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Sunghoon screeched as a jump scare came on the TV, startling a half-asleep Jake who was resting on his shoulder.

"Mm, we should've watched a different movie..." Jake grumbled as he moved so that he was in a more comfortable position and pulled the blanket up so that it was fully covering him.

After a minute or so, Jake had fallen asleep completely with his upper body leaning against Sunghoon's chest. The younger of the two looked down at the brown-haired boy and smiled, a growing blush beginning to form on his face. He gently grabbed the remote, which was sitting on the bed in between the two, and turned the TV off.

"Jakey, don't you wanna change before you sleep?" Sunghoon lightly nudged the older boy's shoulder with his free hand that wasn't being clung to, causing Jake to mumble a quiet curse and sit up, trying his best to look angry at Sunghoon.

"What'd you do that for? I was just getting comfy.." Jake pouted and looked up at Sunghoon, who was looking down at him with a soft and slightly tired expression, his eyes fighting to stay open.

"Shouldn't we change before bed..?" He asked as his eyes fluttered closed for the fifth time since he shut off the TV.

Jake smirked slightly and just snuggled closer to Sunghoon, wrapping his arms tightly around the younger boy's thin waist.

"Let's just sleep right here, okay? You're like a human pillow Sunghoon-ah... very warm and comfy."

Sunghoon sighed and stared down into Jake's big, convincing puppy dog eyes for a moment before he finally gave in. He gave a tired little chuckle as Jake pulled him down so that they were both laying right next to each other.

"Yay, now let's go to sleep...it's like 1 AM." Jake giggled as Sunghoon leaned over and rested his tired head on the pillow right next to Jake's own head. The younger boy couldn't help but close his eyes as Jake rubbed soothing circles into his back- something he'd learned from his mother when he was younger. This caused Jake to smile at Sunghoon's sleeping face, lightly using his hand to brush the bangs away from his beautiful eyes.

"I love you, Sunghoon-ah..."

. . .


Jake yawned as he sat up in his bed, having just woken up. He looked to the side and smiled once he noticed Sunghoon's sleeping form entangled in one of Jake's blankets, soft snores coming from his half-open mouth.

Jake slowly peeled the blanket away from himself and gently got himself up out of bed, careful not to make any sound that could wake Sunghoon up. The older boy quietly tiptoed over to his closet and grabbed an outfit to wear once he got out of the shower.

"Mmh, what time is it..?"

Jake jumped and turned to see a messy-haired Sunghoon sitting up in the bed, his eyes still glazed over and vacant as he was still probably half-asleep. The older boy internally screamed at how adorable Sunghoon looked as he sat there in the bed, clearly still disoriented and tired.

Jake looked up at the clock on his wall and turned back toward his friend, who was rubbing his eyes.

"It's like 9 o'clock. We have no classes today, remember?"

Sunghoon sat still for a moment, staring ahead at Jake as if he was trying to process what the older boy had said. Jake immediately decided that he and Sunghoon needed to have sleepovers more often, as the younger boy was absolutely the cutest thing alive when he first woke up in the morning.

Jake decided to let Sunghoon sleep for a little more as he grabbed his clothes and headed into the bathroom to take a nice hot shower.

15 minutes later...

Jake quietly stepped out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He walked out into the little hallway and stopped in front of the mirror in his room.

He stood there for a moment, checking himself out.

Hmm, I have a nicer body than I thought... but I need a little work on the abs.

Jake stood there as he quietly examined himself. He was glad he had started working out a while ago, it was paying off. Something else that probably helped him keep in shape was the fact that he skipped breakfast nearly every day. Since he didn't have anyone around to force him to, Jake had realized that he now had the ability to skip meals, which made him happy, because it would be easier for him to stay thin.

Jake nearly screeched as he felt a weight on his shoulder, and he sighed with relief as he figured out that it was just Sunghoon who had decided to lay his head on the older boy's shoulder.

"You smell good, Jake-hyung. What shampoo do you use?" Sunghoon murmured into the bare skin of Jake's shoulder, sighing contently as he had his eyes closed.

"It's actually my mom's old shampoo.. she said it would be better for my hair than regular men's shampoo."

That caused Sunghoon to let out a little chuckle as he opened his eyes, smiling at their reflections in the mirror.

"Are you comfortable there, Sunghoonie?" Jake asked before Sunghoon quickly nodded and moved to wrap his arms around his waist. He suddenly felt his cheeks heat up at the intimacy of their position, and he prayed that Sunghoom would be too tired to notice.

"Awh, are you blushing, Jakey?" Sunghoon turned to face the older boy, giving him a teasing smirk as he noticed his cheeks and ears begin to turn redder by the second. For some reason, it made Jake feel...happy.


The two boys stood there for a moment, just silently staring at each other in the mirror. Jake was growing more and more flustered by the second, but Sunghoon seemed unfazed. He just kept that stupid confident smirk on his face, which didn't help with Jake's growing nerves.

"Do you work out, Jakey?" Sunghoon suddenly asked out of nowhere. He subtly tightened his grip around Jake's waist, blushing slightly as he felt the older boy's muscles tense up a little bit.

"You have a pretty nice body..." Sunghoon smiled innocently, "I'm just wondering."

Jake let out a nervous chuckle and looked down at Sunghoon's arms that were securely wrapped around his waist. Suddenly, his brain couldn't think properly. He felt his body heat up, and he suddenly forgot how to speak once he looked back at the mirror, just noticing the smirk on Sunghoon's face.


"Hehehe," Sunghoon suddenly giggled and finally released Jake from his grip, causing the older to let out a small sigh of relief.

"I'm gonna go shower now, Jakey! Cya in a few minutes." Sunghoon grabbed a small pile of what looked like Jake's own clothes and skipped into the bathroom, leaving no time for Jake to ask any questions.

The aussie boy just stood in the same spot for a few seconds, dazed and confused.

What in the hell just happened?

Wow, I gotta really get the plot going.. this storyline is getting confusing and kinda messy ngl..
Hopefully I'll fix it soon..
Anyway, have a great day and take care of yourself, everyone! Love you 😚😚💙

P.S, I know this chapter had some more "intimate" moments, but I promise there wont be any NSFW or stuff in this book.. obviously, cause its centered around enhypen.

(FINISHED) Skater Boys- JakeHoon (ENHYPEN)Where stories live. Discover now