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Y/ns Pov
Fuck I'm so late. So fucking late. I promised them I would be at the center early but a Ceo I partnered with a few months ago passed away so I had to pay my condolences and then the movers fucked up the beds and furniture I bought for all of them so I had to wait for them to finish building everything. I want them to feel at home and make sure they have things when they get here.

I tell my driver to stay and get out of the car. I genuinely hope that they aren't upset at me. I wanted to get them first thing but shit happens. When they are officially 'mine' they will be around all the time so they won't have to worry about being abandoned and I won't have to worry if they are or aren't safe.

Boram has sent me countless messages telling me that they are waiting and that they seem upset. I told her I'm doing everything as fast as I can but she doesn't listen. I asked her to put them on the phone so I can explain why I'm taking so long but she said no and 'not talking to them will motivate you to move faster'.

I open the centers door and instantly see a pissy looking boram and annoyed looking Soobin. Soobin is glaring at boram like he wants to leave and she is glaring at him, honestly I don't know what emotion she has on her face.

When soobin sees me he smiles and waves me over. I walk up to them and give them a small smile. "Everything good between you two?" I ask, my eyes moving from one to the other.

Soobin goes to open his mouth but Boram starts talking first. "We are fine y/n. Go talk to your hybrids and I'll go get the damn paperwork. Don't talk to soobin, he likes to yell at people today" she grumbles, grabbing my arm and pulling me away. I look back at soobin and he shrugs. I give him one last smile before facing forward.

Boram walks me to the guys room and smiles at me. "They have been a bit... Anxious today. Just be smart"

I nod and she walks away. Boram has a small thing with the Txt pack. She isn't their owner, officially anyway. She won't let anyone adopt them because she wants them but she is to nervous to ask. The Txt pack don't want to be adopted by anyone but her but they are waiting for her to ask. Overall a very confusing situation that I don't really understand all that much.

I knock on the door and in a few seconds the door flies open. It's Hoseok. When he sees me he wraps his arms around me and soon after I'm attacked by another set of arms, and then another. I look down and it's the youngest three.

I look over at the last four but they are all keeping their distance. Yoongi doesn't look happy and neither does Namjoon, they look irritated.

"You said you would be here first thing in the morning and it's already past 3pm" Namjoon grumbles crossing his arms. 

I nod and smile at him. "I know, I'm so sorry. I tried to get here as quick as I could but shit got in the way. I know I promised but I wanted to make sure everything was ready and okay for you guys. Forgive me?" I explain, looking back down at the youngests who haven't let go of me yet.

I look back up at him and he stares at me for a moment before nodding.

"Let's get everything signed and we can talk when we get home okay?" I say looking at them all. They all nod, some less hesitant than others. All look excited.


When the walk in they look amazed, honestly like kids in a candy store. They are staring at every small detail of everything around them.

Namjoon smile turns slightly sour. His nose scrunches and he frowns. "Why does it smell like another hybrid? Do you have other hybrids?" he questions looking around.

I shake my head no and smile at him "No I don't. You guys are it. My brother has a hybrid who has come over and stayed a few times. He might have scented around. If I had known I would have gotten some kind of scent removal" I explain shrugging.

He nods and seems like his is sniffing the air. "Koala?" he questions.

I nod.

He nods and finally looks at the others. Jimin and jungkook are both jumping around excited and Hoseok is laughing at them. Namjoon smile reappears and you can instantly see how fond he is of them. He is always on guard, never letting himself breathe. He isn't the oldest but he is the protector. He takes care of everyone no questions asked. I have to teach him that he can calm down, that he doesn't have to protect everyone.

I know how most people treat hybrids. Like they are animals or they are pets or objects but I'm not doing that. My hybrids are mine. They are my responsibility and how people treat them reflect on how they treat them. They will get the utmost respect from anyone. If they want to work they will, if they want to stay home and spend their days shopping and having fun then they will. Whatever they want they get. They are my family now.

"Can we look around? Can we see our rooms??" Jungkook asks smiling at me. I nod and signal for them to follow me.

"Of course. I set up individual rooms for each of you however if you want to sleep in the same room I have a room set up for that too. I also have rooms which you can design for whatever you want, it can be a library, a music room, whatever you guys want." I explain as we start walking through the hallway.

I start showing each of them their rooms and leave them there so they can look around and look at their new things. Namjoons and yoongis are the ones closet to mine. I know they would feel better in the middle however, Boram told me they have issues sleeping and have nightmares. Its better if I'm closer to them. All of them know where my room is if they need me.

Yoongi goes instantly into his room and plops down on his bed. He looks exhausted so I tell him to nap and I'll wake him up when it's time for dinner.

Last it's just me and Namjoon. He is exhausted. I can see it and I'm sure the guys can too. I put my hand on his arm and his head snaps in my direction. He looks confused.

"You can breathe now. Explore, have fun. Scroll through the internet or something. Have fun. It's the first day so I'm letting you all settle. If you need anything come to me. You deserve to have fun like they are so have fun. Do you need anything?"

He blinks at me a few times and looks like he is thinking. "Do you have a library here..? I- uh haven't had the chance to read in awhile. The guys like to run around and everything but I really like to read" he mumbles giving me a small smile.

I nod and reach my hand out. He stares at it for a second then holds it. "Let's go. I'll show you my favorites"

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