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*insert me bisexual simping over one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen so far in the entirety of my existence* (sorry, irrelevant lol)


Jake let out a long breath of relief he didn't know he had been holding in.

After nearly half an hour of convincing the principal to let him and Sunghoon have the day off from classes, Jake had spent nearly an hour helping Sunghoon get to his dorm room (with Jay's help, of course).

Both boys had finally managed to bring Sunghoon up to his room and lay him out on his bed, with a few lazy protests coming from the boy as he weakly tried his best to persuade his friends that he was okay, which obviously wasn't true. Jay was now left standing at the doorway as Jake looked down at Sunghoon with a sad expression.

"I'm gonna go back, okay? I have track practice after school today." Jay suddenly spoke up, barely grabbing Jake's attention as the latter just let out an acknowledging nod before Jay slipped out of the room, gently closing the door shut behind him.

Now Jake was alone with Sunghoon and his thoughts, which were currently overflowing with many questions as to why Sunghoon was sick and why he was "depressed" as Jay had said.

"Jakey..? What are you doing, you need to be at school... not here with me." Sunghoon's quiet voice rasped from where he layed, his head and upper back propped up against the pillow in front of the headboard.

Jake was sad immediately, his mind not failing to catch the self-deprecating tone hidden in the younger boys words.

"Sunghoon..." Jake started, catching himself staring deeply into the dark brown pools that were Sunghoon's eyes. He shook his head and moved over on the bed, gently kicking his shoes off as he pushed his body up so that he was laying right next to the younger boy, their bodies facing toward eachother.

"Hoon-ah, you may not know this, but... I really care about you, y'know? I want to take care of you, make sure you're okay. And right now.... right now, I know you aren't okay. So... please tell me what's wrong." Jake said wholeheartedly while he maintained eye contact with the ravenette who lied beside him, a blank expression plastered across his face.

"J-Jake...I..." Sunghoon broke off as a sob broke through his trembling lips, catching Jake off guard and throwing him into a spiral of worry for the younger. He must really be going through something if he reacted like this, why the hell didn't Jake notice before?!

"I'm sorry.." Sunghoon whimpered in between his sobs before he was surprised by Jake's arms as the latter aggressively wrapped Sunghoon in a large hug, gripping him tightly as if he were to disappear in the next second.

Jake couldn't stop the tears that fell from his eyes, he just couldn't bare seeing his favorite person in so much pain, pain that Jake wouldn't even be aware of if it weren't for Sunghoon's best friend.

"Don't apologize, Hoonie. There's nothing to apologize for, just please tell me what's bothering you, or I will never leave you alone." Jake said that last part with a tinge of humor, despite the tears running down his face, which caused Sunghoon to let out a broken little chuckle before he calmed down a bit and layed back against the pillow, which was accompanied by Jake's arm.

"You haven't known me for that long, Jakey... so there are quite a few things you don't know about me." Sunghoon said as he stopped for a moment, smiling a little wider as Jake brought his free hand up to wipe the tears off of Sunghoon's own face. Jake only responded with a nod, giving Sunghoon the green light to continue talking.

"Well, I have a bit of a past with depression and anxiety...which was mainly because of my parents." Sunghoon said, not dismissing the sadness that he noticed flashing across Jake's face, and it made him feel a bit happier to know that someone other than Jay cared for him and his complex emotions.

(FINISHED) Skater Boys- JakeHoon (ENHYPEN)Where stories live. Discover now