Bts- Yoongi

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Y/ns pov
Sophie has spam called me for the past hour and I had no clue. I've been cleaning up my art room since after the cute hybrid left yesterday and my phone has been off. I don't normally clean it but my mind is all over the place recently and I need to feel some order in my life.

Sophie's contact shows back up on my phone and I awnsers it.

"Y/n why the hell haven't you awnsered your phone! This is important" she yells. I hear her Huff and plop down somewhere.

Angry Sophie isn't great, she gets super bitchy and tends to complain about it for the next few days. "I was cleaning, what do you need?" I question moving my paint to the longer table

She makes a noise and I hear some quiet talking in the background. Sophie owns a hybrid center for them to find homes, I keep them with me sometimes until a room is set up for them in the center.

Thats why I had the cute cat hybrid for the day. Yoongi is his name. For some reason he is stuck in my mind and it has started to physically irritate me.

"I'm in a bit of a predicament.." she says quietly. Sophie isnt a quiet person, she only gets like this when she wants or needs something.

I hum not wanting to say anything. She will tell me so there is not point in asking.

"I need you to take Yoongi in and be Your hybrid. Yoongi refuses to go home with any family and all he will do is say your name. We have tried to introduce him to 7 different families, just today and he won't talk to them. I'm not sure what happened but he got super attached to you"

I sit there silent. Yoongi as my hybrid? He is adorable and so sweet but Ive never even thought about having my own hybrid. Having yoongi around would be nice but I can barely take care of myself.

I don't understand how yoongi got so attached.. We watched movies, he watched me paint and then got food, We went to sleep and Sophie picked him up in the morning.

I clear my throat and sit down "I.. Yoongi is sweet but I don't know how to take care of a hybrid" I mumble

She sighs and from the sound of it drops something "y/n I wouldn't ask if it wasn't my only option. You liked Yoongi, I saw it with my own eyes. I'm begging you please"

Now that I'm imagining a sad yoongi sitting in his room by himself I can't help but want to take him in. I have a extra room open at my place and I make enough to afford stuff for both of us. From what I've noticed Yoongi isn't high maintenance.

"I'll come by tomorrow and talk to him. IF he wants to come home with me then okay but if he doesn't then I won't force him."

I hear her take a deep breath and let out a small nervous laugh "I'll let him know the good news! You are amazing!"

She quickly hangs up the phone and I'm left in silence. Welp.


Walking into the shelter I'm greeted by a happy looking Sophie. She is like a walking ball of energy today. I don't know if I like or hate her like this.

"Y/n you're here! I didn't tell yoongi that you were coming to surprise him. He is going to be so happy" Sophie gushes pulling me into a hug. A very tight hug.

When she let's me go she hands me a scent blocking necklace. Everyone human who enters has to wear one. Some hybrids have this thing where if they really really like your scent they will try to claim you as their mate. I'm not really sure how it works but it has happened a few times.

I put the necklace on and Sophie tells me to follow her. The shelter is one big building with many different sections. Many hybrid groups are I'm the same sections, for example: all animals considered to be cats are put together. Tigers, lions, Jaguars, ect.

Sophie opens the door to the cat section and right off the bat there are a bunch of hybrids messing around. Jumping around and laughing. It's honestly really wholesome.

"He is in room 34. He won't respond if you knock some just open the door"

I nod and smile at her. I look at the door numbers and see that his room is at the end.

I walk up to the door and when I open it I see a depressed looking yoongi. He is just sitting on his bed staring at the wall. The small pout on his face is so adorable but i don't like it.

"If you are here to introduce me to another family I don't want it! Leave me alone" yoongi snarles tightening his grip on his blanket.

Note to self: don't anger yoongi. Angry yoongi isn't nice. I clear my throat and cross my arms "Well that isn't a nice way to greet me, now is it yoongs?" I say frowning at him.

He stiffens for a minute before quickly turning his body. He stares at me. His mouth opens but snaps shut before he says anything.

I smile at his reaction.


Is he crying? Why is he crying? I open my arms and he quickly makes his way off his bed and into my arms.

His grip is so tight that his fingers have turned white. I know I shouldn't find this adorable but I do. He is such a cutie. "Whats with all the tears pretty boy?" I laugh running my fingers through his hair.

His sniffles slowly get more quiet and after 5 minute he stopped crying. When he looks up at me he looks so hurt and sad. His eyes are all puffy.

There is no way I'm leaving here without him today. I don't think I would be able to even If I wanted to.

"You let them take me" he whimpers, his eyes getting glossy again.

He feels like I abandoned him.. At the time I didn't realize how attached he had gotten to me. He didn't show any emotion when leaving so I thought he was fine.

That was my bad. I forgot that he was leaving so I was a bit upset when he left. I made it a goal not right get attached and I did.

I hug him a little tighter and let out a sigh. "I know, I know and I'm sorry. But in here now and If you would like I want you to come home with me"

He looks up at me and gives me a look.

"I'm being serious yoongi. I'm here to take you home, if you want to"

He stares for a moment before nodding and smiling up at me.

He shoves his face back into my chest and I feel something wrap around my leg. I look down and it's his tail? Is that a normal thing for hybrids? God I have no idea!

I have so much to learn..

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