Indroductions and first bite

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  Reiji pushed the bridge of his glasses up his nose. "Well, it wouldn't be impolite not to introduce ourselves, so I'll start, The deadbeat who is holding you is Shu, the first Sakamaki child-" 

    Shu cut him off, "Don't disturb me, human unless you want your head ripped off." He stated coldly before looking at Renya. "Always come to me if you need anything, okay baby?" Shu smiled fondly at him with moon-crescent eyes, as if he hadn't just threatened Yui a moment ago.

   Renya blushed while Yui gripped the edge of her skirt tightly, her knuckles turning white. 

  Reiji glanced at Shu annoyed before continuing, "Then there is I, Reiji Sakamaki the second son. Remember my door is always open for you my little teacup." Reiji looked at Renya with a smile as well. He hadn't even bothered to mention Yui, while Yui thought she was this 'little tea cup' and blushed. 

  "Then there is the third son," Ayato then spoke. "You won't get away next time pancake," he warned Yui. "Can't wait to be your first everything.. including husband." Ayato winked at Renya. 

  Renya was deeply confused, for he did not know what 'husband' meant, therefore when Ayato smirked at him he took that word as a good thing and smiled back nervously. 

  The other brothers all rolled their eyes for they would never let that happen. 

  "Followed closely by the fourth son, Kanato." Reiji paused as Kanato said, "Please let me sample you some time.. doll." He smiled creepily, but in a cute way, and waved at Renya. 

  "...the fifth child.." 

  Laito smirked and looked at Yui, "Pleased to meet you, little bitch," Laito then looked at Renya and smiled sincerely, "Pleasure to meet you, bunny." Laito happily said. 

  "And the sixth, and last, son, Subaru.." Reiji completed. 

  Subaru tch'd and looked at Yui, "What a waste of time." He then looked at Renya, he said nothing but blushed. 

  Reiji did this introduction mostly for Renya, even so, both humans nodded. By this time, Renya had already calmed down.

  "Okie Dokie." Said Renya as he flung his legs around while cuddling Shu. The males had to physically restrain themselves so as to not squeeze him to death.

  "Back to the main topic, why are you here?" Reiji turned his stern eyes to Yui because Renya could be welcomed in his home whenever he liked.

   Yui, who was in pleasure from the attention, replied, "U-Um right.. M-My u-uh, father sent us here." She faked a stutter which the brothers hadn't bought for a second.

  "Does anyone know why this young lady was sent to live with us?" He looked around before fixing his eyes on his brother, ''Ayato." Reiji looked at him but Ayato shrugged in response. "I wonder if they're the ones.." muttered Shu, who was trailing his fingers up and down Renya's thigh. 

  But since it was very sensitive, Renya let out a moan which made all the brothers blush and only made Shu keep going.

  "What are you talking about, Shu? Do you know something about why they're here?" Reiji asked annoyed.

  "That... that man, contacted me.. and said we would have guests from the church, and to treat them with respect. But apparently, we can do anything we want with the boy." Shu opened one of his eyes in an amused way before gripping Renya tighter and massaging his thighs making him mewl. Shu smirked at the looks of anger he was getting, but frowned at the looks of lust Renya was getting.

  "Ah, so that means little bitch and bunny are the new prospect brides, right?" Renya, being the innocent green bean that he is, did not know what sex, brides, or even marriage meant. So he asked, "what's that?" Of course, the brothers mistook the question with the word 'prospect' so they simply said, "Don't worry about it."

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