Stray kids

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This is a mates story so like alpha Omega betta. But they have a mind link. Idk how to describe it, just read it lol
Y/ns pov
Leaving. That's what my plan has been for awhile. My mates.. They are sweet and they are caring and they are great to me. They always have been. They are just always so busy, they are focused on their career and I don't want to be the one to drag them down. So I'm leaving.

Their schedule ends late tonight. 12:00 is when their last thing on the schedule ends so I have to leave before them. Most of my stuff has been packed over time so it's only the major things left.

I have to take my nest apart.. No that's not smart I'll just leave it up. Taking it apart will be to much for me..

I start with emptying out my drawer with my hoodies/ the guys hoodies in it. Those are coming with me. I then go through my shirts, pants and other things like that.

Then there is my desk.. That is where I keep pictures, important documents, my art items or items that hold memories. I haven't gone through it in awhile..

I open the first drawer and there are all the pictures. In small messy  piles. Pictures of small adventures me and all of them have gone on pictures I took of them at random moment or just cute pictures we took together. It hurts to see them honestly. Not because we are unhappy now.. Just because I know that I'm leaving them and we won't be able to make these memories anymore. .

Me leaving is the best thing to do right? Their manager told me to do it and so did their Ceo so this is whats best.. They just want whats best for them and so do I. Regardless on how much it hurts.

I go through the pictures admiring each one and picking out the ones I want to bring with me. A lot of pictures are from our first dates. I had met Chan first  and realized he was one of my mates, he then introduced me to everyone else. I went on individual dates with each of them and then we did a lot of group dates.  They had always planned something all of us would enjoy. I planned a few dates but they were never as good as the ones my mates planned.

I check my phone and see that it's 3 pm. I have gone through the pictures for an hour and I'm still not finished..

Why do I always move so slow..

After 30-ish more minutes I hear a sudden confused voice from behind me. "Y/n. . Why is your stuff packed?"  I turn and there stands Jeongin with his arms crossed on his chest. His eyes are directly on me.

I sit there and stare at him for a moment and then Felix appears right next to him. His eyes dart around the room and then on me but instead of the confused look Jeongin has Felix has a panicked look..

"Y/n.."I hear Felix whisper. He notices the papers sitting next to him on the table and grabs them. His and Jeongins eyes read the paper and they both look like they are about to cry.

Jeongin grabs all 8 papers and rips them up with a frown evident on his face. Jeongin let's out a shake breathe and turns his head to look at Felix.

"Help y/n unpack.. I'm calling everyone else" jeongin mumbles out before turning and walking out of the room. Felix just stares at me for a moment. He looks like he is trying to gather his thoughts.

He lets  out a sigh and leans against the wall. "Is this why your scent has been so.. Off?" Felix asks looking away from me. I let out a deep breath and shrug.

"Let's go to the living room and wait for everyone else to get home.. But.." he suddenly stops talking and starts crying. Lightly but its noticeable. "You aren't going anywhere.. You can't just leave.. I-" he just sighs and tells me to come to the living room.

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