Exo- Kaisoo

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Y/n's pov
I'm avoiding them. I'm avoiding them like the true coward I am. I know I shouldn't, it isn't their fault that I'm an idiot who decided to fall for both of his best friends at the same time.

It's not like I don't have any self control, I do but it's difficult to act like a normal human being around them when they spend all of their time jokingly flirting with me. At first I took it seriously when they flirted with me but after awhile I felt like they were joking so I ignored it and started going on with conversation as normal.

I just need to meet someone new and get over them. It can't be that hard, right? I mean people get over feelings like this all the time. I just need to stay away from them for awhile to save our friendships.

It's been about two weeks since I've seen either of them and it's slightly killing me. I've become so dependent on them that I'm not sure what to do with myself anymore. When I am bored I normally walk over to one of their apartments or go to their company because they spend a lot of their time there nut now that I'm avoiding them I'm stuck in my apartment ready to rip my hair out. I've gone to 4 new cafes and took up teaching a few new dancing classes instead of my normal 3 classes a week.

I get a text from Maggie asking me to teach another class in thirty minutes because my coworker is sick. Do I really want to? No, no I do not. But i love Maggie and if she works any harder her feet might actually fall off so I text her that I will and that I'll be there in twenty. She thanks me.

I quickly grab one of my outfit and change into them. I dance a lot, wether its for work or for fun. The guys know about it vaguely but I haven't really told them much about it. All they know is that I dance for work, thats it.It's not like I'm actively hiding it because there is no reason to but it's kinda just my thing. They are involved with pretty much everything in my life except my work.

I grab my bag and walk out of my apartment, locking the door. I'm fucking exhausted. I need to get coffee before I do anything.

I walk into the studio and see Maggie sitting at the desk with a huge smile on her face. Her eyes light up when she sees me and she stands up. "Y/n! Your boyfriends are in the back room! You should have told me that you are dating such handsome men" She giggles bouncing as she speaks.

She has had far too much coffee today but boyfriends? "Boyfriends?" I question, smiling at her.

She nods a few times. "Yes! Kai and... I forgot the other ones name, it also starts with the letter K. They are idols I believe" she says.

What the fuck. They are at my job? Right now.

I take a deep breath and nod at her. I walk to the back room where the lockers are and she wasn't lying, They are both siting there on the staff couch, Kai pinching Kyungsoo and kyungsoo threatening to hit Kai. They both are like children. I clear my throat and they both straighten in their seats a bit.

They both smile at me but I keep my face blank. "Why are you both here?" I question walking to my locker.

"Well you weren't answering your phone or your door. we missed you so we decided to come see you here" Kai explains. I sigh and shake my head. I forgot they have dropped me off before.

we are all silent until hear kyungsoo speak up. "Why are you avoiding us? Did we do something? We were going to give you time but we know how you get when people don't at least attempt to talk to you. You don't like being alone and we miss you"

I put my bag in my locker and grab my water bottle from inside of it. I close my locker and when I turn around they are both standing right beside me. Really really close to me. My eyes widen a bit and I feel my cheeks heat up . I back up a bit and they both are frowning at me. "Why did you tell Maggie that we are dating?" I ask, frowning right back at them.

Kai looks confused for a second before smiling and looking over at Kyungsoo "You told her that we were y/n's boyfriends? That was smart " He says laughing and high-fiving him. Kyung smiles too and shrugs proudly. They can't be serious for five seconds. We can't even have a normal conversation. Their laughing kinda makes me feel like they are making fun of me.

I roll my eyes and push past them before they can turn their attention to me. "I have a class to teach. Go home, if I wanted to be laughed at I would have become a comedian." I grumble, walking out the door.

I don't want to do this. I don't want to deal with this . I want to see my best friends and not want to kiss them.I want to be able to hang out with my favorite people without forcing a myself to distance from them. I want to go on a date without wishing it was them there with me. I don't want this.

I don't want to. I can't. I can't put myself through this again, I want to live my life in love with two people who may never love me back. I want to be happy. I seriously just want everything to stop.

instead of saying anything to them while thye are calling me I walk into the dance studio where a bunch of teenagers are standing. Teens are easy to teach, they are here because they want t be and they are increasingly more confident which makes them kind of shameless when they try. Easy.

"Welcome everyone, I'm y/n and I'll being your instructor for today. Since this is a beginning class.."

when I left the studio the guys had left. They had said bye to Maggie but didn't say anything else. I was slightly disapointed that they left but I was more glad than upset. It makes things much easier. 

I walk to my front door and notice that my door is already unlocked. I open the door and instantly am hit with the smell of food. I walk inside and my house is way cleaner than I left it. There are no dishes sitting on the table and my blanket is no longer sitting on the couch. I look around and see Kai standing there with an apron on.

He looks nervous, he is smiling at me. Kyung then appears, he also has a apron on but his is a bit dirty. His smile is a bit less nervous than Kai, his smile is a bit more confident.

"Hey love.. We knew we should talk and so we decided to cook and clean for you" kyung says putting his hands together. He and Kai both have a look that I can't completely recognize.

I stare at both of them for a few seconds then I nod. They both also nod and Kai points his head towards the kitchen. He starts walking and I follow , as does kyung. When I get full view in the kitchen my table is full of food. Different dishes are placed, leaving very little room for even a rice bowl.

Kai pulls out a chair for me to sit in and runs his hands through my hair when I sit down. I look up at him confused but he just keeps staring at me. Kyung clears his throat which makes Kai look away from me and he sits on one side while kyung sits on the other side of me.

As we eat I have two hands resting on my thighs. They do this sometimes so I don't really react to it. when we finish they both take the dishes and do all of them with me just watching them.

"I can do the dishes later.. You guys don't have to." I say staring at them. They didn't even turn to look at me.They both just say no. I sigh  but don't argue because they will win even if I try to argue.

After 10 minutes they finish and  Kai pulls me up and drags me to the diving room where he pushes me down on the couch. They both sit next to me, very close to me. I can't even say anything before Kyung starts speaking. "Earlier we weren't trying to make fun of you. We told her that we were your boyfriends because  that's what we would be the next time we saw her."

What? What is he talking about. Kai groans and hits kyungsoo.

" Jesus K, be a bit more clear. What kyung is trying to say is that we want to be your boyfriends. We weren't trying to make fun of you, we just went about it in a bad way." Kai explains, grabbing one of my hands.


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