kill you right here and right now." He glared at her.

Yui nodded, scrambling to get up, after almost falling and triping quite a few times, ''Oh, and before I forget,'' Laito called out after her. Yui smiled, she knew he wouldn't throw her out, she knew he loved her too, ''This church that you so preach? This god that you so worship? Who do you think sent you to us as a sacrifice? It was your church. So you see, your god won't save you, nobody will." Yui paled. No, it couldn't be, her father would never do that to her, Yui went silent as she finally got out of the church, her heart beating a mile per minute.

Sitting down at the edge of the curb, Yui glared at the ground. Her plan was interrupted, but that is okay, it was nothing but a minor setback. She would make sure that the next time they won't get interrupted again. As for the church sending her there she knew that wasn't true, or at least not the whole truth, her father would never abandon her.

Still, she was glad she ended up there, she would charm those boys and make them fall at her feet, they will regret everything they did to her, just as soon as she gets rid of that nuisance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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