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(Jake's POV)

Jake found himself shaking with anxiety as all of the other students filed out of the classroom in a hurry to get the day over with. As soon as he'd first entered the room and introduced himself, all he'd felt was the judgmental eyes of his new classmates being trained on him and him only. And of course he had to be seated with the most good-looking guy he'd ever seen in his entire life. Like literally, how is that dude- Sunghoon, right? How is he even real??

Jake snuck a glance at said raven-haired male, who was still sitting in the same spot for some reason. The boy was seemingly immersed in a daydream as he was sitting with his elbow propped on the table and his head resting on his hand, staring distantly out the window to his left. Jake couldn't help but stare for a moment as he admired the beautiful boy's features. His eyes were round and the double-lids made them look even bigger than they actually were. His skin was a pretty pale color and his cheekbones were sharp, accentuating his handsomeness even more. His lips were a pinkish color and formed a natural pout- which Jake actually found kind of cute. He didn't know whether or not he swung that way, but what he did know was that he could acknowledge a handsome guy when he sees one.

After a moment of being mesmerized by Sunghoon's beauty, Jake stopped himself from staring any longer and decided to ask a question to perhaps start a...conversation.

"So, um... why aren't we following everyone else?" he asked as he fiddled with his sleeves, which had recently become a nervous habit of his.

Sunghoon turned and stared at Jake for a second, and for a moment, the latter was scared that he might've already upset him somehow.

"Ah," Sunghoon said, a light smile forming on his face, "we actually have our first period class in this room. Mr. Yoon assigned you and I to have all the same classes for some reason. I think he wants me to show you the ropes or something." The ravenette turned to give Jake a little smile before he continued speaking. 

"Do you know where you're supposed to go? I can help you if you don't."

"Um... I have no idea... and yes, please help me."


After the first three periods, it was finally lunchtime. Jake had been following Sunghoon from place to place like a puppy for the last few hours, so he was beginning to think that he was getting on the taller boy's nerves. Despite that, Sunghoon was still teaching him and talking to him like he was his friend. Jake was beginning to wonder if Sunghoon had that many friends because the boy had literally spent the entire day by his side. 

His thoughts were thrown aside as the duo entered the cafeteria. Immediately, a chorus of voices were heard beckoning Sunghoon to come sit with them, and Jake felt very out of place to be standing next to someone as popular as him.

After a minute of observing, Jake was dragged to a table in the far corner of the room, at which four boys were already sitting together.

"Sunghoon-ah! You finally made it, bro. What the heck have you been doing?" A black-haired boy with like 25 ear-piercings said as the two sat down at the opposite end of the table, Sunghoon sitting next to a blonde-haired boy who Jake didn't recognize. Obviously.

"Hey, are you the new kid? My name's Jongseong, but everyone calls me Jay." the blonde-haired boy sitting beside Sunghoon said as he reached out a hand that Jake assumed was for him to shake. The two shook hands and Jake noticed the look on Sunghoon's face, which seemed happy, but his eyes said something else.

"Yeah, my name's Jake...from Australia. But, you've probably already heard." Jake said as he tried his best to avoid eye contact with Sunghoon without looking suspicious. He noticed how the other three boys whom he didn't know were staring at them with weird look...one of them had a smirk on his face, and Jake felt oddly intimidated.

"I'm Yeonjun, Heeseung's friend. I usually don't sit here, but I think Heeseung wanted me to meet you." the black-haired boy with the piercings said as he gave Jake a friendly smile whilst using his left arm to ruffle the hair of the tall boy who sat next to him.

"Yah! Stop it, hyung." The tall boy sitting next to Yeonjun said- Jake assumed he was Heeseung. He looked over at Sunghoon who in turn smiled at him and gestured toward the only male Jake had yet to be introduced to.

"This is EJ, he actually usually sits over there with Daniel, but Jay dragged him over here."

An average height boy with a plain middle part and glasses gave Jake a friendly smile, causing the latter to return the same gesture.

Jake looked over at the table where the kid supposedly called Daniel sat. He looked younger, Jake assumed he was probably a freshman. The kid was sitting with two other boys, one of them whom Jake recognized as Nicholas who was in his History class.

"Daniel just moved here from the United States about a year ago, so I like hang out with him to make sure he knows his way around." EJ said as he turned his attention toward Jake and the others.

"That's... nice of you, I guess." Jake said, trying his best to sound genuinely interested. There was something about what the other boy said that didn't sound completely authentic to him, but Jake chose to ignore it for now.

"So Jake, you were born in 2002, right?" Sunghoon said and turned to give the Australian a flashing grin, which the latter returned with a friendly smile.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asked.

"Jay, EJ, and I were also born in 2002, so we already have something in common!"

"Ah..cool." Jake said as he gave both Jay and EJ a friendly look. He was trying to understand the significance of being born in the same year, but he decided to put it in the back of his mind for later.

After a few more minutes of talking and getting to know the boys who were supposedly Sunghoon's friends, Jake followed said boy out of the cafeteria as the bell sounded.

When they reached the hallway, Sunghoon turned to look Jake in the eyes, causing the older to become a bit flustered.

"So... do you have any friends here, yet?" He asked, surprising Jake.

The Australian boy looked down at his hands as they walked through the door into their next class before returning the ravenette's gaze.

"No... I haven't really made the time to get to know anyone yet."

... silence. Jake looked up to see Sunghoon staring at him with his round, deep brown eyes.

"How about I be you're first, then?"

Bro, when I tell you I procrastinated so hard on this, it's not a lie. I sort of got writer's block in between chapters... and well, you know how that goes...

(FINISHED) Skater Boys- JakeHoon (ENHYPEN)Where stories live. Discover now