The Journey Ahead (7)

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Mkay, so, I don't know how many actually do listen to the songs I put up, but if you do, it won't let me find a video that plays the songs I want :/ so, if you TRULY want the song, I will put the title at the top of each chapter of the designated song for this chapter. Sorry guys! I hope you are liking the story so far! ~anywho, sorry for the rant, here is the next part of 'The Journey Ahead'! :)

We ended up heading back with the two men to their group. A bunch of filthy marauders. They looked as though they haven't seen a girl in a while, the way they crowded around us was sickening, they basically acted like animals.

"Why Ya gotta claim her? Can't we share?" One of them said to the guy that still had me in his grasp.

"Dammit Len stop bein so greedy. For once let us have somethin as good as her." The other man said eyeing me.

"Now now boys, if Len is willing to share that's his choice, but otherwise you know the rules." The looked over to Len as his grip became tighter around my middle. I looked over to where Daryl stood. His knuckles were turning white from how hard he was gripping his crossbow. The look in his eyes was pure hatred. They were no longer the comforting and cool blue they once were, they were a dark blue that screamed murder. He bit his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood and he stood there with heavy breathing. He. Was. Pissed.

"But, where are my manners?" The gray haired man said. "The name's Joe." He said outstretching a hand to Daryl, but there was no way he was going to be touched unless it was an arrow through his skull. Daryl stood there staring daggers at Joe. He awkwardly put his hand down and went on talking.

"So, what's a bowman and a little missy like yourself doin out in the middle of the woods?" He turned to me, probably expecting me to be the easy one. Thought wrong.

"Oh Ya know, just taking an evening stroll." I said with a slight cockiness in my tone.

"Ya know what bitch?!" Len said as he flipped open his pocket knife and held it up to my throat. Daryl took a step forward and practically pounced on him until Joe pushed him back. Daryl's breathing became more and more rapid. He was about to burst any second.

"Len, shut you goddamn mouth, You say enough." Joe said as he turned around and faced Daryl.

"So, what is she to you? Your girlfriend?" Joe teased. Daryl glared at him for a second and then switched his gaze to me. The pained expression on my face and the fear that coursed through me from the blade being pushed up to my skin was enough to send him on a murdering spree.

"My Wife."

I stumbled a bit from his words. At first I was confused and an unsettling feeling shook me to the core. I then realized that it was all a stunt.

"This true?" Joe said to me. I nodded as a tear escaped and trailed down my cheek. He noticed this and made his way over to Len.

"Let'er go Len."

"No! I claimed remember? Since when did the rules change?"

"Do ya want this bowman to go all redneck on yer ass? He'll bash your head in before you could grasp the concept here." He said in a slight whisper. Len then let me go and I stumbled to the floor in front of him. I put my hand to my neck and took it away, seeing a small pad of blood cover the palm of my hand.

"Just don't forget who claimed you bitch." He said as he pushed my hip with his foot, causing me to collapse to the floor. Daryl pushed past the other men and rushed to my side. He placed his hand on my back and the other on my cheek. He tilted my head up to see how bad the cut was on my neck, but it was nothing too serious. He looked straight at me and nodded as if asking me 'you good?' I nodded in return as he helped me up to my full stance.

The Journey Ahead | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now