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Straykids as clingy vampires

Y/n's pov

Hanging out with friends is a normal thing. People do it almost everyday. I used to do it more often but now that I constantly have 1-8 people following me around constantly,it's been pretty difficult.

When they see someone they don't like they pull me away, whenever I'm 'too close'  to someone they make me leave or spam my phone. I knew teaching the rest of them how to use a phone was a bad decision. Felix, Seungmin and jeongin already knew how to use it and that was already enough spam texts or calls.. Now I constantly have people texting and following me.

Its never ending and mildly exhausting. I love them, don't get me wrong. But they don't really understand boundaries.

At first it started of with jeongin, I met him while I was in the library. He came up to me while I was reading and randomly made conversation. at first I didn't really know what to do, but he was insistent with the conversation and we became friends.

Slowly but surely he introduced me to the others and boom, now I'm stuck with them. Something about mates or some shit like that. I haven't listened to them about it enough. We talk, constantly. But as soon as they mention me being their 'mate' I block it out. It's too early for us to talk about it.

Right now im are a cafe with Jae, who is my best friend, his girlfriend Jimin, and our other friend taehyun. My phone is off which probably isn't smart but  I don't care. I'm having fun with my friends. I deserve alone times.

Jae ordered me a tea and a piece of chocolate cake. Thank god because Im literally obsessed with chocolate cake. I love chocolate and baked goods in general but chocolate cake is my favorite. That make me sound unhealthy..

Jimin is clinging onto Jae as usual. I love her but Jesus, she is practically on his lap. "Y/n it's been so long! What have you been up to?" I hear jimins high pitched voice ask.

I shrug and take a bite out of my cake  "nothing much. I've stayed at home mainly" I say smiling at her.

She hums in response and smiles "are those boys still following you around?" she questions. I nod and she laughs. Jimin was the first person other than me to notice the boys following me around. They usually do it from afar. I complain about it but they just dismiss it saying 'we just do it because we worry'  so I've learned to accept it. 

We continue on basic catching up conversations. They ask me about what's going on with me, I ask them. They interrogate me on my dating life, etc etc.

I love them but I'm not trying to talk about my dating life.

"Uhh y/n. Are those your boys waving from across the street?" Mark asks, pointing out the window. We all turn  and of course, there stands all of them. I groan and put my head on the table. Mark pats my back and I let out a deep breath.

"Stay here.. I'll be right back" I grumble out standing up. I grab my bag and walk out of the cafe with a angry look on my face.

I cross the steet and walk up to the 8 males staring at me. When I get in front of them they all start asking if I'm okay for some odd reason. "Why are you guys here..?" I question glaring at them. They all look confused for a moment and point towards the phone in jeongins hand.

"We couldn't see where you were.. We got scared you were hurt"

They are lying and we all know that. They could tell that I was fine, they always can.They would feel it if I got hurt.

I try not to get frustrated with them, I truly do, but they always need me. They get overly worried almost everyday and whenever I say I need to do something they get upset and all pouty. I like them, I really do, but I need time and space to be independent. I don't like being dependent on others. It makes me anxious.

I sigh out of pure frustration and clench my fists. I need to keep in mind that I'm their most recent mate. Vampire culture is very different than human culture and I can't completely blame them.

"Go home. I'll call later, when I get back to my place" I grumble unhappily.

That only makes them pout more and for a second I think one of them might cry. That makes me feel a bit unsettled. Seeing them cry is like being stabbed in the stomach, they have only cried around me twice and it made me feel like absolute shit.

Felix very suddenly pulls me towards him and for a second I think he is just going to run off while holding me but he doesn't. Instead he kisses my cheek. "You have been so busy.. We haven't really seen you all week"He explains in a pained tone, one that hurts.

I think they all know how they affect me, they have too. I cannot think of any other reason why they may treat me the way they do.

Most people would die at the chance to have motile men practically obsessed with them , but ion used to doing things alone. I've learned how to keep to myself in a way where people can only know the top layer , they push and push to learn more. They want to know everything and a part of me wants to tell them everything, every detail about myself, every memory. The other part of me is telling me to pull away, hide.

If I stay with them I know that means I'll have to turn into a vampire. That's forever with them, all of eternity.

I'm not sure if they or I am ready for that commitment.

So I have been slightly avoiding them.

"I-" I stop myself from talking because I have no idea what is about to come out of my mouth. I stand there for a second and sigh. "I'll come over after this. We can hang out and I'll stay the night. Only if you guys go and let me have fun with my friends. Okay?" I ask

They all look at each other and I know they are talking through their bond. I hate it when they do that. Maybe It's because I don't know what they are saying?

They all say their own agreements and after each of them kiss my cheek and says bye, they leave.

Leaving me standing here looking like a blushing fool. And with my friends all looking at me with teasing looks..

I hate and love my life.

Word count.: 1156

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