The Promise of Riches

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Naruto stood within the chambers of the one person he thought that he would never meet, though since the blond Mage had rescued his son from an Assassination attempt; it didn't surprise Naruto that an audience with the Fire Daimyo had been requested after he collected Suzu's bounty. 

Since Naruto was still with Ryu when the summons was made, Ryu had chosen to follow Naruto to see the Daimyo though when they arrived; Ryu's father had yet to. Though thankfully, this wasn't something that Naruto had to wait long for. 

When the Fire Daimyo took his throne, Naruto gave him a slight bow since the blond Mage was born within the village that serves him and with that came loyalties to this throne. "I heard that you were the one that we have to thank for the capture of the filthy Assassin known as Suzu." the Fire Daimyo spoke out as he sat upon the throne that looked down on the whole of the audience chambers and though he hadn't yet mentioned Ryu's arrival with him, Naruto noticed that the Daimyo's eyes lingered on him for a moment before he started speaking. 

"That would be the truth, Lord." Naruto responded as briefly as he could to ensure that not too many questions of his identity were brought up.

Naruto felt thankful when he heard the next words that come out of his Lord's mouth since they had nothing to do with him. "I hope that the work that it took to capture that filth was worth the bounty that was on him though I personally think it would be since I am the one that paid for that bounty to be placed in the first place. You might not know this but Suzu was responsible for the death of my beloved daughter eight years ago." the Fire Daimyo explained as his eyes began to take on a cloudy film as if a memory had come to haunt him though the Daimyo didn't allow this look to cloud his eyes for long. 

Though Naruto was saddened by the death of the Daimyo's daughter, he was slightly confused that the Fire Daimyo didn't bring up the plot that Naruto had just stopped. With this confusion, came the next words that came from Naruto. "My Lord, did the guards not tell you that when I captured Suzu that he and his accomplice were trying to kill Ryu?" Naruto inquired of the Lord of the Land of Fire.

The look of horror that appeared on the Daimyo's face told Naruto that the guards he shared this information with must not have passed it along which would mean that the Daimyo would soon give them a piece of his mind. "Ryu, are you alright?" the Daimyo cried out as he jumped from his throne to make his way to his son and once he arrived, Naruto was happy to see that the Daimyo grasped his child in a hug.

"At least one of us have caring parents." Naruto concluded as he continued to watch the interaction between father and son.

The hug that the Daimyo and his son shared wasn't a long one but it was tender enough to cause an ache within Naruto for the love that he himself didn't have growing up. When the Daimyo had finished with his son, he turned back to face Naruto. "For saving the life of my son, it looks like I am in your debt far more than what that bounty will cover. I will give you anything that your heart desires." the Fire Daimyo informed Naruto.

Knowing that with this promise that Naruto could ensure that his existence within the capital city could be kept from his parents; he decided to inform the Daimyo of what it was that he wanted. 

"First off I would like to thank you for this. There are only four things that I need from you. The first is for you to ensure that my presence within the capital never reaches the ears of those within the Leaf Village. Second, I would like it if you would grant me permission to continue to see Ryu. Thirdly, I would like if you would ensure that I am able to pick up work that Ninja would normally take on..." Naruto spoke out, giving each of his demands to the Lord of the Land of Fire and though he had to take a break from speaking to catch his breath it was clear to both Ryu and his father that Naruto wasn't finished. "...and lastly, I want you to grant me the right to create my own Clan and when the time is right for me to return to the Leaf; I want this Clan to have access to the village." Naruto finished. 

To say that the Fire Daimyo was surprised by this would have been an understatement since he was expecting Naruto to ask for money or something of value and though it was odd to the Daimyo, he had made a promise to give Naruto whatever he wanted. "I am willing to give you everything that you asked for. Just give me the Clans name that you are wanting to start and I will get the paper work started for your Clan to be a Land of Fire one." the Daimyo informed Naruto. 

Hearing that the Fire Daimyo was willing to give him everything that he had requested of him, Naruto got to work telling him the name that his Clan will have. "Thank you Daimyo. My Clan will be known as..." 


Six Months Later

Over the course of the last six months, Naruto had been spending a lot of time with Ryu and since the Fire Daimyo gave them permission to do so; none of the Lord's guards tried to stop Ryu when he exited the capital city.

Currently the two boys were outside in the training grounds though they weren't doing any activities that they would need the grounds for. "What do you mean that today is your birthday? Why aren't we out celebrating?" Ryu questioned as he scoffed at how nonchalantly Naruto had brought up the day that he was brought into this world. 

Naruto didn't understand what the big deal was since for him birthdays were never celebrated which made Naruto grow into that mindset. "Its not a big deal Ryu. I haven't celebrated a birthday once as far as I remember and anyway; I have another idea that we could be doing which we could say is my way of celebrating." Naruto replied before pushing himself from the ground. 

Since Ryu didn't like the way that Naruto looked at him, he gulped in slight fear as he followed after the blond Mage.  

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