An Honorary Member

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Naruto was quite pleased when he received the bounty for Ronda Night and though he felt as if he was going against the deal that he had made with Makarov that he wouldn't take contracts that actual members of Fairy Tail would want, this still didn't do anything to damper his mood. With his earning tucked within his bag, Naruto, Ryu, their Celestial Spirits as well as the two prisoners he kept; followed after Romeo and Weng as they lead them towards the Guild hall once more. 

While they were doing this, Naruto was thinking on all the things that he could do with the money that he had earned though he didn't allow himself to go spending it all before he actually got to savor the feeling of having an income within this new world. By the time Naruto had run through the list that he had within his head of potential belongings he could purchase, they had arrived at the entrance of Fairy Tail. Wishing to keep Romeo and Weng from being in the crossfire if the Guild Master is upset with his claiming the reward for Ronda's capture, Naruto decided that it would be best to have them run an errand for him. 

"Romeo. Weng. Could you please lead Ryu towards the area that we are keeping my other prisoners. I would like for him to deposit the newest ones there as well." Naruto inquired of the two Fiore Mages before they were able to enter into the Guild Hall. 

Though it seemed as if both of them understood the true reason Naruto was asking them to do this, both seemed to jump for the chance to avoid any potential fallout between Naruto and the man that was in charge of the Guild; especially since the contract that Naruto completed was one that they had stolen. 

Both males quickly made their way towards the side of the building where the Guild had their own jailhouse and though Ryu knew the location of the building, he was quick to grasp ahold of the prisoners before following after the Fiore Mages. Once Naruto was sure that they had vanished, he made his way inside of the Guild. 

Upon entering the Guild hall, Naruto saw that it seemed just as busy as it normally does which oddly soothed him since he was used to spending so much of his time on his own. As he fully entered into the Guild, his eyes immediately searched out the short elderly male known as Makarov. Thankfully, it didn't take him very long to do this and soon Naruto was headed in the direction of the Guild Master. 

Naruto wasn't the only one to notice the arrival of the other and soon he watched as Makarov himself headed towards him. Though Naruto wanted to be the first one to speak, this goal was soon dashed when he heard Makarov's voice. "Naruto! I am pleased to see that you have finally returned. Where is Romeo...please tell me that he isn't out somewhere making trouble?" Makarov muttered out as he started searching for the boy in question. 

Wanting to keep the anger that was bound to happen away from Romeo and Weng, Naruto decided to steer the conversation in another direction. "Romeo is fine. He is just taking some prisoners that I captured to your jailhouse so they won't cause any more trouble for us. Speaking of trouble...I know that I agreed that I wouldn't take contracts that your members would want, but I ended up completing a contract for a bounty on a bandit leader. The money that I received for doing so was quite generous and I am willing to give your Guild a cut of it if you overlook this transgression." Naruto explained to the Guild Master. 

Once his words came to an end, Naruto was waiting for the explosion of fury that he was used to when he went against what adults had told him was allowed though when none came; he started feeling an emotion that caused him slight discomfort. 

"You have nothing to worry about Naruto. I will overlook this so called transgression of yours for a cut of your reward and eventually once we get to know you further and you have won over more members of the Guild; I may start allowing you to take more rewarding jobs." Makarov replied. 

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