Take a bite

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Silence, reigned over the limousine, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of Renya slurping the cranberry juice as all of the brothers watched him. Meanwhile, Yui sat gripping her skirt so hard her knuckles  turned white.

The group soon reached school, they all left the limo and were grouped up in front of the locker. Reiji then started speaking, ''You will be in the same class as Ayato and Kanato. Follow them, please.'' He softly to Renya as he let out a soft, ''Okay.'' Suddenly, Reiji eyes hardened as he looked at Yui. ''Unless you desire a whipping, don't do anything stupid. Is that understood?'' His eyes stared at Yui and seemingly pierced through her.

When Yui didn't respond. Reiji raised an eyebrow as he spoke once again, ''Well, do you understand?'' Yui gritted her teeth, ''Yes.'' Reiji's eyes softened once again as he looked at Renya, ''Bye kitten, if there are any problems, any at all, just come to me okay?'' Reiji smiled at him as he was answered with a nod and a shy smile.

Renya arrived at the seemingly empty classroom, the only one who sat there was Kanato, creepily laughing to himself as he playied with his bear and Ayato, who was leaning his head on his desk while closed his eyes.

Renya curiously looked around and noticed something written on the board, ''Oh, we're doing food prep.'' He raised his eyebrows in delight.  ''Food prep?'' Smirked Ayato as he lifted up his head to look at Renya coyly.


"Takoyaki?'' Asked Renya in surprise . ''Yes. Make me the best Takoyaki in the world.'' Smirked Ayato deviosly. ''But, shouldn't we be heading to class soon?'' Asked Renya.  Ayato chuckled. ''Don't worry your pretty litte head about it, okay bunny?'' Renya blushed as he stuttered, ''I-It's not t-that i dont w-wnt to cook f-or you.. It''s just that Reji will punish us if we skip class.'' He said worriedly.

Ayato chuckled as he rubbed Renya's head, inevitably messing up the formerly neatly combed hair. ''Don't worry about it, I'll protect you.'' He smiled. But Renya frowned, ''It's not me I'm worried about, it's you.'' Renya shyly played with his fingers as he blushed.

Ayato froze for a moment before  His eyes turned to moon crescents and he started laughing uncontrollably, smiling as wide as the Cheshire cat. He suddenly hugged Renya, causing him to bump into his chest wide-eyed. ''Thank you for worrying about me.'' Ayato said softly and truthfully.

''But I would never let that stuck-up brat so anything to me, after all he doesn't amount to oresama at all!.'' He smiled and chuckled.

Renya then got to work in preparing the ingredients and making the Tokayaki that Ayato wished for.  After about an hour, the meal was ready and set in front of the two males.

"Let's eat!'' Smiled Ayato as he stuck his fork in one of the Tokayaki's and swalled it whole. ''Hmm.. Very delicious.'' His eyes closed in satisfaction as he ate another one.

"Is it- Is really that good?'' Renya curiously asked. ''Good?! It'such better than good! It's amazing! Where did you learn to make Tokayaki like that?'' Ayato exclaimed as he ate another. Renya blushed, ''I actually used to cook a lot at the church where I used to live at. It was very relaxing and nice.'' Ayato nodded.

Renya sighed as he started washing all of the dishes, after all, they both had skipped two classes already, and on the first day! Renya was sure he was definitely screwed!

Renya had just finished doing the disches when the sharp edge of a fork cut a tiny cut in his finger, the cut was barely visible but it was enough to make a bit of blood come out.

Ayato's eyes darkened when he saw the blood on Renya's finger, he gripped the chair in front of his as a way to try and control himself, but it all when out the window the second Renya put his finger in his mouth and sucked on it, trying to get all of the blood out.

Ayato growled. The sound startled Renya who was in the process of sucking his finger. He looked at Ayato, and noticed his disheveled appearance. His eyes were blood read and his hair a bit messy, his hands were tightly gripped together and his eyebrows furrowed as his sharp vampire teeth gritted together.

Renya furrowed  his eyebrows as he let go of his finger, and slowly walked towards Ayato. ''Are you okay?'' He asked gently.

Ayato growled once again. ''No! Don't come near me, I'll hurt you! Stay away.'' He said as he gripped his head. Renya was confused.

Why would Ayato hurt him? He looked at his finger, which had a bit of blood seeping out, and it all made sense.

Renya smiled and calmly walked towards Ayato, he put his hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes. ''It's okay,'' He whispered. ''You can take a bite.'' He smiled, ''I don't mind.''

Still, Ayato shook his head and attempted to distance himself from him. ''Ayato, your a vampire, it's okay. You need to drink blood. Come on.'' Renya patiently guided Ayato's head towards the nook of his neck. ''Drink.'' He whispered as he smiled.

  "Yours truly will be the one to take you... In so many different ways.'' Ayato smirked as he finally let his vampire instinct out and barred out his fangs. 

"Agh...'' Moaned Renya as Ayato sunk his fangs into his neck. Ayato pushed Renya to the wall and gripped his waist tightly, as Renya put his hands on Ayato's hair, moaning uncontrollably.

Ayato finally released Renya's neck, saying, ''It's so good, This is incredible. You blood is sweater than anything I've ever tasted before. '' Ayato gripped Renya's butt and as Renya gasped in surprise, he took that opportunity to sink his fangs into his neck again.

After a while Ayato finally stopped and Renya fell limp into his arms. Ayato chuckled as he carried Renya bridal style, since passed out. He looked at Renya fixedly for a while before gently removing a strand of hair that was in front of his face.

He leaned in and when he was almost touched his lips, he said, ''So beautiful,'' and then proceeded to kiss him.

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