Bts- Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi (2)

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Y/ns pov
I'm a nurse. I absolutely hate it but I haven't had the guts to quit but honestly after today I think I'm done. I get assigned the the pediatric unit often because I'm semi good with people and I am good at calming people down. I was planning on quitting 6 months ago but there was a really young couple who had a sick baby and nobody would take them seriously.

I was the only one who would really explain anything to them or help them. I knew if I left they wouldn't have anyone who really listens to them so I stayed. The baby had a bunch of Surgeries and procedures done but he kept getting sick. Long story short he died today.

I went on break and another nurse was supposed to be watching him. She got distracted and during that he unfortunately died. My boss blamed the entire thing on me saying 'You should have been there! It's your job to be watching him, not eating fucking lunch!'. He was the one who told me to go on break. I didn't want to but he insisted.

Now all I want to do is go home and see them. Him- I mean him..


After crying in my car for 20 minutes I finally go inside my house. There is no sight of hoseok but someone is cooking. Hoseok can't cook so it's probably Yoongi. It's been about a month since Hoseok brought Yoongi over. Yoongi apologized for everything he did and told me that he would understand if I didn't accept his apology. He told me that he was going through stuff with his family and he took it out on me and he has regretted it for years. He promised to do whatever He has to do to make me forgive him.

Yoongi tries to help out and has shown his kindness in small ways to try and not make me uncomfortable.

In the short time I've become quite used to having him around. He is quiet but funny and he doesn't ask to many questions. He is nice to be around.. I know he's not the same person he was those Years ago and I try not to let what happened get in the way of how I see him.

I walk straight into the kitchen to indeed see Yoongi cooking something.

"Hey Yoongi. Where's Hoseok? " I ask standing in the doorway.

He flinches and looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Y/n you just scared the fucking shit out of me! What the fuck!"

I laugh and apologize. Yoongi is very jumpy sometimes. He is easily scared so whenever I get the chance I tend to scare him a bit. Me and Seok find it hilarious but he hates it.

He takes a deep breath before turning back to the food. "Hoseok is showering. He was planning to make you tea for when you got home but him being clumsy he spilled it on himself and then spilt sugar on himself" he says laughing.

"Although by the looks of it he would have had to remake it anyway because you prefer mint tea after you have had a bad day and by the looks of it you have had one. Why were you crying?"

How did he know that? I've had a lot of bad days since Yoongi came around, my boss is a dick so I tend to come home crying or upset.

Both Yoongi and Hoseok have shown disliking to my boss and I don't blame them. I hate him, everyone does. He is lazy with his work and doesn't listen when people say that he is wrong, and he is wrong most of the time. He only has the job because he has been at the hospital for a long time.

"I lost a patient today.. A baby I've been watching for months.. I got very attached to him and his parents so losing him was hard- and then my boss decided to act like a dick and blame the poor childs death on me which just made everything more difficult"

Yoongis movement stops and he sets down the spatula he is holding. He turns and looks at me. In feel myself starting to cry once again and before I know it yoongis arms are wrapped around me. If he we're to hug me a week ago I would have pulled away instantly but I find his hug comforting. I feel kinda... Safe? He's hugging me and I feel safe...

I wrap my arms around him.

We sit there for a minute until he pulls away from me and wipes my tears. "I'm so sorry y/n. For you losing your patient and for your boss being an absolute dick. You don't deserve that.. I'll make you some tea, you just sit there and calm down okay?" he says cupping my face with his hands. I suddenly start to blush. I nod and he smiles at me.

He turn and goes to the cabinet that the mugs are in. The food looks like it's practically done. In passing he turns off the burner and moves the pan over.

Yoongi definitely has changed. I will 199% acknowledge that. Even in high school he had small habits I noticed. I hated him, I genuinely did but there was always something.. Pathetic about him. Not like worthless pathetic but more vulnerable uneasy pathetic. He was hurting and even I noticed that. Is that an excuse? Fuck no, but I know a certain part of me understands the want to put your anger on someone else when you're angry or hurting. I want seok to be happy and I want yoongi to be happy.. I want to be happy. Hell I am happy but what if i would be happier with both of them..? What if Seok isn't happy with me anymore and just wants yoongi?

I want Seok, always, no matter what.. But seeing yoongi in our kitchen, casually with a smile on his face is so fucking comforting.. Recently seeing him and Seok together has been amazing. I've ignored it but I can't help it. I find myself thinking about both of them in the middle of my work day. What they are doing, if they are okay, if they are safe. It used to just be Hoseok but now I can't stop myself from thinking about both of them.

No. Im not dealing with this today. My goal is to go tonight without crying anymore, my eyes hurt now.

He sets the tea in front of me and smiles at me. "You okay?" he asks rubbing my hand. I stare at his hand touching mine for a few seconds but nod eventually.

He mutters a small okay and goes to the food and starts making our plates.

Hoseok walks out with a towel on his head, his hair is dripping. Why does he never properly dry his hair? When he sees me he smiles and kisses my cheek.

He seems to notice my puffy eyes and he frowns. "What's the matter baby? Did something happen?" He questions kissing my forehead. He does it again and again. I'm not sure why he does but he does and I love it.

"I'm okay, just had a bad day. Luckily Yoongi was here to make me feel better with tea." I say smiling up at him.

He looks a bit shocked but nods and his smile grows bigger. He sits in the seat next to me and holds my hand tight. Hoseok doesn't act very serious most times, he likes to act funny and smiles all the time but his seriousness shows in other ways. As stupid as it sounds his eyes show a lot of his emotions. He looks curious now.

Yoongi sets a three plates down and sits next to me. Hoseok thanks him and instantly starts eating. I do the same. Yoongi seems pleased that we like it and starts to eat.

Hoseok  starts talking about his day and how much fun he had teaching his young class a new dance. He talked about how this one girl perfected it after only two tries and how proud he want. Yoongi started talking about new songs he started producing and how he couldn't get one part right.

This goes on for a few minutes when I suddenly decide to blurt out " I want to try it. Try us"

Shock is definitely one way to describe their faces

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