Straykids -Bangchan

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I'm to last to write a description so just read it.
Y/n's pov
It's just a normal day at the cafe. Regulars come in at the same time same as  most days. New people come in asking for suggestion while others come in to work. Today it's not very busy like normal. Mainly just a small group of trainees from a company close by. Jyp I think? I haven't talked to most of them so I'm not sure.  They are always very nice when coming in but honestly they are so loud.
"Hi, sorry to bug you because you seem a bit preoccupied but what time does the cafe close" I hear a trainee ask. I turn over and smile at the trainee

   "dont worry I'm not really doing anything currently. So if you wondering the closing schedule I could tell you that but for today the cafe closes at 2:30 - 3:00 am" The trainee nods and thanks me before walking back to his friends. I go back to doing absolutely nothing. Slow nights are good and bad all at the same time. I have time to do anything I need but it also gets boring after awhile. I guess I'll just read.

After an hour I hear the bell from the door ring and a set of new voices enter the cafe. Without looking up from my book I say the normal "Hi welcome to the cafe. Order at any time you would like and if you would like to stay we have a bunch of places to sit. If your new then we have the menu up top or small ones on the counter" some voices go quiet and a few say a quick ok. After finishing the chapter quickly I look up and smile at the people. 8 not so tall males, well dressed nonetheless.

    "Are you ready to order or do you need a minute?" I say looking at all of them. Most of them order and one is left. He seems a bit familiar but honestly I've met a lot of people in my life so it doesn't matter much. After they all order they go to sit down at a table. Normally i have a young high schooler working with me but she had to call in sick so it's just me today. I start making the drinks they ordered but it's kind of hard to concentrate when people are staring at me. I'm not sure which group of people is staring but its definitely not the best feeling. The group ordered mainly teas. 5 teas, 2 coffees and 1 smoothie. They also ordered 3 brownies. They all have very different tastes in drinks... I finish the drinks and signal at one of them to get the drinks. A very familiar face comes to get the order. No mask this time.

   "Chris?" I question looking at him. He paused before he finally realizes.i can't tell if he looks confused or glad. Maybe a little bit of both.
  "Y/n? Oh my god!" He practically yells. Not at me of course but in general. I laugh at his tiny outburst.
  "It's good to see you.. It's been awhile" chan runs his hand through his hair and does the tiny excited move he has always done. I'm assuming his member are confused due to the looks on their faces.

  "It looks like you guys are staying to drink and hang  out so if you guys like i could get you guys some fresh sweets? Or i have banana nut bread that's in the oven and will be done soon" I say and Chans smile just gets bigger. His face looks practically the same, he just looks more matured.
    "No, no, I can't let you give us free food like that" he refuses as he starts grabbing  the drinks from the counter. He definitely has a stronger build then the last time I saw him. We were both younger so I guess it makes sense.

"Too late!Ask your members if they have any other sweets they prefer." he just nods at me and grabs everything. They were all on a plate so it was easy for him to carry. He sets the drinks down and everyone he came in with grabbed them. He talks to them for a few minutes before he comes back to the counter.
  "So my members don't have any preferences for sweets so we would appreciate anything.. They also would like to meet you." he states looking down before directly looking at me. His eyes go from my head to my feet and all the way back up. Chan and I dated for a really long time. 3 years almost 4. Then things with the company happened  and I had to leave him and the company. Leaving obviously hurt but he got  to achieve  his dreams so it's completely worth it. 

  He asks me if I want to meet them and I nod at him telling him to give me a minute. He nods at me and walks back over to his table and sits down. I grab a random vary of sweets and put them on a plate. I move through the small opening in the counter and start walking towards the table.

When I arrive at the table Chan takes the plate saying a quick thank you. "Everyone this is y/n.. You all have heard about him.." chan mumbles looking away from everyone. All the member introduce themselves and tease Chan a bit.
  "Sit with us? We have heard a lot about you and you have a very high reputation in the company"  Felix says pointing to a seat next to Chris. They all agree and ask me to sit so i do.  From what I could notice they are all very chaotic. Joking insults and weird comments seems to be very common.

   "Y/n we heard you dissed jyp to his face and then later called him a pedophile. Is that True?" I hear jeongin ask from a few seats away.  I forgot I did that..  That was like a month before I left the company.
  "The old hag decided it was okay to start insulting me and everyone else, then he called me fat so It was only fair I insulted him back" I explain trying not to laugh at the memory. Chan sighs and laughs thinking back. "Young Chris here had to stop me from talking because I would have continued to insult him. Although everything I said to him wasn't particularly wrong"  they all nod In agreement and just smile. Chan starts yelling them random stories about when we were trainees and the things we did. I got into trouble a lot and he always got me out of it.

Being around Chris and his members is nice. I thought seeing Chan again would be weird but honestly its nice.. The members ask me embarrassing questions about Chris and I obviously answer because when he gets embarrassed he gets shy and whiny.
"You should come around more y/n. You seem really cool and Chan talks about you a lot." hyunjin states before taking his drink. Chan puts his head on the table and groans. We all laugh at him and I Pat his back.

"You guys are welcome here anytime, and if you guys want my number you can just ask me"I say smiling at them all. Chan is the first one to ask for it and I quickly type it out on his phone..

We sit and talk for a couple more before its time for them to leave. Chan hugs me tight and tells me not to be a stranger anymore. It was a long day but honestly I'm glad everything happened how it did...

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