The Council of Three

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Light filtered into Naruto's eyes from a nearby window. Slightly agitated by the disturbance, Naruto groaned as he opened his eyes to the world around him. As he took in the details of the room that he happened to be waking in, Naruto saw that he wasn't surrounded by the familiar items that he had placed within his room back inside the library. 

Before his mana was able to go out of control due to waking in a strange area, Naruto noticed that a strange female was staring at him from across the room and the moment that he saw her; memories flooded back into his mind. This female was none other than the one he had used his magic to save. Seeing her, Naruto was flooded with relief that he was able to save her life since someone that was so young should at least get to enjoy living it before having it cut short. 

Naruto was just about to speak when the Genin's voice suddenly came filtering into his ears. "You have finally woken up!" the Genin cried out as she jumped from her chair and dashed across the room to stand extremely close to Naruto and though she had taken a break from speaking so she could do this, her voice was quickly coming towards him once more. "I myself have just woken up as well and when I did so, they told me that I was extremely lucky to be alive and that the only reason I am was because of you and the strange Jutsu you used." the stranger called out once more. 

Hearing that the Ninja of the Bone Village thought that he had performed a Jutsu that they haven't seen before didn't surprise Naruto and for a moment he thought about allowing them to believe that though since he has spent enough time hiding parts of himself from the world around him; Naruto decided that he wasn't going to go with that option. Pushing himself up into a sitting position, Naruto stared at the Genin for a moment longer before responding to what she had said. "I only did what any upstanding citizen of the Land of Fire would have done..." Naruto muttered out to the Ninja that was standing way to close to him for comfort. "...and what they saw me do wasn't Jutsu, but spells since I have a different energy source than most people of this world." Naruto explained before throwing his leg over the bed. 

As Naruto was doing this, he noticed that there was concern within this strangers eyes which slightly confused him since they knew absolutely nothing about each other though Naruto could assume that it had to do with how he saved her life. Thankfully, the female didn't try and stop him as he pushed himself from the bed that he was laying in. Once on his feet, Naruto began to speak. "If you could be so kind as to tell me where the rest of my group is and point me in the direction of the leader of this village; I would be grateful." Naruto asked of the Ninja. 

Though Naruto could tell that she was about to answer him, she was unable to due to the door opening which pulled their attention away from each other to see who it could be that had entered the room. 

Doing this, Naruto noticed that both Ryu and Kamera had come inside of the room and though he was pleased to see them; he was now concerned about the status of the Celestial Spirits that were with them. "Ryu. Kamera. Where are the others?" Naruto questioned as he fully turned his attention away from the Ninja that was within the room when he had woken up. 

Both Ryu and Kamera could see the worry that was plastered throughout Naruto's eyes and as usual, Ryu stepped forward. "There is no need to worry, Naruto. Everyone is fine; they are busy around the village trying to find any possibilities of helping the village." Ryu explained to Naruto and once the blond Mage heard that the spirits were fine, the worry drained from his eyes. 

Now that he no longer had to fear for their safety, he felt pride at the thought that his spirits would help out the village of their own free will. "I am glad to hear that though now that I have woken up; I think that it is time that I meet with the leader of this village." Naruto called out as he strode across the room that he had woken in. 


Though Naruto wasn't expecting this village to have a Kage, he was still expecting the village to have voted someone into the position of leader though since this wasn't the case; Naruto had to hold a meeting with those that were in charge of the three Ninja Clans that reside within the Bone Village. 

The leaders of the three Clans sat amongst themselves in the building that Naruto had spotted when they were traveling through the village. 

Currently, Naruto was trying to keep his temper in check due to one specific member that was seated on the Bone Village Council. This Council member that was infuriating Naruto was the one that was known as Tonri Kurosu which was the Clan that convinced the other two to join forces and start this village together. 

"Tonri! This is ridiculous..." a male voice called out from across the room. Hearing the voice, Naruto diverted his attention towards the owner which happened to also be one of the Council members. " were the one who suggested we call for aid from the Fire Daimyo in the first place and yet now you want to turn the help that he had sent us away?" the Council member cried out. 

Once the man had finished with his words, Naruto turned his attention back to Tonri who at the moment was bristling with anger at the way that the other Council member was speaking to her. "I suggested that course of action because I thought that the Fire Daimyo would be wise enough not to send us children who would just now be of age to enter into the Academy! The only way these children would be of use in this war, is as cannon fodder!" Tonri roared back before motioning towards one of the Ninja at her back. "Please escort them out of the village..." Tonri instructed of the Ninja who immediately moved to do as they were ordered. 

Though this village may have been the ones to ask for the Fire Daimyo's help, they weren't the ones who had hired him and as such; Naruto had no plans to leave so easily. "Direct Line!" Naruto whispered to himself the moment that the Ninja got close enough to him. 

This sent Naruto flashing across the room and once he did, Naruto used the Ninja's surprise at this to attack once more. "Ice Make: Dagger!" Naruto called out which immediately called forth the ice that he had beckoned for. As the dagger was forming in his hands, Naruto flung himself around the Ninja by grabbing ahold of his neck and once he was behind him; Naruto placed the dagger that he created against the Ninja's throat. 

With his dagger still placed firmly against the Ninja's throat, Naruto forced both his and his captive's body to turn towards the Council of Three once more. "Since you obviously weren't impressed by my skills in healing; then maybe you would be more impressed by how easily I will kill." Naruto growled towards Tonri as he readied to plunge the dagger into the throat of the Ninja.

Immediately, Tonri jumped from her seat. "Wait!" the Kurosu Clan head cried out as she slammed her hands against the table in front of her. Though Naruto had stopped the movement of his dagger, he had yet to remove it from the Ninja's throat and as such; he waited for Tonri to continue speaking. "Please remove the dagger from my brother's throat and we will reconsider our position." Tonri informed Naruto. 

Though before he was able to do as the Clan head asked, the man that had called her out during the meeting spoke once more. "Your opinion in this matter no longer concerns us, Tonri. After witnessing this boy's skills both the Kioni Clan and the Ginki Clan wish to procure his services in the coming battles." the man informed those within the council chambers. 

Since Naruto has now ensured that his mission wouldn't fail because of one Council member, he released his hold on the Ninja that he had captured as well as called his mana back from the dagger he had created. 

As the dagger broke apart within his hands, Naruto started speaking once more. "Thank you for accepting the Fire Daimyo's help in the problems that your village is facing. We hope that this will lead to a great friendship between the Fire Daimyo and the Village Hidden in the Bones." Naruto sincerely spoke out as he bowed his head to the three village leaders.       

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