Yui's backpack

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''Hey, you.''

Yui yelled after Renya, as he stood to leave the scene.

Renya slowly turned around and stared at her, ''You're the reason my backpack is on the rooftop, so you have to go and get it for me.'' Yui said with an air of arrogance attached to her words.

Renya stared at her for several moments silently wondering if this girl was really as stupid as she seems. After a few more awkward glances between the two of them, Renya finally opened his mouth, ''This has nothing to do with me. You did something you weren't supposed to, and Kanato punished you. I know it's unfair but we are living in their home which means we have to obey their rules.''

Yui was stunned, this was the first time Renya had ever talked back to her, she was furious, those vampires must have gotten into his head, who is he to think that he was on the same level as her? Yui thought darkly as she approached Renya step by step, ''Listen here you little brat,'' Yui spat out as she tugged Renya's hair harshly, making him forcefully look up at her, his eyebrows scrunched up in pain while his lips were tightly pulled down in a frown.

''I think spending too much time without a punishment has made you cocky, you think lightly of me, well that has got to change. I don't care what those vampires told you, you are still mine. I own you, and therefore you must do exactly as I say. And if you disobey me, there will be severe consequences, got it?'' Yui spat out viciously, a sneer on her face.

Renya gulped nervously, it was true, he had forgotten all of the rules, how foolish was he to think that he could actually go against her, his mistress? The boy whimpered as Yui slapped him in the face, hard, making him fall down onto the cold ground. ''Know your place.'' She said, disgust dripping from her voice. She kicked him one time in the stomach, ''Now go, and I expect you to be back with my backpack.'' She yelled. ''Yes.'' Renya replied, grabbing his stomach as he sat up, walking towards the rooftop.

. . .

Renya saw the familiar brown bag sitting in the middle of the rooftop, and sighed in relief as he picked it up, he was worried the search was going to be a long one, thankfully that wasn't the case.

As he stood to walk out, he heard an awfully familiar voice, ''Huh?'' Renya asked himself as he looked to the side and saw Laito staring at the moon, ''I love you.'' He paused, ''Forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever and ever.'' Laito blushed lightly, ''I love you despite myself, whether you want me to or not.'' He took a deep breath, ''I have never forgotten you, your memory haunts me every moment. I remember the sound of your voice, your intoxicating scent. I remember everything.'' Laito took a deep breath, as if he could smell the scent of the one he was speaking of and moaned slightly.

Then, he suddenly frowned and all traces of the once there blush were gone, ''Who's there? I can hear you breathing.'' He glared.

Renya blushed from being caught, and turned to walk away when his shoulder was grabbed, ''Well if it isn't little bunny. Don't you know that eavesdropping is impolite?'' He questioned mockingly.

Renya turned red when he was called out, then he started speaking, and couldn't stop. ''I'm so so so so sorry, I didn't mean to. I just came here to get a bag and I heard you voice and couldn't help myself so I went to investigate, and I ended up staying there listening to you, which I know is wrong and I shouldn't have done it so-'' Laito cut him off by wrapping his arms around his waist and squeezing Renya.

''Yeah well, I think you did overhear something. And that makes me very sad, you were listening to something I didn't want anyone but myself to hear, so what are you going to do to compensate me, hmm?''Laito said provocatively in Renya's ear.

Renya, feeling very guilty, ''W-Well what would you like as compensation, then?'' he asked seriously, looking into Laito's green eyes. ''Well, I am quite thirsty, we creatures of the night are particularly thirty when there's a full moon, oh we get terribly thirsty. And the need to quench that thirst becomes so powerful that it drives us mad.'' He said, acting pitiful.

''Laito, if you wanted to bite me you could've just asked, I know you have needs and I would be more than willing to help you satisfy them.'' Renya laughed while Laito's face slowly turned red. ''T-Thank you..'' He smiled and pushed Reya up against the rooftop wall.

The vampire lowered his mouth to the crook of Renya's neck and sank his teeth slowly into the boy's flesh.

''Mhmmm!'' Laito moaned joyfully as Renya's sweet blood reached his tongue, he smirked, his lips still on Renya's skin.

''A-ah!'' Renya moaned as Laito set his leg in between both of his thighs. ''Hmm, sensitive, are we?'' Smirked Laito.

All of a sudden both men hear a scream, they look to the side and see Yui, Renya's skin turns pale in fright as Yui grabbed his wrist, with bloodshot eyes, and dragged him out of the rooftop.

''H-Hey!'' Stuttered Renya in fear as Yui grabbed his wrist hard enough to leave a bruise. By the time Laito had enough time to look into Renya's fear filled eyes, both humans had disappeared downstairs.

''Tch. Little bitch thinks she can simply take away what's mine that easily, think again.'' Laito sneered, his eyes turning a darker shade, ''I won't let them get away.''

(Sorry for the delay I've been really busy with school and exams, I hope you all understand, anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful day.)

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