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(me finally descending into the pits of hell like ^^^)



Oh my neck still hurts so bad... I should not have slept all night on the couch like that on Friday. I mean, I liked cuddling with Heeseung like that, but it wasn't worth the pain in the long run.

I guess that just shows how bad of a decision maker I am.

"Wanna go eat later, babe?"

I turned to face the lanky boy who was currently sprawled across my mini sofa. He had on one of my t-shirts and was wearing one of his seventeen million pairs of basketball shorts. He had paused the show he was watching and had his neck turned (painfully) in my direction.

"After I'm done with my English homework, Hee." I said with a soft smile as Heeseung turned off the TV and hopped off the couch to walk over and sit on the chair beside me (nearly crushing me, since he's literally a tree).

"Come on, Jay... We haven't gone on a date in forever." Heeseung said in a cute tone as he leaned over to rest his chin on my forearm, adding to the fire by poking his bottom lip out in a pout.

I can't say no to him... Plus I'm one of the top in my class, so I can easily finish this paper by the deadline, which is next week if I may add.

"Then let's go get ready, baby."

I found my cheeks flushing as Heeseung smirked and wrapped his arm around me and began dragging me toward the closet to "get ready".

3rd Person

"You should've seen your face when she asked for my number!"

"Shut up." Jay scowled and pouted as he walked down the dorm hallway hand in hand with his boyfriend.

Heeseung chuckled and moved behind his boyfriend to wrap both of his arms tightly around the blonde boy's slim waist.

"It's okay, baby. I wouldn't have given it to her anyway."

Jay smiled and let out a small giggle as he walked down the hallway with Heeseung literally attached to his back like a koala.

As they were walking toward Jay's room, Heeseung stopped in his tracks and let go of his boyfriend, standing straight in the middle of the hallway- right in front of Jake's door.

"Shh, do you hear that?" Heeseung asked, looking Jay dead in the eyes and putting a finger to his lips while nodding his head in the direction of Jake's room.

Jay nodded curtly with his eyes widened and they both became silent, staring at Jake's door and waiting for more sounds.

Suddenly, both boys heard a small muffled noise coming from the room and they both leaned closer and pressed their ears to the door to hear better.

"What do you mean, you really aren't coming back?!"

"Is that Jake? Who's he talking to??" Heeseung whispered to Jay, who responded with a confused shrug. They decided to listen closer.

"You can't just disconnect from me! What about my brother?!"

Jay and Heeseung frowned and made eye contact for a moment before returning to eavesdropping on Jake's conversation.

"Momma, please! Why can't you just- Dammit!" Heeseung and Jay both flinched as they heard something hit the wall roughly as Jake let out an enraged shout.

Things were quiet for a few seconds as the two waited for something to happen, only for them to be shocked at the sound of crying coming from behind the door.

Guilt flooded over both of the boys as they listened to Jake as the younger boy cried and sniffled. Heeseung slowly turned and grabbed Jay's hand, leading him down the hallway in the direction of a certain person's room.

"What are you-"

"Shh! We're getting Sunghoon. Both you and I know that Jake obviously needs comfort, and what better person for that than Sunghoon? After all, they are very close."

Jay and Heeseung stared at each other for a moment before Jay nodded and they made their way to Sunghoon's room and knocked on the door in a slightly urgent manner.


[Park Sunghoon]
I was in the middle of stressing out over my upcoming competition when a knock sounded at my door.

"It must be a sign from the universe." I whispered to myself as I stood up from my desk and walked over to the door and opened it.

"Sunghoon-ah, Jake needs you."

My eyes immediately widened out of concern as Jay turned to look at Heeseung and send him a death glare.

"You're making it sound bad, Heeseung-ie!" Jay turned back toward me as Heeseung just rolled his eyes, "Listen, we may or may not have eavesdropped on Jake's conversation with his mom, and all we know now is that the poor kid is crying alone in his room right now."

What? Jake and I had hung out earlier after school, so what could have happened with his mom that made him so upset?


"I'm gonna go to him now, guys. No worries." I said quickly as I slowly stepped out of the room and closed the door while sending them a reassuring smile.

It's like an automatic switch turns on within me whenever Jake needs something. It's like... I have to help or else I feel incomplete. He's just so...cute and happy all the time, and he just lifts my mood immediately whenever I'm with him. So... Why shouldn't I be there for him and be the one to lift him up when he's feeling down?

I drew in a quick breath after running to Jake's room and just standing on the other side of the room. I was starting to regret this now, what if Jake was okay now? Would he see me as too desperate? Annoying? What if I made him angry by making him think that I don't believe in him-

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a loud sob break through the silence, and I instantly made up my mind. I pushed open the door after knocking a couple times and quietly shut it behind me before I looked up and saw a small figure of a brunette boy hunched over on the small twin bed.

"Oh Jakey..." I murmured as I slowly walked over and climbed up onto the bed, crawling my way over to sit beside the distressed boy as he hurriedly tried to wipe away his tears.

I reached over and grabbed Jake's chin and gently turned his face towards mine, giving him a soft smile to let him know that I'm here now, and everything will be okay.

I assume that was all it took to get him to open up, because in a matter of seconds, he had broken down again and thrown his arms around me, nearly squeezing the life out of my as he tested his head on my chest and dampened my white tee-shirt with his tears.

After nearly half an hour of just pure silence and reassurance, Jake sat up and looked at me with his adorable puppy eyes, sending me the cutest happy little grin.

I almost died. It was lethal, you should've seen it.

We made eye contact and I grabbed Jake's hand as we just leaned against each other, basking in the other's presence.

Eventually, I turned over and looked at him again, asking him...

"Do you think you can tell me what happened now?"

Omfg I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long...
I was very busy after school ended and then I went to summer camp for two weeks and just got back a week ago and now schools starting again... Yayyyyy...

Anyway, good luck to y'all and I hope you've been streaming all your faves new releases (especially enhypen)!

Take care of yourselves and be sure to keep a look out as this story is coming to an end soon and I will be writing new stories!
Love y'all 🤗❤️! <3

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