As Time continues to Pass

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Six Months Later

Naruto felt the hairs on the back of his neck stick up as the chill of some unknown spirit haunted him around every corner of this room. Even though Naruto knew that Celestial Spirit wasn't one who was frightening to look at from the glimpses he has had, he knew that the way the spirit moved was disturbing. 

From the few glimpses that Naruto has had, he knew that the spirit that he was tracking was one that was star shaped and from the lights that followed when he caught sight of the spirit; Naruto figured that it was using some sort of Spatial Magic. 

Even though Naruto already had a teleporter in his ranks, he was still curious as to what and who this spirit truly was. With this curiosity, Naruto called out a welcome to the spirit in hopes that it would come and speak with him.

"Whoever you are, you have nothing to fear from me. I just want to speak to you and get to know you." Naruto cried out as he continued to look through the room in hopes that the spirit would appear.

The moment that Naruto's echo vanished, a dark purple portal opened in front of him and from within it's depths came the spirit that he had sighted. Just like Naruto thought, this spirit was in fact in a form that resembled a star though this form like so many of the other spirits he encountered quickly changed. Where there was once a star was now a woman who looked to be in her twenties. 

"There are many spirits in this place with far more patience than I for you to speak to. Why waste your time speaking to a spirit with a power such as mine?" the female inquired as she crossed her arms as if to question Naruto's presence in her domain.

Naruto has gotten used to the fact that the Mages that have come before him have destroyed the trust that the Celestial Spirits here had for his kind though he was thrilled that he didn't end up shot once again. Hoping to gain a way to win this spirit over, Naruto spoke out. "Every Celestial Spirit within this place interest me. I am documenting every spirit that I come across in hopes of paving a way for Mages and Celestial Spirits to work together again." Naruto answered back as he held up the journal that he has been documenting these spirits in.

The female spirit's eyes rose as her interest in Naruto grew and though Naruto was about to make use of this advantage he saw written on the spirit's face; he was unable to since she started to speak once more. "So you are one of the scholarly type then. I always found your kind to be interesting to be around then the Mages who are only after blood...I assume you would be a Mage who would be interested in traveling to other realms." the female star spirit spoke out.

Naruto was definitely intrigued by the prospect of traveling to different worlds especially if it allowed him to travel to the world that was run by Mages instead of Ninja like his own. "Are you offering to unlock that potential for me?" Naruto inquired of the spirit in a voice where he hoped it didn't come off as too desperate. 

"I would be interested in working with another Mage again though be warned I am not someone who will allow myself to be beaten or mistreated by someone who is supposed to be my partner." The spirit informed Naruto. 

Hearing this, a grin spread across Naruto's lips. "The other spirits I have signed a contract with have had no problems with how I treat them." Naruto responded back. 

Once his words reached her, the star spirit moved her hand up towards her chin as if she were thinking about what Naruto had just said to her. "Very well, I would like to meet these spirits of yours and then I will decide if I think you should be allowed to sign my contract." the female spirit explained before turning and walking through the portal that was still glowing behind her. 

With nothing else to do but hope the spirit had made her way to the central part of the library, Naruto left the room that he had found her in. 


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