The Journey's End

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Five Days Later

"We are almost there Naruto. Just keep on pushing." Kurama spoke out in a soothing encouragement that would help keep the exhausted blond walking. 

This had the effect that Kurama intended since Naruto continued to push himself even faster all in hopes of reaching their goal. Though with every step that Naruto took, it felt as if every ounce of his strength was seeping from him. "I don't know how much further I can go..." Naruto groaned as he felt his legs about give out. 

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to continue on for much longer if he didn't get some rest, Naruto decided to take a break on one of the rocks that sat at the side of the road. Now that he was sitting and allowing his aching muscles a chance to rest, Naruto decided to occupy himself by looking around at the landscape that surrounded him which allowed him to see how close they were too the capital of the Land of Fire. 

"...Kurama. We are extremely close to the Fire Daimyo's Palace. Why did you bring me here, if he learns of my identity he will contact my parents!" Naruto cried out in fear which almost brought him bolting to his feet save for how sore his legs were at this point.

Kurama knew how easily Naruto's parents could cause fear to run through him and knowing this is what caused the next words that echoed through Naruto's mind. "Calm yourself Naruto. We aren't going into the capital city. The location that I am having you take us is in the forest that surrounds the city." Kurama explained to the frightened boy.

Hearing this calmed Naruto's racing heart since he knew that many citizens of every city tries to keep from the forests of this nation if they can help it. "I will just rest a little longer before continuing on." Naruto whispered under his breath. 


"Its been five days! How is it possible that the Ninja that you sent out to find him couldn't find one trail that was left by Naruto?" Hikaru roared at the two individuals that stood in front of him.

With each word that Hikaru threw at them, his parent's continued to sit there and look unashamed of the fact that they have done nothing to look for the son that had left them. This only caused Hikaru to become even more enraged with his parents. 

Before Hikaru was able to give them another piece of his mind, his father started to speak. "Hikaru, my son. I told you when you informed us of Naruto's disappearance that it could take awhile for us to locate him. We are doing everything we can too find our other precious child." Minato spoke out in a voice that clearly told Hikaru that he wasn't worried one bit for the safety of his youngest child.

No longer having the patience to do with his parents, Hikaru abruptly turned and left his father's home office. Though as he closed the door behind him, he waited to see what else they may say now that he was no longer in their presence.

"Dear, did you really send out a team of Ninja to find Naruto? Or was that all for Hikaru's benefit?" the voice of Hikaru's mother fluttered out. 

Over the course of the six days that Naruto has been missing, Hikaru has grown to be repulsed by the sickly sweet way that his parent's talked to each other and he had to physically keep himself from gagging. Thankfully, this was made easier by the fury that he felt upon hearing his father's next words. "Of course not dear. That would be a waste of our resources. We both know that the only use that Naruto had after his chakra was destroyed was as a container for the demon's soul. Our Clan's will do much better now that we won't have that waste around." Minato laughed out in response to his wife's question. 

"How could they say that about their own child..." Hikaru thought with horror filling his soul, though this wasn't where this thought ended. "...fine then. I will find him myself!" Hikaru promised as he stormed away before he did something that could get himself executed. 

As Hikaru was fleeing from his father's office, he didn't notice the eyes that were watching him. 


"You said that we were headed to this place right?" Naruto asked of his lifelong companion as he stood outside the doors of the building that he had just asked Kurama about. 

As Naruto asked the question, he was wondering what in the world had possessed Kurama to bring him to a building that didn't even look safe to enter. Since Kurama shared a body with Naruto he was able to hear the thoughts that Naruto hadn't yet voiced. "Naruto, I know that you can't yet sense the magic of this place but once you are inside; you will come to understand why I have brought you here." Kurama explained to his blond host. 

Since Kurama had never given Naruto any reason to doubt him; he trusted the words that Kurama had just given to him. With a deep breath, Naruto pushed his way inside of the abandoned building.

At first Naruto thought what he was seeing was an illusion since there was no way that in this world that something so small on the outside would be so ginormous on the inside. "How is this possible?" Naruto muttered to himself as he continued onward through the shelves of books that lined the entirety of the room that they had just entered and from the stairs that went up both sides of the room, Naruto knew that there were other levels to this building. 

"This is the magic that I was telling you about. Deep within this place live spirits that have been trapped here from a different dimension. If you bond with these beings they will be able to show you many forms of magic that will allow you to decimate all that stand before you." Kurama spoke out in a voice filled with promise of things to come. 

Naruto liked the sound of this and decided that he made the right choice in leaving his village in the first place even though the pangs of leaving Hikaru behind still throbbed within him. "Alright Kurama. Lets see what who we can find here." Naruto answered back before setting off to explore the first floor of what he assumed to be an old library.    

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