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~Picture above taken by yours truly~
(Sunghoon's POV)

"Hyung, hyung! Where's your competition at again?"

Sunghoon sighed dejectedly as he turned to look at the boy who'd been chasing him around the school for the past five minutes.

"It's at the closest stadium to our school, Sunoo. I've told you that about five hundred times, now."
The smaller, energetic boy let out an audible "ah!" sound and flashed a smile so big it made his eyes close.

"Okay, hyung. Sorry about that, have a good day! Oh, and good luck!" He apologized and bowed about five times before he scurried off and dissapeared around the corner.

Sunghoon found himself subconsciously rolling his eyes as he turned back around and headed to his first period class.


Sunghoon found himself in a weird predicament as he entered the classroom. A few of his classmates, female classmates to be exact, were gathered by the door, whispering and giggling under their breaths. As he walked through the doorway, the chatter suddenly stopped and one of the girls who he recognized as Ryujin tapped him on the shoulder. (sorry, i had to include her lmao)

"Sunghoon-ah, did you hear the news?" 

Sunghoon stopped and stared at the older girl. Wasn't she supposed to talk differently with him, or was he her friend..? He shook his head and decided to dismiss the thought.

"Uh, no I didn't...what news?" He replied. Sunghoon was an introvert and spent a lot of his time by himself at home because he didn't like talking to people. Because of this, the boy rarely understood the gossip that went around the school. Sometimes, he really wondered how he was even popular at all.

"There's a new kid coming to our school!" Ryujin exclaimed with a smile as she waited for him to respond.

"Really?" Sunghoon asked, genuinely surprised. School had been getting a lot more boring and repetitive now that they had just passed exam season, and Sunghoon was feeling burnt out. Especially with all of the figure skating competitions he'd been doing, he was constantly busy and never got time to hangout with anyone, so he was beginning to feel quite lonely.

"Yeah! And get this, he just recently moved here from Australia! Plus, I heard from a couple girls in another class that he's pretty cute."

Sunghoon just stared at the blonde-haired girl as she emphasized that last word. Why did she say it like that? Did she think he swung that way? Seriously?

"No seriously, he's cute. Like adorable. I saw his instagram, and I think my heart almost combusted." 

Ah, so she was thinking that kind of cute. Okay, he could understand that.

"Oh, really? You have his instagram?" (geez, hide your excitement, Hoon lmao)

"Yeah, I got it from my friends. You want it?" Ryujin asked, sending Sunghoon a smirk that he didn't notice as he took his phone out of his pocket.

"Sure. Couldn't hurt, I guess." The ravenette said nonchalantly as Ryujin typed the new boy's username into his phone, automatically clicking the follow button as soon as his name popped up.

"There. Now you can see his cuteness for yourself. And now you're like, automatically his friend."

"Uhm, I don't think that's how it works-"

"SHHH! Let me live, you dongsaeng."

Sunghoon stared after the girl as she bounced over to her friends and sat in her assigned seat. He found himself rolling his eyes as he also sat down in his spot

After a few minutes, their homeroom teacher, Mr. Yoon entered the classroom. The man was in his early thirties, so he wasn't too old. He was also the school-wide favorite teacher because of the way he taught and acted around the students.

"Okay guys, so I'm sure you've heard about the new transfer, and if you haven't, now you have." Mr. Yoon said, earning a few chuckles from various seats in the room.

"Anyways, the new kid has been put into my class, since I've got one of the smaller ones. I'm going to let him come in here after I'm done talking, so you'd better behave. Or else, I'm giving you all extra homework."

Immediately, the room went quiet as Mr. Yoon finished talking. Everyone was staring at the door to the classroom, awaiting the arrival of their new classmate. A couple of the girls were whispering to each other, but they went quiet as Mr. Yoon left the room. The room was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Everyone's eyes were glued to the door, and the suspense was slowly driving Sunghoon insane.

A moment later, the door to the classroom was flung open as Mr. Yoon came walking in, leaving the door open as the new kid slowly walked through the door, keeping his head down as he stood at the front of the room beside the teacher.

Mr. Yoon leaned over to whisper something in the boy's ear before going to sit at his desk. This left Sunghoon enough time to analyze the new boy's features.

The boy was tall, but he was easily shorter than Sunghoon. He was obviously Korean, as he had the facial features of one. Despite that though, he still looked like a foreigner. His hair was dyed a light red-brown color and he was wearing a beige flannel with a white t-shirt and black jeans. His face looked oddly similar to a golden retriever's, and for some reason, Sunghoon found that...cute? Oh wow, there was something wrong with him...thinking about the poor new kid like that.

"Would you like to introduce yourself now?" Mr. Yoon said as he gave the new kid a reassuring look. Sunghoon watched curiously as the boy drew in a deep breath and looked out at everyone in the room. It might have been his imagination, but Sunghoon swore he made eye contact with him at one point. It felt somewhat odd, but Sunghoon chose to ignore it as the new kid opened his mouth to speak.

"Hi, uh... my name is Sim Jaeyoon, but I go by Jake. Uh..." The new kid- Jake paused and took in another breath before he continued speaking. Sunghoon guessed he was nervous, and he couldn't blame him.

"I'm from Brisbane, Australia. And uh... I hope I can make some friends, I guess." Jake said that last part in a quieter tone, which Sunghoon found adorable for some reason. The nervous boy turned to look at Mr. Yoon as the young teacher stood up to stand beside him. 

"Okay, good job, Jake. Now, since everyone else in the room has a table partner, you can go sit beside Sunghoon. Sunghoon, please raise your hand." 

Sunghoon felt his heart skip a beat for a second as Jake turned to make eye contact with him. He slowly raised his hand and tried his best to look unfazed as the Australian boy made his way to his table with a nervous look on his face.

As Jake sat down in the chair next to him, Sunghoon came to the realization that he was in fact, as Ryujin said, cute. And he didn't know why, but he felt a part of him want to get to know him even more and even possibly become his friend.

Chapter One: 끝

This is the cutest thing

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This is the cutest thing. Jake is literally so cute I cannot even deal with it. 😭😭

(FINISHED) Skater Boys- JakeHoon (ENHYPEN)Where stories live. Discover now