Chapter Five

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Tony, Bruce, and Rose had been left in the lab to track the Tesseract, although the three were not all needed. It was clear Rose was meant more to babysit if anything else, seeing as Tony had been trying all day to get a rise out of Bruce and set him off. She quickly looked up and created a gust of wind to stop Tony from poking Bruce with a pen. While Bruce's face was filled with gratitude for her actions, Tony was upset.

"You know, you've been no fun since you've moved in with Capsicle," Tony laughs. Rose just shakes her head, as the man in question bursts into the room.
"Are you crazy?" Steve yells, "I saw what you tried to do!"

"Jury's still out on that one Cap," jokes Tony, returning to his work.

"Is everything a joke to you?" continues Steve, clearly agitated at Tony's lack of respect for boundaries.

"It's only a joke when it's funny with him Stevie," starts Rose, "the issue is he thinks everything is funny."

Her response earns her a smile and point from Tony, which leaves her laughing and rolling her eyes at the manchild once more. Rose pats Steve's shoulder in sympathy. This wasn't how he operated during the war, and disrespect never sat well with him.

"I appreciate the concern, Captain, but I wouldn't be here if I couldn't handle potential pointy objects jabbing into me," says Bruce, trying to calm Steve down with Rose. Bruce had never been a big fan of conflict, especially regarding his condition.

"Just stay focused on the problem, Stark," musters Steve, trying to maintain control of his emotions and clearly failing.

"You think I'm not?" asks Tony, "Why did Fury call us in? Why now? Why not before? What is he not telling us? Anything to say, Agent Carter?"

"I wouldn't know, I'm on the same level as you all," Rose responds, but her facial expression gives her away to Steve.

"You think Fury is hiding something?" questions Steve, based on Rose's movements. She had always been a terrible liar.

"Well he won't be for long," answers Tony, "Jarvis will be through the SHIELD firewalls in about an hour, and all of Fury's dirty laundry will be out in the open."
At that, Rose shoots up and quickly leaves the room. The men all look at each other before Steve runs out after her. He noticed that Rose had stopped down the corridor for him, waiting for him to catch up. When Steve caught up, he was expecting answers but got more walking. Eventually, he caught on and began to follow Rose's movements, the worry clearly etched on her face. They twist through the hallways, ending up in some sublevel. Rose quickly pulls her ID card to scan them in, stopping Steve until the security in the room passes. When she looks up, Steve jumps to the lofted area of the room to see a number of boxes marked "Phase Two". Rose caught up and removed the lid to show what lay within.

Inside were dozens of prototype weapons, a new-age sort of thing. Except for Steve and Rose, it was all too familiar.

"How, how did they come up with this?" asked Steve, shocked and pissed at what he saw in front of him. He worked relentlessly for years with his team to get rid of Hydra and its weapons. Yet they seemed to follow him into the new century.

"Me," starts Rose, sighing, "That machine I was in when we got back, it helps me with my memories. But there is one in HQ that can record my memories. I guess Fury recorded a few from our fights and was able to render plans for the weapons and armor that Hydra used."

Steve wanted to be mad at Rose, but the upset look on her face left him feeling sad as well. He hadn't known the extent of her memory problems, but the violation of Fury to ransack her brain for technology was cruel. All Steve could do was pull the distraught girl into his arms. Before their discussion can continue, Natasha alerts over the comms that Loki is trying to make a play for Bruce, and that everyone needed to return to the lab. Steve snaps out of his sorrow, pulls one of the guns, and grabs Rose's hand to lead her back. He was going to put an end to this.

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